Chapter 226 Tragic situation!

Yan State, Northern Xinjiang!

It was originally a relatively wealthy place.

At this moment, there are people fleeing everywhere.

The roads are full of people fleeing.

Men, women, old and young, bringing their families with them.

He didn't even have time to take away much of his belongings, and just fled towards the south.

This is just over a month.

More than a dozen cities in the northern frontier of the Yan Kingdom have been captured by foreigners. They kill people on sight and commit adultery on women when they see them, just like animals.

The entire northern border of Yan Kingdom seemed to have entered a migration, seeking the sheltered life to the south.

Since King Yan ordered the withdrawal of the northern border troops, less than 10,000 soldiers have remained in dozens of cities in northern Xinjiang. There are almost only county soldiers who maintain order in the city. How can they resist the 200,000 foreigners? .

Even if the foreigners are not good at attacking cities, they still have an absolute manpower advantage.

For ordinary people, in addition to escaping, they are **** people who fight with those aliens, but the final fight is just in vain.

"Hurry up, the aliens are right behind us. If the aliens catch up, we will be dead."

"Escape quickly..."

Countless people of the Yan Kingdom migrated to the south at a fast pace. Of course, there were also young sons and old and feeble people who were left behind.

Misery shrouded.

At this time!

As these people continued to flee towards the south.


There was a burst of thunder.

The whole earth seemed to be shaken.

Many people looked forward in horror, immediately feeling boundless fear.

"No, there are foreign troops ahead."

"It's over, we are being overtaken and surrounded by aliens."


Countless people screamed in fear and were filled with despair.

They didn't dare to run away anymore, but stopped running.

And this time!

The people in the rear shouted in fear: "Run away, the aliens are catching up."

"A lot of alien cavalry."

"They are catching up, run away."

The people behind were fleeing for their lives.

But for them at this moment, with a wolf in front of them and a tiger behind them, they are already in a dilemma.

As the army to the south they were heading came closer and closer.

Enter the eyes.

Hundreds of black flags flew into the sky.

At a glance.

You can clearly see the word "Qin".

"The army in front of us is not that of a foreign nation, but that of the Qin State."

"what to do?"

"Qin is attacking my country, Dayan. Will they kill us?"

"There are aliens behind us and the Qin army in front. Oh my god, are they really going to kill us?"

For the people here, they were not very happy to see the Qin army, because the Qin army was attacking their Yan country and they were also enemies.

The aliens slaughtered them.

However, under the propaganda of the Yan court, the reputation of the Qin army was not much better than that of the foreigners.

In order to arouse the whole country to resist Qin, King Yan naturally asked the court to publicize that the Qin army was like tigers and wolves.


Just when many people in Yan State were frightened and at a loss.

I saw thousands of fast riders rushing out of the Qin army formation that blocked the sky and the sun in the distance.

He quickly approached the people.

"It's over."

"The Qin army is coming to kill."

The people at the forefront even looked desperate.

But the next moment.

When the Qin army approached them, they were surprised.

These Qin troops did not attack them.

"I am Zhang Ming, the general of Zhaofeng's personal bodyguard and commander of the Great Qin Dynasty."

"There are aliens chasing behind us."

"All the people, listen, quickly move closer to our military formation and leave here."

"We will cover you while you wait to evacuate." Zhang Ming shouted loudly.

Hear this.

All the people of Yan State here were stunned and looked at Zhang Ming in disbelief.

It seems that they didn't expect that the Qin army would protect them?

"The Kingdom of Yan has perished, and you are all the subjects of our Great Qin. We, our Great Qin's warriors, should protect you."

"Evacuate quickly."

Zhang Ming shouted again.

The military formation quickly dispersed.

"Run quickly."

"The aliens are catching up behind us."

"Escape quickly..."

The people behind screamed and fled towards the Qin army's formation.

I heard the word alien.

All the people were filled with fear and did not dare to neglect any more. They bravely ran towards the Qin army's formation.

The military formation is located.

They are all Qin army cavalry, each holding a bow and arrow.

When looking at the front, countless people from the Yan Kingdom rushed towards them.

"Divide into formations."

Zhao Feng shouted lowly.

I saw that the original formation quickly dispersed.

Passages leading to the back appeared.

"The Qin army is really here to protect us."

Seeing this scene, the people of Yan State ran towards these separate passages as if they were surviving a disaster.

These murderous Qin troops did not make any move towards them, and just watched them flee towards the rear.


All the tens of thousands of people here fled behind the military formation.

Take another look.


Thousands of Donghu cavalry were chasing forward, and many people who had no time to escape were slaughtered by them with swords and random arrows.


