Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 231: Ying Zheng's worries, this guy doesn't make people worry!

Chapter 231: Ying Zheng’s worries, this guy doesn’t make people worry!

But this time I suffered such a big loss.

How could King Donghu endure it?

Two hundred thousand elite troops.

All destroyed at once.

Moreover, the fruits of victory mentioned before were all in vain. The so-called population, the so-called money and food were not transported back.

The Qin army destroyed the Yan State so fast that even the Donghu army did not have time to capture all the cities in the northern border of the Yan State. Return to Donghu.

It can be said that this time Donghu lost his troops but gained nothing.

National strength was greatly damaged.

"My clan has suffered such a big loss, why should I endure it?"

"How can I endure this?"


"How many more troops can our clan mobilize?" King Donghu asked with a cold face.

"Return to the king."

"My whole clan is a soldier. We can all form an army just waiting for the king's order." A general replied loudly.

"This time it was the State of Qin that provoked my clan, so I can't blame you."

"Pass this king's order."

"Mobilize an army of four hundred thousand."

"Go south and attack Qin."

"This king will make the Qin State pay the price for his personal expedition this time." King Donghu said angrily.

"Your Majesty."

"The strength of 400,000 troops is almost 30% of the strength of our clan."

"Once mobilized, how should we defend the Huns?" a general asked solemnly.

"Hongnu, do they dare to become enemies of our people?"

King Donghu snorted coldly, not paying attention to the Xiongnu at all.

In this day and age.

The Xiongnu clan is not the strongest clan on the grassland, and is much weaker than the Donghu clan.

So all the time.

The Huns are all paying tribute to the east.

And Donghu also suppressed them step by step, preventing the Xiongnu from getting ahead.

"Pass this king's order."

"Gather troops immediately."

"Within twenty days, four hundred thousand troops gathered."

"All the food, grass and baggage are ready."

King Donghu shouted coldly.

"Your Majesty."

"Twenty days may be enough to gather the troops, but it may take even longer to gather the food, grass and baggage."

"The loss of food and fodder for the 400,000-strong army and the fodder for the war horses is too great." A general in charge of raising food and fodder hurriedly stood up.

"One month, one month at most."

"The food, grass and baggage of the 400,000-strong army must be prepared."

King Donghu didn't care so much and gave the order directly.

Seeing King Donghu looking so angry.

The responsible general could only grit his teeth and nod.

He is a Donghu with a population of only a few million, and his national strength is only so strong.

Even if Da Qin wanted to collect 400,000 army provisions and transport them, it would take more than a month, let alone a small country like theirs.

It can be said.

King Donghu just forced his men to do it.

"Qin State."

"You destroyed nearly 200,000 men of my clan, then I will slaughter your Qin army and your city."

“Blood for blood.”

King Donghu's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

For him.

At this moment, there is hatred towards Qin.

He has never suffered such a big loss since he took charge of Donghu, how could he endure it.

But King Donghu didn't know.

On the border between Daqin and the grasslands.

An army of ten thousand people has quietly gathered.

Two thousand Zhao Feng's personal guards.

With the blessing of the Luck Official Seal, each one can kill ten in one blow.

After all, they all have martial arts cultivation.

There are also elite soldiers in the ten thousand army.

Every elite soldier has killed many enemies in his hands.


All of them were riding war horses, carrying long bows and no less than fifty arrows on their backs, carrying spears in their hands, and swords hung on their horses. In their pockets, the horses also carried ten days' worth of dry food and water.

In the solemn waiting of all the soldiers.

Zhao Feng slowly rode up.

As majestic as ever, there was a terrifying murderous aura about him.


"I won't say much more."

"You are all the strongest soldiers in my Wu'an camp, and you were the ones I asked your respective generals to integrate."

"This battle."

"The danger is unpredictable."

"I will lead my army into the hinterland of the foreign tribes and fight blood for blood, tooth for tooth."

"In this battle, I will kill the foreigners so that they will not dare to go south for at least several years."


"As I said, this battle is too dangerous."

"I can't guarantee that everyone will be able to come back."

"Under the circumstances, I didn't think too much about it."

"So let's gather together and ask questions now."

Zhao Feng looked at the thousands of soldiers in front of him with a solemn expression.

Everyone's eyes gathered, waiting for Zhao Feng to speak.

"The only son in the family will go out."

Zhao Feng shouted with authority.


Among the tens of thousands of soldiers, hundreds of soldiers slowly stood up on their horses.

"Those who have parents at home should go out."

"Those who have wives and children at home should go out."

"Those who have a wife but no heirs will go out."

Zhao Feng shouted again.

Under military orders.

Another cavalryman rode out.

in a blink.

Nearly 2,000 people came out of the team of more than 10,000 people.

But after standing up, they were at a loss.

But just for a moment they thought of something.

He returned to the queue again.

"What are you doing?"

Zhao Feng frowned and asked as he watched the soldiers come out and then go back.

"Destroy the aliens and protect China."

