Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 219: Zhao Feng: For the sake of Great Qin, follow me and kill!

Chapter 219 Zhao Feng: For the sake of Great Qin, follow me and kill!

In Yuyang City!

The mansion where Lecheng lives.

There are many Yan army soldiers guarding outside.

It seems that Qing Qin wanted to prevent Le Cheng from committing treason again.

Inside the mansion were hundreds of Le Cheng's personal guards.

Although his official position was General, the favor he received was far less generous than that of General Qin.

The number of personal guards that a general from another country can have must not exceed five hundred.

Le Cheng was drinking alone in his house.

Suddenly it comes.


The exclamations of several guards came from outside the palace.

But the next moment there was a burst of fighting.


The palace door was knocked open by the bodies of several guards.

A man in black rushed directly into the hall.

He rushed to Le Cheng in almost the blink of an eye.

"Who are you?"

Le Cheng's expression changed and he hurriedly grasped the sword beside him.


The man in black who arrived said one word.

Hear this.

Le Cheng's expression changed.

"The secret warriors of Qin are lurking in the city."

"How dare you break into my general's house."

"Aren't you afraid of death alone?"

Le Cheng held the hilt of the sword and said coldly.

And outside the palace.

Many Lecheng guards gathered and stared at the man in black who came.

"By order of General Zhao Feng, I came here to give General Lecheng a way out." Yingbu said very calmly.

Covered in black clothes, Yingbu only had a pair of eyes exposed.

I heard the word Zhao Feng.

A glint flashed in Le Cheng's eyes.

Then waved his hand.

The guards in the palace immediately withdrew.

The palace door was also closed.

"What did Zhao Feng send you to do?"

"Speak frankly." Lecheng said solemnly.

"The King of Yan was suspicious of the general, and Qing Qin even imprisoned General Lecheng here."

"In the face of our Qin attack, it is impossible for the Yan State to stop it. Since the King of Yan does not trust the general, why should the general sacrifice his life for the Yan State?"

"There's a great opportunity now."

"As long as the general is willing to accept our troops into the city, the superior general will definitely not treat him lightly."

Although Yingbu did not reveal his face, his expression was extremely solemn.

"Now that my military power has been taken away, how can I still respond?"

"Your Excellency, please come back."

"Just pretend I haven't seen you today." Le Cheng said solemnly.

"General Le."

"The general said so."

"As long as you are willing to submit to the Qin Dynasty, you will be treated well by high officials and generous salaries, wealth and honor."

"Being imprisoned here, does General Le think that King Yan will be kind to you in the future?"

"If I, the Qin Dynasty, break the city, you will still be the first person King Yan wants to deal with." Yingbu still said.

Listen to Yingbu's words.

Le Cheng showed a thoughtful look.

After going on for quite a while.

"How can I trust your words?"

"If I really help the Qin army enter the city, will Zhao Feng kill the donkey?" Le Cheng showed an expression of emotion.

"Great Qin is not the State of Yan, and it will not resort to such despicable means as killing donkeys." Yingbu said seriously.

After Le Cheng struggled for a moment, he immediately said: "Okay, I promise you to lead the Qin army into the city."

"Tomorrow I, Da Qin, will launch an attack."

"How will General Le prepare to respond?"

"How to distinguish the soldiers under your command?" Yingbu asked immediately.

"Although my military power has been removed, Qing Qin has not yet had time to remove the military power of the generals who are loyal to me. I still have 40,000 to 50,000 to 50,000 troops under my control, all of which are stationed at the east city gate. I will order all soldiers to wear black The cloth was wrapped around his arms, just waiting for General Zhao Feng to order all the troops to enter the city from the east gate." Le Cheng thought for a while and said immediately.

Yingbu expressed his confusion: "Why didn't General Le directly lead his army from the city gate to attack the west gate guarded by Qing Qin?"

A cold look flashed in Le Cheng's eyes, and then he said: "There are nearly 400,000 troops in the city. The armies under my command cannot change the situation of the war. The tens of thousands of soldiers and horses cannot even break through the defense line I have set up to defend Qing Qin. But as long as the Qin army can Once you enter the city, you can complete the attack from both front and back. "

Yingbu immediately showed a look of sudden realization: "I see, the covenant has been established. I will immediately send someone to tell the general about General Lecheng's words."

"Your Excellency, just go and tell General Zhao Feng."

"The King of Yan is afraid of me, and Qing Qin is even more wary of me."

"I've had enough, too."

"Tomorrow, as long as Da Qin attacks, I will open the east city gate to welcome the Qin army into the city." Le Cheng immediately showed his hostility towards the Yan Kingdom.

"It's a deal."

"After the city is broken, the general will personally thank General Lecheng."

Yingbu said with excitement, then clasped his fists, turned around and walked out of the hall.

Le Cheng followed directly: "I will send this brother off."