Zhao Feng's eyes lit up with a flash of light.


"Kill all these Yan people."

"Kill all the men and take away all the women."

"Let these women from Yan State spread their branches and leaves for our clan and strengthen the country."

"What about these young children?"

"Kill all the humble young sons of the Yan people."

The aliens rushed to kill and screamed, looking at the civilians in front of them filled with murderous intent. They had no mercy, no matter old or young, no matter whether they were disabled or disabled, they just killed.

"Captain of Ten Thousands."

"There's an army ahead."

"It seems to be the Qin army." A foreign soldier pointed to the front and said.

Donghu Wanjiang raised his head and looked forward, with a hint of ridicule on his face: "It's just the Qin army. They came to attack the Yan Kingdom, and so do we. Your Majesty has told us that we can do nothing."

"Send someone over."

"It is clear that our clan only wants the fifty cities and population in the northern border of Yan Kingdom. As for the south of Yan Kingdom, our clan does not need it." Captain Wanfu said very proudly.


A foreign captain immediately emerged from the crowd.

The horses trampled on the corpses of the innocent people they slaughtered, and rushed towards the Qin army.


This alien came to Zhang Ming.

"Are you the commander of the Qin army?"

The foreign general glanced at Zhang Ming and asked arrogantly.

Zhang Ming did not speak, but slowly raised the spear in his hand.

"According to my king's order, the northern territory of the Yan Kingdom belongs to our Donghu Kingdom."

"You Qin army retreat immediately, otherwise don't blame us for being rude." The foreign general said very unruly.

"Aren't you polite to my great Qin?" A coldness flashed in Zhang Ming's eyes.

next moment.

He spurred his horse forward and stabbed with the spear in his hand.

There was a pop.

It penetrated directly through the chest of the foreign general.

" dare you" The alien general opened his eyes wide, feeling unbelievable.

"How dare you, the **** of the foreign race, make trouble in our territory of Great Qin." Zhang Ming shook his spear hard, and the foreign general was instantly thrown away.

And this time!

Zhao Feng had already raised the Overlord Spear in his hand and stared at the vast army of aliens in front, with murderous intent bursting out of his eyes.

"Qin's warriors." Zhao Feng shouted.

"Wind, wind, wind."

"Strong wind."

All the Qin cavalry raised their spears and shouted with authority.


"I don't want to live."

"Kill as many as you come."

"Leave no one behind."

Zhao Feng shouted coldly.

He rode his horse and rushed out.

"Kill all the aliens."

"Kill all the aliens."


The order will be dropped.

One hundred thousand cavalry rushed to kill.

There are also 70,000 Yan border troops.

The 170,000 cavalrymen were crushing towards the aliens with thunderous movements. The entire void was shrouded in terrifying murderous intent, and the shouts of killing were like thunder.

Suddenly it comes.

All these foreigners who had not taken the Qin army seriously were panicked.

"Master Wanfu, it seems that the Qin army is going to attack us."

"How dare they?"

"The captain of thousands was killed by the Qin army."

"Aren't they afraid that I, Donghu, will fight with them?"

"How dare these Qin troops do this?"

Many foreign soldiers looked on in panic.

Before the Qin army took action, they did not take it seriously and felt that the Qin army did not dare. After all, in their eyes, the people of Yan and Qin were the same.

They can't be compared with Dong Hu at all.

But now.

Faced with such a terrifying murderous intention.

They were panicked and scared.

"Withdraw, withdraw."

"Qin has too many soldiers."

"We are not rivals."

Captain Donghu Wanfu shouted loudly and immediately turned his horse around.


The Qin army's shouts of killing shook the sky.

Countless Qin troops were at the front with long bows in hand.

Gong Xuan was shocked.

Countless arrows rained towards the enemy.

Arrows rained down from the sky towards these aliens.

Under random arrows.

Countless aliens were killed by random arrows before they had time to react.


The screams were endless.

Just a moment.

The alien race that had been slaughtering Chinese people rampantly just now was in chaos and was running towards the rear.

But even if their formation is in chaos, they can't escape no matter how hard they try.

Under a volley of arrows.

Thousands of aliens died tragically under the arrows.

"Kill all the aliens."

"Leave no one behind."

Zhao Feng drank coldly.

The war horse under him galloped quickly, and soon trampled countless foreign corpses and rushed into its formation.


The Overlord gun danced in his hand.

Sweep out.

The dozen or so aliens in front of them were instantly wiped out by the Overlord's gun and turned into a pulp.

During his conquests in the land of China, whether against the Three Jin Dynasties or the Yan Kingdom, Zhao Feng always exercised restraint. Even if he killed the enemy, he would leave his corpse intact.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng didn't hold back at all when dealing with these foreign races.

