Chapter 197 Wang Jian’s pride!

 You can hear the meaning from Ying Zheng’s words.

Xia Wuji is much more important than the people of Daliang City.

And the meaning of the words is also very clear.

If it really reaches the point where it cannot be suppressed, Xia Wuji will not be allowed to come into contact with the epidemic. This is naturally because he is worried that Xia Wuji is already old and frail.


Once a pandemic breaks out.

There are also people who can give up those Daliang City directly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty."

"I understand."

"If it really comes to that point, I will pay attention." Xia Wuji agreed with a smile.


Doctors are always benevolent. If a major epidemic really breaks out, it is impossible for Xia Wuqi to give up treatment.

He was not a military commander, nor was he a court official.

Since I studied medicine in the past, my only thought was to help the world by hanging a pot.

Naturally, he cannot achieve the heart of a king like Ying Zheng.


"I will set off tomorrow, so I will go back and rest first."

"Your Majesty, take care." Xia Wuji smiled, turned around and walked out of the palace.

Ying Zheng looked at his back silently, with a thought in his eyes.


sit down.

He took out a blank imperial edict, wrote a sentence on it, and then closed the imperial edict.

He said loudly: "Ren Xiao."

Hearing this, Ren Xiao strode into the main hall, bowed and said, "Please give me your orders, Your Majesty."

"After escorting Dr. Xia to the Wei Kingdom, we must not let him put himself in danger."

"Also, if the epidemic cannot be controlled, hand this royal edict to Zhao Feng." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I accept the edict." Ren Xiao respectfully accepted the order.

Fusu Mansion!

The people who were discussing were preparing to leave.

At this moment.

The housekeeper of the Young Master's Mansion arrived quickly.


"My lords."

"There is good news from the palace." The servant said excitedly.

Wang Wan and others stopped and looked at the housekeeper.


Fusu said immediately.

Everyone present is an important minister who supports him, so there is nothing to worry about.

"After Wang Jian left Zhangtai Palace, his face was dull and he seemed to have suffered a serious blow." The housekeeper said immediately.

Hear this.

Wang Wan and others looked at each other, and then they all laughed.


"What I thought was indeed correct."

"Although the king did not accept Wang Jian's resignation and return to his hometown in the court, the king finally became afraid of the Wang family and the Zhao family."

"Wang Jian Zhangtai Palace and his entourage must have been told something by the king this time, so their faces were dull and distraught." Wang Wan said with certainty with a smile on his face.


"Two married families control half of my troops. No king will tolerate it, even if the king is the lord."

"Although the king has not given up Wang Jian's military power now, this is because the world has not yet been unified. In the future, one of the Wang family and the Zhao family will lose power." Wei Zhuang also nodded and smiled.

Chunyu Yue on the side also smiled and was very happy.

To this.

Fusu didn't say much, but nodded silently.

Why did the news in the palace spread so quickly?

Apparently there were people from Fusu in the palace.

Both fight.

Fusu naturally has those hidden lines, not just him, Hu Hai must also have them.

The news about Hu Hai came faster than that from Fusu, because Zhao Gao, the magistrate of CRRC, was Hu Hai's teacher.


"Now you can relax."

"Although I have offended the Wang family and the Zhao family this time."

"But in the end we won."


"These two families will be greatly controlled by the king, so we don't need to worry too much about them." Wang Wan said with a smile, with a sense of pride that the plan had succeeded.

Fusu nodded, but in the end he couldn't bear it and said, "I still don't think it's too much."

"Young Master, as the future prince, even more so the future king."

"You must never act too kindly to a woman."

"If you want to get to that position, you must see blood."

"Anyone who stands in the way must die." Chunyu Yue said immediately.

Hear his words.

Even Wang Wan and Wei Zhuang looked at Chun Yuyue with admiration.

It seems that it is really rare to be able to say this in the mouth of Chunyu Yue, a rotten scholar.

"Master Chunyu's words make sense."

"I hope the young master can keep this in mind." Wang Wan and Wei Zhuang immediately bowed.

Look at these ministers who are eager to support you.

Fusu felt that if he didn't nod, maybe they would always be like this.


"It's up to you."

"But if I really lose, then you..." Fusu sighed.

But he couldn't say the last sentence.

"The eldest son will never lose." Wang Wan said firmly.

Several other people also had firm faces.

Now the only people vying for that position are Fusu and Hu Hai.

Maybe the other young masters had intentions, but they didn't take any action.

But on the surface, it is inevitable for Fusu to become the prince, so many courtiers are willing to be the ministers of the hidden dragon.

Because the winning rate is too high.

Go to the General's Palace!

The Wang family's carriage has just returned.

In front of the mansion.

Wang and Wang Yan were waiting with their two little guys.

There is also a little guy named Wang Li.


Wang Yan's belly grew bigger again, and it was obvious that she would give birth soon.

As the carriage approaches.

Wang Jian walked down slowly.

As soon as he saw Wang Jian's face.

Wang and Wang Yan looked at each other with worry.

"Master, did something happen today?"

"Why are you like this?"

Wang immediately stepped forward and asked respectfully.


