Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 227: Zhao Feng: Kill all the aliens! Leave no one behind!

Chapter 227 Zhao Feng: Kill all the aliens! Leave no one behind!

 Such a tragedy in the city.

The same is true outside the city.

Many people tried to escape, but were eventually overtaken and massacred by the aliens.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the northern frontier of Yanland is a purgatory on earth.


"Ahead is Wulin City."

"The original population was more than 50,000 people."

"It seems that this time it was also captured by foreigners."

"But the aliens don't seem to have set up any defenses."

Zhao Feng led the army and galloped towards the city.

Gongsun Guangda next to him said loudly.

"Enter the city."

Zhao Feng didn't hesitate.

He cares whether there are anyone alive in the city.

Zhao Feng galloped his horse and quickly approached the city.

Maybe it was because the aliens were arrogant, or maybe they didn't take Yan seriously at all, let alone that Great Qin would come.

Although the city gate is closed.

But it was unattended.

It seems that closing the city gate is just to prevent the people in the city from escaping.


When he approached the city gate, Zhao Feng shot out.

The moment the gun tip fell on the city gate.


The city gate instantly fell apart.

"Break the city gate with one blow."

"If the General had attacked Jicheng that day, no matter how strong the gates of Jicheng were, they would not be able to block the General's attack."

Zhao Feng rushed directly into the city.

When I saw the scene in the city.

Even though he has experienced countless battlefield killings, even though he has killed countless people with his hands.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng's eyes had turned red.

above the streets.

There were corpses everywhere.

Men, women, old and young.

Extremely miserable.

Some women were stripped naked and covered in blood.

Some men had their hands and feet cut off.

Some of the young ones were pierced with spears.

It was a miserable situation.

It's mind-numbing to watch.

Zhao Feng conquered.

All killings are fought on the battlefield.

The fight between countries has nothing to do with right or wrong, only victory or defeat.

However, the Qin army has strict discipline, and the King of Qin has the world in mind, and issued a strict order not to attack ordinary civilians. The people the Qin army killed were either those who were against Qin, or those who were on behalf of the army. Ordinary civilians were innocent unless Qiu committed any crime. They took up arms to fight against Qin.

But these aliens in front of them are really worse than animals, and they are even crueler than wild beasts.

"Qin Ruishi."


"Every foreigner will be killed without mercy."

Zhao Feng hissed.

A wave of his hand.


Countless cavalrymen behind them rushed towards various parts of the city, sweeping the entire city with a murderous intent against foreigners.

"Forgive me."

"Don't kill us."

"We are just ordinary civilians."

"That's my daughter, don't want it..."

"Spare my life..."

"All our money will be given to you, we just ask you to let us go..."

The people in the city who were being hunted by foreigners begged for mercy in fear.

But what greeted them was butcher's knives, as well as **** and robbery.

The foreigners showed no mercy to them. They treated these innocent people as if they were livestock, and there was no humanity at all.

And when Zhao Feng gave the order, Qin Qi rushed into the city.

The cry of killing rang out.

"Why are there shouts of killing?"

"Did you hear that wrong? The Yan Kingdom no longer has an army guarding the northern border."

"They are all busy dealing with that Qin State now."

"Haha, I must have heard wrong. Keep killing and robbing."

"These women from the Yan Kingdom are really beautiful. They are much more comfortable than my mother-in-law in the clan."

"That's right."

"This time we must capture more women from Yan State. These women are really suitable to be slaves."

"Hahaha, enjoy it to your heart's content. Your Majesty said, we can party as much as we want when we go south this time. Everything we can't take away will be destroyed."

Many foreign soldiers in the city are still unaware of the danger and are still making troubles like crazy.

"Enemy attack."

"It's the Qin Army."

"Brothers, quickly form your formation, the Qin army is coming."

"Nearly ten thousand of our brothers were killed by the Qin army. The captain of ten thousand men also died. The Qin army is chasing us."

"Quickly report to the captain of ten thousand men in the city to fight..."

At this moment!

Dozens of alien soldiers who fled in embarrassment shouted loudly at the aliens who were still having fun in the city.

Look at them in such a mess.

Many foreigners also looked confused.

"Bohu'er, are you kidding?"

"Where did the Qin army come from?"

"The Qin army is still fighting with the Yan army. How could they come so soon?"

"And even if they come, will the Qin army still dare to attack us, Dong Huerlang?"

"Do not make jokes."

Many foreigners simply don’t believe it.