Lecheng also followed out.

Outside the palace.

Seeing Yingbu coming out, a large number of guards looked at him eagerly.

However, looking at Le Cheng coming out, these personal guards did not take action.

"General Le, see you tomorrow."

Yingbu laughed, then took out an eagle claw buckle, threw it at the house, jumped to the roof, and gradually disappeared.

Watch him leave.

A guard came forward and said, "General, do you really want to surrender to Qin?"

"Who said that?"

"I was forced to surrender to Zhao State in the past, so that one hundred thousand brothers would not die innocently."

"Now my life in Dayan is in danger. Even if the king doesn't believe me, how can I, Lecheng, betray me."

"Let's go see Qing Qin." Le Cheng smiled, with a determination to coexist with the country in his eyes.

At the Qing Qin Mansion.

I heard what Lecheng said.

A flash of wonder flashed in Qing Qin's eyes, but then a hint of shame emerged.

He slowly stood up and bowed to Le Cheng: "General Le, please accept Qing Qin's bow."

"Why is General Qing like this?"

Le Cheng immediately stepped forward and helped Qing Qin up.

"Originally I was a little distrustful of the general, but what happened today is enough to make me admire him."

"This is a great opportunity to make the Qin army suffer."

"Actually, the general had a better choice, but he gave it up for Dayan."

"Qing Qin admires such righteousness." Qing Qin said sincerely.

"It was really a helpless move to surrender to Zhao State. People all over the world said that I, Le Cheng, was disloyal. But in this battle, I will tell people all over the world that Le Cheng will coexist with the country." Le Cheng said firmly.

Qing Qin also nodded heavily. At this moment, he also trusted Le Cheng very much.

"The east gate is open. Just wait for the Qin army to enter the city. General Le will lead his army to block it, and then he can surround and kill them."

"Zhao Feng is known as the God of War in the Qin Kingdom, but this time he will suffer a loss in Yuyang."

"If Zhao Feng is defeated, the general and I will be famous in the world. As long as the Qin army is defeated, maybe Qi and Chu will change their stance and send troops to aid Yan, and the danger of destroying the country can be resolved." Qing Qin Said excitedly.

This move also allowed Qing Qin to see the dawn of defeating Qin Wu'an camp.

Especially being able to defeat Zhao Feng was even more of a challenge for him.

In addition to power, what people in the world pursue is prestige. Zhao Feng has never suffered any defeats since he led the army. Once he defeats him, Qing Qin will become a famous general in the world.

The reputations of Lian Po and Li Mu will all be overshadowed by his name of Qing Qin.

Think of this.

To celebrate Qin, you have to be happy.

Qin army camp!

Zhao Feng and the generals were still discussing the attack steps.

It was already late at night.


Zhang Ming walked in slowly from outside.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Feng raised his head and looked at Zhang Ming.

"Come back, General."

"This is a secret report from the secret men in the city." Zhang Ming took out a secret report and handed it to Zhao Feng respectfully.

Zhao Feng took it and opened it to take a look.


A smile appeared on his face.

"The country of Yan has no generals."


"I really think I'm stupid."

"But this time they were tricked." A sneer appeared on Zhao Feng's face.

Then he handed the secret report to Zhang Ming.

The latter understood immediately, walked up to the three generals with the secret report, and showed them one by one.

"The general's wooing strategy seems to be to win over Le Cheng, and it seems that Le Cheng will agree, so Le Cheng also believes that the general will believe him." Zhang Han said with a smile.

"From the outside, this is indeed the case. The last general and others did not receive the warning from the general at first, but they really thought that they really wanted to win over Lecheng as an insider. After all, the treatment he suffered in the Yan Kingdom was indeed unfair." Li You also said so. echoed.

"We can't see through it ourselves, let alone Lecheng."

"And Lecheng will definitely tell Qing Qin about this."

"At this moment, they should be thinking of ambushing our troops after they enter the city from the east gate of Yuyang." Tu Sui couldn't help but laugh.

This policy.

On the surface, it is indeed a strategy to win over others, and it is indeed feasible to cooperate inside and outside.

"Lecheng seems to be disloyal and unrighteous, but in fact he is very loyal to the State of Yan."

"It's impossible to get him to surrender."

"But that's why I can use it like this." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

With the strength of Wu'an Camp.

And Zhao Feng himself led the troops to kill them.

Breaking the city is not difficult.

But the killing after breaking the city is difficult.

The strength of the Yan army in the city is no less than 300,000.

The King of Yan has already issued a death order and ordered Qing Qin to defend to the death.

With so many troops guarding a city, it would take a while to kill even 300,000 chickens, let alone live people and the army of another country.

After entering the city.

It must be a brutal fight.

Zhao Feng didn't care about the life or death of the Yan army. What he cared about was the lives of his soldiers.