Wang Jian came back to his senses with a smile on his face.


If anyone saw this smile, they would definitely think that Wang Jian was forcing a smile.

"Ah Weng." Wang Li shouted loudly.

"Grandpa." Zhao Qi and Zhao Ling also shouted loudly.

"Hey." Wang Jian responded with a smile.

Then he looked at Wang Yan who had a big belly.


"You've been pregnant for so long, why are you waiting outside?"

"walk into."

"Today is your husband's great joy." Wang Jian said with a smile.

Then he strode towards the house with rapid strides.

When close.

Wang Jian is still the same as before.

Holding Zhao Qi in one hand and Zhao Ling in the other.

Wang Li, on the other hand, quickly stepped forward to lead the way, looking like a young adult.

Wang and Wang Yan looked at each other.

There was a worried look in his eyes.

However, they didn't ask any questions outside the house, but followed Wang Jian towards the house.

Returned to the house.

In the main hall.

"Butler, is dinner ready?" Wang asked immediately.

"Go back to Madam."

"It's ready." The butler replied immediately.

"Then serve it." Wang said.

"Yes." The butler responded immediately.

Then he quickly retreated.


"Did something happen in the palace?"

Wang Yan asked with concern, a look of worry on her face.

"What could happen in the palace?" Wang Jian looked confused.

"Dad, why do you look so ugly?" Wang Yan also looked confused.


Wang Jian looked at his daughter's worried look, and then looked at his wife's worried look.

Then he smiled and said: "It's okay, it's dad who is thinking about things. It's not that the king is blaming me for anything, it's because you guys are overthinking."

What happened in Zhangtai Palace today.

This is not something that can be calmed down in a day or two.

For Wang Jian.

The mood he felt in Zhangtai Palace today was even more shocking than when he was promoted to Captain of the Guards, making it difficult for him to recover.

His son-in-law is the eldest son.

Moreover, there is a great chance that the eldest son will be appointed as the crown prince by the king.

His two grandsons are both legitimate children.

This means that his eldest grandson Zhao Qi will be the crown prince in the future.

Looking at Wang Yan again, her daughter will become a princess or even a queen in the future.

Wang Jian could only say he was excited about this feeling.

He really wanted to say it, but he couldn't say it under the current situation. Wang Jian could only hold it in his heart.

"But I heard some rumors, saying that someone said that the marriage between the Wang family and Zhao Feng had too much military power, which also made the king fearful."

"And sooner or later they will attack my Wang family." Mrs. Wang said worriedly. Wang Jian shook his head, then glared: "What do you know about women's opinions?"

"Don't worry, your Majesty will not touch our family even if he touches anyone in the court."

"Our family's better days are yet to come."


Wang Jian was holding Zhao Qi and Zhao Ling, which was a joy.

The dullness in the palace and the daze when he returned were all gone.

Seeing Wang Jian like this.

Wang and Wang Yan looked at each other, both of them a little confused.


"What happened to Wang Wan and the others in the court today."

"I took note of it."

Wang Jian thought coldly in his heart.

Wang Wan and Wei Zhuang had already completely offended Wang Jian by admonishing him in the court today.


Wang Jian didn't have much hostility toward them or Fusu.

But from now on.


Even without Zhao Feng's relationship, hostility already exists.

But with this level of relationship, there is no need to say more.


Wang Jian must fight for it.

In Weidu!

It’s about twenty or thirty miles away from Daliang City.

There were camps everywhere, and civilians were everywhere, and of course there were many Wei soldiers among them.

"Everyone listen."

"Daliang City has been overturned by floods and it is impossible to return."

“The pandemic was not averted.”

"After today."

"We, Da Qin, will build houses and cities here to ensure the needs of the common people."


"Now my country, Da Qin, is still at war."

"Everything here is conducted according to military regulations."

"If anyone dares to disobey military regulations and disrespect military orders, he should be dealt with according to military regulations."


"As far as military status is concerned, it is inseparable."

"As for civilians, if there are relatives who can defect to them in the future, our Daqin army will distribute dry food and allow them to leave."

Zhang Han stood in front of a refugee camp and said loudly.

Military orders fell from his mouth.

Countless warriors shouted again.

For all civilians to hear.

And on the other side.

The place where the Wei army surrendered its troops.

All the soldiers were stripped of their armor, except for their weapons, but the military uniforms on their bodies can naturally be seen.

After the water flooded the beam.

The smarter Wei army would disguise themselves, take off their armor and military uniforms, and put on civilian clothes. Now they are among the civilians. With so many civilians, it is impossible for Da Qin to detect them.


Under that flood.

Life and death.

Very few Wei soldiers did this. At that time, they were all thinking about how to save their lives under the flood.

"All surrendered soldiers, listen."

"Your king has fallen, and your kingdom is about to perish."

"After today."

"You are all slaves, but our Great Qin is not a murderous country. As long as you don't run away and obey military orders, our Great Qin will not kill you."

"As for the future, whether you will be demoted to slavery or reorganized into a prisoner army like us will depend on the will of the current king."

"But now."

"All you have to do is cooperate and respect military orders."

Tu Sui looked at the soldier sitting on the ground in front of him and shouted coldly.