But the next moment.

Boo hoo hoo.

Boo hoo hoo.

After the sound of horse hooves trampling, arrows shot out.

Many aliens didn't know what happened, and random arrows penetrated their bodies directly.

Even many aliens were still forcibly snatching innocent women. The next moment, their throats were pierced by arrows, and their bodies fell straight down.

The woman in front of him was also frightened, at a loss, and froze in place.


It's not just her.

There are many other people like this too.

The aliens who were going crazy in front of them were suddenly pierced by arrows.


"Leave no one behind."

Zhao Feng shouted loudly.

Riding on horseback.

The Overlord Spear waved.

Several aliens in front of him were instantly beaten to a **** pulp.

"Kill without mercy!"

Countless black-armored Qin cavalry rushed in and directly harvested these aliens who deserved death.

Facing the sudden murderous intention.

The foreigners in these cities were completely confused.

Many people were killed before they could even think of escaping.

"Black clothes and black armor."

"Qin's army."

"It's Qin's army that came to save us."

"We are saved..."

Watching the Qin army rushing past, only targeting foreigners.

The people who were still alive in the city were crying with joy, and everyone had the feeling of surviving the disaster in their hearts.

The black-armored Qin Cavalry quickly charged in and killed them.

The aliens in the city were slaughtered one after another.

The Black Riders swept across the city.

Thousands of aliens in the city did not last long before they turned into cold corpses.

"Report to the general."

"The aliens in the city have been cleared."

"Nearly five thousand foreigners were killed in this battle." Zhang Han rode his horse to report.


Zhao Feng nodded.

His eyes were directed at the people in the city.

An innocent girl who was raped.

Parents were killed.

The youngest son was killed.

The husband and wife were killed.

Because of the invasion of these foreign bastards, the people still alive in the city were humiliated and even lost their loved ones.

Looking at the people gathered around them, they looked at themselves and Qin Qi with eager and anxious eyes.


They were still afraid, afraid that Qin Qi would treat them cruelly like those foreigners.

Feeling their gazes, Zhao Feng sighed in his heart.

He slowly got off the horse.


"We are late." Zhao Feng bowed to all the living people with a bit of helplessness and a bit of shame.

This scene.

The people in front, as well as the Yan State border troops, Gongsun Guang and others were all shocked.

"The General is so noble that he apologizes to civilians."

"How can this be?"

Everyone looked on dumbfounded.

Not only the soldiers, but also the common people.


Even though these people were shocked, after experiencing this alien massacre and the departure of their loved ones, they were also very uneasy at the moment and did not dare to speak.

"The Kingdom of Yan is dead."

"From now on, all the people of the Yan State are the subjects of our great Qin, and all the subjects of our great Qin will be protected by our Qin's warriors."

"These foreign bastards, I, Zhao Feng, swear that they will pay with their blood."

Zhao Feng said and withdrew his gaze from the common people.

"Zhang Han."

Zhao Fengwei said.

"The general is here." Zhang Han replied loudly.

"My cavalry is too slow to recapture one city after another. By the time we drive out the aliens, I don't know how many people will die innocently."

"Send the general's order."

"My cavalry battalion of 100,000 soldiers is divided into ten groups, and each group of 10,000 generals will lead the attack and drive out the foreigners."

"Join forces in Xiangping City."

"I don't care about the process."

"But the result was to kill all the alien races."

"No matter what method you use, as long as it can kill foreigners, you can do it." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

"The last general takes orders."

All the generals said in unison.


"Does the last general have a mission?" Gongsun Guangda asked loudly.

"Your job is to appease the people."

"I will issue a general order to you and order the army to allocate grain and grass to provide relief to the people."


"When foreigners enter the city, there will be traitors."

"Capture all those who collude with foreign races."

"After I defeat the alien race, we will focus on dealing with them." Zhao Feng said solemnly.

"The last general takes orders." Gongsun Guang responded immediately.

Xiangping City!

If those small towns were purgatory on earth, then Xiangping, which was first conquered by aliens, was purgatory within purgatory.

Bodies piled up in the city.

The smell of blood is pungent.

There was a sense of silence throughout the city.

Except for some foreign soldiers patrolling back and forth, there was no one alive in the city.

It is said that evil ghosts eat souls, but these alien races are more cruel than evil ghosts.

In the former governor's palace.

Several women were dancing in the hall, and drums sounded.

Some foreign generals watched with interest and enjoyed this.