The Overlord Spear was swung wildly, exerting more than 10,000 kilograms of strength.

Sweep it out and add the power of Qi.

It's just a pile of minced meat.

Zhao Feng wanted them to die without their bodies intact.

This is the price of invading China.

"Kill the Donghu soldiers and collect 1 point of strength."

"Kill the Donghu soldiers and pick up 1 day of life."

"Kill the Donghu soldiers and pick up 1 point of constitution."

The pickup prompts are constant.

But Zhao Feng's killing spree did not stop.

Crazy sweep.

madly slaughter.

Zhao Feng showed no mercy to these aliens.

Although he was born in this era, there is a mark deep in Zhao Feng's soul.

That is, anyone who offends the power of our Hua Xia Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away they are.

Count these invading alien races one by one, and do their best to eliminate evil.

"Leave no one alive."



Countless Great Qin warriors roared and thrust their spears wildly.

These aliens who were extremely cruel to the people were like lambs to be slaughtered in front of the warriors of Great Qin.

All their rampage was gone, leaving only panic and despair.

Qin's cavalry was very fast, rode and shot, and encircled them in roundabout ways.

Not many of the 10,000 aliens escaped at all, and the rest were all besieged and strangled by the sharp warriors of Great Qin.

Qin Ruishi's combat power was already tyrannical, and it became even more terrifying when his combat power tripled.

How could these alien races be opponents?


The surrendered Yanbian army looked at the massacre.

Even though they had the advantage in military strength, they were all shocked when they saw Qin Ruishi killing the aliens so smoothly.

"General Gongsun."

"Are these Qin soldiers really human beings?"

"Why are these aliens so vulnerable in their hands?" A frontier cavalryman looked at Gongsun Guang and said, his whole face became dull.

"This is how powerful the Qin army is."

"The difference in combat power between us and them is too big."

"The Qin army's cavalry and shooting were even better than the Zhao cavalry in the past."

"Even if we encounter these ten thousand aliens guarding the border, it will be difficult to eliminate them, and we will suffer great losses."

"But they surrounded them easily."

"And there were almost no casualties." Gongsun Guang also said with emotion.


When the frontier army was asked to march north, Gongsun Guang still thought that Zhao Feng would let their frontier army advance first and consume their surrendered soldiers, but he thought wrong. They didn't even have a chance to fight, so they could only watch from behind. , there is no chance to give the aliens a last-ditch hit.

Because in this war situation.

Even the foreigners would be trampled to death by war horses without a chance to pretend to be dead.

"Thankfully we surrendered."

"Otherwise, you would really be seeking death against them." Many frontier soldiers could not help but sigh.


These ten thousand foreign cavalry were strangled until only a few dozen foreign soldiers were left surrounding their ten thousand captain.

"I am the captain of ten thousand men of the East Hu State, and we have no enmity with your Qin State."

"Why are you going to war with us?"

Captain Wanfu looked at Qin Ruishi around him with horror.

"Invade our Chinese state and kill our Chinese people."

"You still ask why the war started?"

"Today, you are the bastards. Tomorrow, I will kill all the aliens who invade our Divine State." Zhao Feng said coldly.

A wave of his hand.

I had no intention of talking nonsense with them.


Many Qin Rui soldiers roared.

A volley of arrows was fired.

For a moment.

All the remaining alien races were shot to death.

"Gongsun Guang."

Zhao Feng shouted loudly.

"The end will be here."

"Count all the horses on the battlefield here to see if they are lucky enough to return."

"Although the foreigners are just bastards, their war horses are all superior." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

Gongsun Guang immediately bowed: "The last general will take orders."

"Nothing but General."

"It only takes a few thousand soldiers to clean up these war horses, and the last general wants to join the expedition with the general."

"Kill the aliens." Gongsun Guang looked at Zhao Feng expectantly.


Zhao Feng nodded.

Then he raised the Overlord Gun in his hand.

"Soldiers, continue to kill."

"By speeding up the march once, we can kill a few more aliens and save the common people from losses."


Zhao Feng shouted loudly and rode his horse to continue rushing north.

"Follow the General."


One hundred thousand cavalry shouted and continued to march north.

Yanbei border.

Wulin City.

There was no one even patrolling the tower, and the entire city was filled with a pungent smell of blood.

The entire city was littered with corpses.

There are alien soldiers everywhere who are looting and killing, and there are even aliens who are **** women directly on the street.

The entire city was swept by the smell of blood, and the entire city was dyed red with blood.


Alien laughter.


(End of chapter)

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