If some casualties can be reduced, that would naturally be the best.

"Qing Qin will need at least hundreds of thousands of troops to eat up my army entering the city, or even more. The west gate that they originally defended will be much empty."

"As long as our army enters from the east gate and then breaks through the west gate, Yuyang City will be surrounded by our army."

"The last general is willing to lead his cavalry to enter from the east gate and fight a **** path." Zhang Han immediately asked for orders.

"Yes." Zhao Feng nodded.

The city gate is open and the best opportunity is for the cavalry to charge into battle.

It is also the fastest way to break through the enemy's defense line.

"The east gate is a serious matter. You personally lead 50,000 cavalry to attack."

"Tu Sui, please send 50,000 infantry to accompany you." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

"The last general takes orders."

Zhang Han and Tu Sui responded immediately.

"As for Simon."

"I will personally lead the troops."

"The main force is two hundred thousand troops."

"Attack on time at noon tomorrow." Zhao Feng said solemnly.

"No." The three generals responded immediately.


"Go down and rest."

Having said this, Zhao Feng said no more.

"I will retire at the end."

All the generals bowed one after another and retreated.


"It's just a chess piece."

Zhao Feng smiled lightly.

At this moment, Zhao Feng thought that Qing Qin and Le Cheng might have been closely planning how to ambush the Qin army entering the city tomorrow.

Killing on the battlefield for so long.

Zhao Feng has long believed in the truth.

Don't trust anyone without reason.

This is even less true for an enemy general.

Not to mention Le Cheng's loyalty to the Yan State, just because his family and children were all in Jicheng, it would be difficult for him to betray the Yan State.

The next day! Early morning.

The Qin army came to Yuyang again.


Zhao Feng personally led the troops.


Zhao Feng shouted loudly.

Thousands of trebuchets and tens of thousands of archers.

Countless rolling stones and bows and arrows were fired towards the city.

The Qin army's tactics were to suppress with arrows.

And at the east gate.

The Qin army also gradually approached, waiting for the opportunity.

Inside the city.


"A Qin army has approached the east gate."

A deputy general reported to Qing Qin.

"Is General Lecheng ready?" Qing Qin asked.

"Already prepared."

"As long as the general gives an order, General Lecheng can send out a signal to lead the Qin army into the city."

"Everything is set up."

"The east city has been completely cleared. As long as the Qin army enters the city, our army can take down even a hundred thousand troops." The deputy general said with excitement.


Qing Qin nodded with satisfaction, with a smile on his face: "In this way, as long as I focus on the defense of the west gate and block the Qin army, the victory will belong to me, Dayan."

"Congratulations, General."

"As long as Zhao Feng is defeated, the general will become a world-famous general."

"I, Dayan, will also survive the country."

The generals on the side said excitedly to Qing Qin.

Listening to these compliments, Qing Qin also had a smile on his face.

"Everything is for Dayan."

Qing Qin said loudly.

"Everything is for Dayan."

All the surrounding generals said in unison.

At this time!

"Wind, wind, wind."

"Strong wind."

The sound of wind shaking the heaven and earth resounded through the sky.

Countless arrows rained towards Yuyang City.

"The Qin army is ready to attack."

"Send the general's order."

"Defend the city."

"Don't let the Qin army get even closer."

"Anyone who dares to escape from the battlefield will be killed immediately by the war supervisor."

"I will personally guard the inner city." Qing Qin shouted loudly.

"No." Many generals around responded.

Time passes.

Countless arrows fell, causing considerable casualties to the Yan army in the city.

But Zhao Feng still did not order the attack, but raised his head and looked at the sky.


Arrive at noon.

Zhao Feng slowly pulled out Longquan from his waist.

Got off the chariot.

Arriving at the vanguard formation that was ready to go.

next moment.

Zhao Feng turned around and shouted with authority: "Generals of Great Qin."

"I am Zhao Feng."

"Chief Officer of the Pioneer Army."

"Same as before."

"I Zhao will kill the enemy in front, and all the soldiers will follow me to kill them."

"If I fall, the attack will not stop."

"For Great Qin, attack!"

A loud shout.

Zhao Feng took the lead, holding a shield in one hand and Longquan in the other, heading towards Yuyang City ahead.

"I will fight to the death to track down the General."

"Follow the General to the death."


Countless warriors behind him shouted in unison.

With indomitable morale, he followed Zhao Feng's figure and charged forward.

as always.

Zhao Feng was in front, and his morale was soaring.

When the general comes to battle, he is a spur to every soldier.

And there is also the blessing of the official seal of luck.

As the army moves.

The whole ground in front of Yuyang City also roared and shook.


"Fire arrows."

"Swear to the death to resist the Qin army."

The Yan army on the tower roared.

Countless arrows were fired from the city.

The trebuchets in the city were also throwing wildly.

This is the final battle for Yan's national destiny.