"Even if I am an only son, I will have no regrets whether I live or die."

"Even if I have a wife and children, I will have no regrets whether I live or die."

"Even if I have parents, I will have no regrets whether I live or die."

"This is what we do as soldiers."

"Even if you die in battle, your wife, children, and parents will be taken care of by the imperial court."

"I am willing to follow the general to the death."

A soldier who had just retreated shouted loudly.

The words fell.

The soldiers who were the only sons in the family shouted: "I will live and die without regrets, and I will follow the general to the death."

"This battle."

"It is not a battle to conquer the Yan Kingdom. Da Qin does not force it."

"This battle is just for the peace of this Yan land for several years."


"I hope you think this through."

Looking at the many unflinching brothers in front of him, Zhao Feng sighed.

But look up.

Every soldier's face had a look of resignation.


These eyes that looked back on death converged into one voice: "Follow the General to the death."

See this.

Zhao Feng's eyes also flashed with surprise.

This time we set out to conquer Northern Xinjiang.

The level of danger is several times greater than the risk of chasing the aliens this time.

More than 10,000 people went, and Zhao Feng was not confident about how many people he could bring back.

After all, the land in Northern Xinjiang was too unfamiliar, and Zhao Feng didn't know what was going on there.

For China.

The desert of northern Xinjiang is difficult to conquer.

It is also too complex and vast.

See this!

Zhao Feng said no more.

Then he raised the Overlord Spear in his hand and shouted with authority: "Qin Ruishi, go to war!"

The words fell.

Zhao Feng turned his horse's head and rushed towards Northern Xinjiang.

"Follow the general and kill him."

All the cavalrymen shouted in unison, and with a sense of excitement, they rushed out following Zhao Feng.



"The great victory of Yandi and Xiangping."

An emergency soldier rushed into the hall quickly, holding a memorial in his hand.

"Great victory!"

Hearing these two words, Ying Zheng's eyebrows moved.

All the civil and military eyes were watching.

The word "great victory".

It must have achieved great results.

"No need to present, just read directly."

Ying Zheng waved his hand to the emergency soldiers in the palace.

"I accept the edict."

The dispatcher immediately stood up straight.

Under the watchful eyes of the civil and military officials of the court, the emergency soldiers were also very excited and anxious at this moment.

This kind of formation is rare to encounter once in your life.

Open with the battle report.

The urgent reporting soldier read loudly: "I, Zhao Feng, send me your regards to the king."

"Aliens invaded our country and killed our Chinese people."

"I led my army to the northern border of Yan."

"After months of fighting, the results are finally achieved."

"The battle in Xiangping City."

"I led my army in a decisive battle with the alien tribes and beheaded countless others. When the alien tribes fled, I led my army to pursue them and beheaded countless more alien tribesmen beyond the border of northern Xinjiang."

"According to the statistics of the Sima of the Chinese Army."

"This time they invaded 200,000 foreigners, and our army killed nearly 180,000 more."

"Almost their entire army was wiped out."

"I will lead an army of 150,000 to fight."

"The casualties and losses were nearly 40,000."

"Determined by several times the victory, it will be a great victory."

The voice of the emergency caller resounded throughout the court.

Hear the result.

All civil and military officials in the court couldn't help but open their eyes with expressions of disbelief.

"Our army suffered less than 40,000 casualties and killed nearly 180,000 enemies?"

"What kind of result is this?"

"This is completely different from the situation when Zhao was destroyed."

"When Zhao was destroyed, General Zhao Feng used strategies and achieved miraculous achievements." "But this time, General Zhao led his army to face the aliens head-on and fought head-on, and he was able to achieve such a victory."

"Forty thousand men killed 180,000 enemies."

"Nearly five times the victory."

"This is so shocking."

"Wu'an Camp is the shortest camp established by our Great Qin, but its combat power is so powerful under the command of General Zhao Feng."

"It's really shocking."

"Of the two hundred thousand aliens, only about 20,000 fled back."

"This time the aliens really suffered a big loss."

"General, this battle really enhances our great Qin's power, and even more our China's power."

"These aliens went south to invade China and kill our people. They really deserve death. I killed 180,000 of them this time. I really deserve a big congratulation."


"You should drink loudly."

"Xiao Xiao alien, this is how it should be..."

Hear such a victory.

Many ministers in the court began to discuss excitedly.

Especially the military ministers, even though they are not on the battlefield, they can stand on this court because they retired from the army in the past. Naturally, they can imagine how beautifully this battle was won.

You can even imagine how brilliant this victory was.

"Zhao Feng is worthy of being our great general of the Qin Dynasty."

"You are worthy of the millions of warriors and worthy of the people of Great Qin."

"This battle really brought out the majesty of our Great Qin and the majesty of China."

Ying Zheng laughed, his tone full of praise for Zhao Feng.

And at this moment.

Ying Zheng even wanted to tell the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty directly in public, telling them that if you see it, this is Gu's son, and this is Gu's son who is like the God of War.

Such results.