This battle is over.

Although many people in Daliang City were swallowed up by the flood.

But the people who survived still accounted for the majority. After all, after the flood destroyed the city tower, the two rivers began to be dredged and blocked, and there was no successor.

Although Daliang City is located downstream, there is still a downstream downstream, and the floods are gradually receding.

Moreover, the driftwood and many highlands in the city also allowed many people to survive.

About 70% to 80% of the people in the city survived.

The original 400,000 Wei troops in the city now survived 60-70%, and nearly 200,000 were captured by Qin.

Facing the ferocious Qin army surrounding the prisoner camp, these surrendered soldiers had no choice but to obey.

They had just experienced the flood purgatory, even though they hated Qin in their hearts, but at this moment they could only endure it in order to survive.

Go to the general's barracks!


"There are too many soldiers and civilians in Daliang City this time."

"Based on the rations our army currently has, I'm afraid it's less than half a month's worth." Tu Sui reported with a look of helplessness.

"Do you mean to give up on them?" Zhao Feng raised his head and glanced at Tu Sui.

"The general feels that there is no need to waste our army's rations for these people. These hundreds of thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of mouths are really too much consumption." Tu Sui replied honestly.

"If they are still an enemy country, then of course there is no need to pay any attention to them."

"But now that the Kingdom of Wei has perished, they are all members of our Huaxia clan, and they are all our subjects of Da Qin."

"For both emotion and reason, I can't just watch them die." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

There was no doubt in the words.


There were many people in the army who opposed the settlement of these 600,000 to 700,000 Wei people, and many even thought of letting them fend for themselves.

But Zhao Feng suppressed them directly and had to keep them alive.

"Kuai Pu."

"How long will it take for the imperial court's relief food to arrive?"

Zhao Feng looked at Kuai Pu.

"Report to the general."

"We can arrive within half a month." Kuai Pu replied immediately.

"That's good." Zhao Feng nodded.

At this time!

"The last general Yang Bo wants to see you."

A voice came from outside the camp.


Zhao Feng waved his hand.

Zhang Ming immediately said: "Come in."

next moment.

The curtain opens.

A middle-aged general came to Zhao Feng.

"The last general Yang Bo meets the general." The visitor bowed to Zhao Feng.

He was wearing the commander's armor, but he was not the commander of the main camp, but the commander of the logistics army.

He is the commander-in-chief of the logistics army under Wu'an Camp.


Zhao Feng waved his hand and signaled Yang Bo to get up.


"Almost 60% of the grain depots in Daliang City have been preserved." Yang Bo said with excitement.

Hear the words.

Tu Sui and Zhang Han's faces flashed with joy: "In this way, I, Da Qin, do not need to spend much food and grass."

"In order to deal with our great Qin, Wei Wuji originally stocked up a year's worth of food and grass in Daliang City for the 400,000-strong army. Even if a lot of it was destroyed by the flood, it would definitely be enough for the civilians and soldiers."

"Moreover, we only need to turn the grain into porridge and water, and it can be used for a longer period of time." Zhang Han said excitedly.

As for the situation of Wei State's hoarding of military rations, Da Qin should not be too clear about it.

"Why weren't these grains washed away by the flood?" Tu Sui looked at Yang Bo curiously.

"I have to say that Wei Wuji is cautious."

"He built many underground grain storage warehouses throughout the capital of Wei. They were all sealed and could not only withstand floods, but also set fires."

"Almost all the grain in the underground granary has not been washed away." Yang Bo replied immediately.

"Ha ha."

"It seems."

"What Wei Wuji was trying to prevent was that we, the Qin Dynasty, would use fire attacks to burn the grain and grass of Wei State. That's why we built so many underground grain depots."

"This is really an advantage for me, Da Qin." Zhang Han replied immediately.

"General Yang."

Zhao Feng looked at Yang Bo.

"Please give me the general's orders." Yang Bo bowed.

"Daliang is flooded, and if prevention and control are not good, there will be a major epidemic."

"Did all the logistics troops who entered the city to clean up the corpses cover their mouths and noses?" Zhao Feng asked in a deep voice.

"Come back, General."

"Everyone covered their mouths and noses, and after coming out of the city, all military uniforms were burned and disinfected with strong alcohol."

"Prevent the possibility of a major epidemic." Yang Bo said immediately.


"All the bodies in the city were buried on the spot."

"Let the officers and soldiers of the logistics army work hard for a while and deal with it as soon as possible."

"As for those who are buried under the soil and under the ruins, there is no need to care."

"After the corpses that are visible are cleared away, the front of the repair city of Daliang City will be sealed." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

"The general will understand." Yang Bo said immediately.


"First transport the food from the city." Zhao Feng said again.


After explaining for a while again.

Tu Sui and the others slowly left Ying Zheng.

at this time!

"Report to the general."

"Prefect Han Fei wants to see you."

A guard's voice came from outside.

I heard it was Han Fei.

A smile immediately appeared on Zhao Feng's face.

"Please come quickly." Zhao Feng shouted immediately.

For Zhao Feng, Han Fei can be considered a friend of his.

(End of chapter)

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