Once the city of Yuyang is destroyed, the Yan Kingdom will be destroyed.

So they have to go all out.

The two armies exchanged fire.

Under random arrows.

Countless soldiers on both sides were killed by random arrows, and the battlefield was still so tragic.

Zhao Feng rushed at the front, with arrows falling constantly around him, but under his spiritual perception, none of the arrows could touch him. If Zhao Feng hadn't suppressed him, with his terrifying speed, he would have been able to hit him in a few seconds. He rushed to the city in one breath.

If the display of zhenqi were not too terrifying, Zhao Feng would not even need to use the shield in his hand to block.

But at a speed several times faster than ordinary people.

Zhao Feng also quickly approached the city gate.


There was no hesitation.

Long Quan mentioned.

The inner Qi in the Dantian becomes increasingly powerful.

Cut out with one sword.

It was such a simple sword strike without any martial arts, but with this sword strike, a blood-red sword energy shot out instantly.


This solid city gate was instantly cut through with this sword.

The sword energy was not even hindered by the city gate, the moment it shattered the city gate.

Dozens of Yan troops in the city were swallowed up by the sword energy without any chance to react.


The screams continued.

He was instantly killed by the sword energy that broke his body.

Just for a moment.

Dozens of corpses fell on the ground.

"Kill one of the Yan soldiers and get 1 point of strength."

"Kill one of the Yan soldiers and pick up a life span of 1 day."

"Kill one of the Yan soldiers and pick up 1 point of constitution."

as always.

Kill enemies to pick up attributes.

Dozens of attributes were picked up in an instant.

And Zhao Feng didn't hesitate.

The Longquan sword flashed with blood-red sword light.

After the Yan army in the city suffered a large number of casualties, they looked at Zhao Feng in horror, as if they didn't know why this happened, but with the military system still in place, they quickly blocked the gap and rushed toward the city gate.


Zhao Feng stepped directly into the city.

Long Quan slashed casually.

Sword energy slashed out in the air.

There would be no surviving enemy troops in front of the city, so Zhao Feng took the lead.

Every time the sword strikes, the sword energy will kill at least a dozen Yan soldiers.

Behind Zhao Feng were two thousand personal guards.

They are loyal to Zhao Feng, and everyone knows martial arts.

Follow Zhao Feng's advance.

They also quickly rushed into the city, led by Zhang Ming, who showed his innate strength and was not weak at all, easily killing the Yan army.

Two thousand personal guards went all out to kill the enemy.

It was even more terrifying than the charge and killing brought by thousands of troops.

With the combined efforts of Zhao Feng and his guards, corpses were everywhere in front of the city gate. They also gradually entered the city, expanding their foothold in the city step by step, while the Qin army outside the city followed step by step. , the archers were also firing arrows wildly to suppress the tower and the city.

And the other side.

The east gate of Yuyang City is located.

The appointed time has now arrived.

The East City Gate, which was originally closed, has been opened and completely opened.

There were even many Yan soldiers in the city waving black flags and signaling to the outside of the city.

Seeing this, Zhang Han showed a sneer on his face: "It's finally here."

"Brothers, listen."

"The cavalry charges to the end."

"Anyone who stands in the way of our troops will be killed."

Zhang Han shouted coldly.

"I will obey the general's orders."

Fifty thousand cavalry replied in unison.

At the rear, Zhuang Wei led 50,000 infantry to accompany him.


Zhang Han shouted loudly.

Immediately pat the horse and move it.

The war horse under him immediately galloped out.

"Follow the general."

The 50,000 cavalrymen shouted loudly and quickly rushed after Zhang Han.


Behind Zhang Han were thousands of personal guards.

They were also all loyal to Zhao Feng and practiced martial arts.

All are acquired realms.

On the east gate tower.

The general of the Yan army looked at the Qin army charging towards the city, with a sneer on his face: "Zhao Feng, it's just what he calls it. As long as you enter the city and our army blocks your retreat, you will be the turtle in the urn."

A large number of cavalry came.

And inside the east city gate.

It looked empty.

It seemed that it was cleaned up under the order of Le Cheng.

Zhang Han rushed into the city without any hindrance, followed by a large number of personal guards.

After entering, they quickly spread out and took up offensive positions.

As Zhang Han entered.

A deputy general of the Yan army came quickly: "Feng Le took advantage of the general's order to come to meet the Qin army."

"General, please lead your troops into the city quickly."

"Our army will cooperate with Da Qin to attack the Yan army in the city."

Heard this household.

A smile appeared on Zhang Han's face: "Yes."

But the next moment.

The spear in his hand stabbed directly.

The Yan Jun deputy general in front of him didn't have any chance to react.

There was a pop.

Instantly pierced by the spear.


A scream.

The Yan general looked at Zhang Han in confusion and horror, obviously at a loss.

(End of chapter)

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