"These Yan people still enjoy it. These Yan girls dance so seductively."


"These Yan girls are much better than the wives in the clan. They are all very smart..."

The foreign generals laughed, drank, and watched and danced with laughter.

Although the dancers in the hall were dancing, they were naturally frightened for fear that something would go wrong.

The entire Xiangping City, with a population of more than 100,000, has been bloodbathed by foreigners.

Only a few tens of thousands of people escaped.

Almost all the men and young sons were slaughtered by the aliens.

As for the women, many survived, and many were abused to death.

"When you return home, pick out a few good-looking ones and present them to the king."

"It would be great if we could capture the princess of Yan Kingdom." A general said with a smile.

at this time.

"Report to General Wuwu."

"I just received an emergency report."

"The Qin army has launched troops against our army."

"Our army suffered heavy losses."

A foreign soldier ran over quickly and reported in panic.


‘Qin Army? ’

Wu Wu, who was sitting in the main seat, drinking and enjoying his wine, changed his expression.

"Return to the general."

"It's the Qin Army."

"At least nearly 50,000 of our men died at the hands of the Qin army."

"Moreover, the dozen or so cities we robbed from the Yan Kingdom have been taken away by the Qin army. Now only this Xiangping city and an adjacent city are left."

"Their Qin army divided their forces in many ways to rob the Yan State city that we captured. The sons and daughters could not resist and withdrew one after another." The soldier replied respectfully.

"Where is Ta Xiong?"

Wuwu's expression changed and he asked hurriedly.

"General Ta Xiong is leading his army to retreat now," the soldier replied immediately.

"Qin people, how dare they attack our clan?"

"We are not enemies of them, and they are attacking Yan State. What do these cities of Yan State have to do with the people of Yan State?"

"At the end of the day."

"This is because my clan helped them." Wuwu said with a puzzled look.

The other generals in the palace also looked puzzled.


This is what they foreigners don't understand.

Although the Chinese ethnic group in this era was divided into various countries, they did not know the integrity of the ethnic group and the arrogance of the Chinese ethnic group that could not be insulted.


"General Uwu."

"Ta Xiong asks for help."

"General Ta Xiong is about to be overtaken by the Qin army."

"Now I'm afraid we're already in a tough fight."

"Please general, please quickly send troops for reinforcements."

An emergency soldier quickly rushed into the hall.


"Ta Xiong was overtaken by the Qin army?"

"How many Qin troops?"

"Even if a lot of men were lost, Ta Xiong should still have 50,000 or 60,000 men under his command, right?"

"Can the Qin army's cavalry compete with Dong Hu'erlang?" Wu Wu still couldn't figure it out.


"The Qin army is so powerful that our army is no match for them." The dispatcher said in a trembling voice.

"General Uwu."

"There's no time to think about it now, so let's lead the troops to help first."

"Since the Qin State dares to be so bold and hostile to our clan."

"Then teach them a lesson and destroy this Qin army."

"Let these Qin troops know our clan's combat power." A Donghu general said proudly.


"It's just Qin, why should I, Donghu, be afraid?"

"Since they want to be enemies of our clan, let's give them some strength."

"There are only a dozen or so cities in the Yan Kingdom. If we just send troops to continue southward to seize territory from the Qin State, our clan's national power will definitely increase dramatically."

"Destroy the Qin army."

"Yes, General."

"Destroy these **** Qin troops..."

One by one, the Donghu generals screamed, all looking very arrogant.

"Order your troops and support General Ta Xiong immediately."

"Also, continue going south to seize the city." Wuwu thought for a moment and then shouted.

the other side.

On a plain.

Tens of thousands of Donghu cavalry fled toward Xiangping City, obviously frightened.

And while they were running away.

A Qin army of 20,000 to 30,000 people in the rear was chasing madly.

Arrows rained down from the sky, shooting out wildly.

From time to time, foreigners fell off their horses and were pierced by arrows and died.


"The Qin army is in hot pursuit."

"What should I do?"

A general looked at Ta Xiong and asked.


"How can I, a mighty Donghu warrior, be in such a miserable state?"

"This place is not far from Xiangping. I believe General Wuwu will lead his army to help soon."

"Pass this general's order to fight."

"Kill all these Qin army bastards."

Ta Xiong immediately drank and turned the horse's head.


"Kill all these **** from Qin."


"Kill them all..."

Many Donghu generals shouted and stopped running away.

There is a momentum for a decisive battle with the Qin army.

(End of chapter)

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