Ying Zheng was not moved.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"This battle is enough to make the foreigners respect our Great Qin like a tiger and not dare to invade."

"I would like to request you to grant a heavy reward to General Zhao Feng."

"I second my opinion."

"Such a great achievement deserves a heavy reward."

"Please, Your Majesty, give me a great reward."

Many ministers in the court shouted for orders.

this moment.

It seemed that everyone in the court had the same voice.

Please take credit for Zhao Feng.

This battle was so beautifully fought.

And the results are completely different from the conquests against other countries.

This battle not only brought out the divine power of Great Qin, but also brought out the divine power of the Huaxia clan.

How can all Chinese people not be proud and inspired?

Listening to this request for merit from the whole court.

Wang Wan and Chun Yuyue looked very ugly.

Such a great military exploit, the achievement of wiping out the foreign tribes, filled the whole court with excitement, even more than the excitement of Da Qin's destruction of Yan. I wonder what they could say to stop it.

"Rewards must be rewarded."

Ying Zheng laughed loudly.

He was worried that there was no reason for Zhao Feng to be promoted again.

After all, Zhao had been knighted for his role in destroying the country this time.

This time the alien invaders really brought military exploits to Zhao Feng.

Such a beautiful victory, even if it was not done by Zhao Feng, Ying Zheng would definitely be extremely excited, not to mention that this was a monumental contribution made by his son.

"Your Majesty."

"It's better to listen to the good news first."

Wei Liao said with a smile.


Ying Zheng nodded and looked at the emergency soldier: "Continue reading."

"I accept the edict."

The emergency soldiers did not dare to neglect, and continued to read: "This great victory in the battle is not the result of me alone, but the contribution of all the soldiers of the Wu'an camp. All the soldiers followed me and traveled long distances to kill the foreigners and show off the power of China."

"I beg you for your orders."

"We will provide death pensions to all the Wei warriors who died in the battle at Wu'an Camp, and provide pensions to the disabled warriors."


"The disaster caused by alien races cannot be ignored."

"This time the aliens invaded our country and were severely beaten by our army. However, the aliens will be depleted and will surely come back."

"I have led a group of ten thousand people to ride alone into the hinterland of northern Xinjiang and severely attack the foreign tribes."

"Your Majesty, please wait patiently for your good news."

Read here.

This good news has been announced.

But Ying Zheng, who was still smiling at first, now turned cold.

The officials in the court also looked at it in great surprise.

"Wang Jian."

"Look at your good son-in-law, he is really dying."

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Jian, with a hint of anger in his voice.

Hear the words.

Wang Jian stood up and said immediately: "Zhao Feng is the king's minister. He must have deep intentions when he leads the army into northern Xinjiang. I believe him."

This sentence.

Wang Jian just didn't say that Zhao Feng was the king's son.

However, in the eyes of the monarch and his ministers, these words were tacitly understood.

Ying Zheng glanced at Wang Jian angrily, but at this moment, his expression was extremely serious.

"This Zhao Feng is really looking for death."

"Lead 10,000 troops deep into northern Xinjiang."

"It's almost certain death."

"This time he is really asking for his own death."

Wang Wan and Wei Xiang looked at each other with a bit of secret joy.

Now apparently they have no way to suppress Zhao Feng, but they can't resist Zhao Feng's attempt to seek death.

He led an army of 10,000 people deep into the desert of northern Xinjiang.

This is tantamount to being plunged into the alien race.

Whether it is Donghu, Xiongnu, or other foreign races.

They will never let it go.

Even though the troops moved first, this move did not lead to any victory.

"Don't Wang Qing think that Zhao Feng's move is too risky?"

"Bringing ten thousand troops deep into northern Xinjiang is no different than seeking death." Ying Zheng said with a cold face.

"Chen, I believe in Zhao Feng."

Wang Jian raised his head, raised the Chao Hut with great seriousness and replied.

Although I was a little surprised by Zhao Feng's adventurous move, the deal was now done and it was impossible to stop it.

It's better to directly support it.

After all, even if we send people to chase him quickly, it will be too late.

"If something happens to Zhao Feng, our Great Qin will lose a general." Ying Zheng's face still looked ugly.


His worries have reached substance.

He even thought about Zhao Feng being in danger in Northern Xinjiang. If something really happened to Zhao Feng, how would he explain to Zhao Feng's mother?

Ying Zheng could even think of Xia Donger's grief-stricken scene.

"Chen, believe him."

Wang Jian raised his head and spoke again.

Ying Zheng looked serious and didn't know what to say at this moment.

"Your Majesty."

"I also believe in General Zhao Feng."

Wei Liao stood up and spoke out.

"I believe it too."

"General Zhao Feng led a battalion to destroy Yan and kill the foreign tribes."

"I believe he will make his own decision before the battle." Han Fei also stood up.

"I second my opinion."

One by one, the ministers stood up and agreed.

Even Wang Wan and others also stood up.

See this.

Ying Zheng didn't say anything more and took a quick glance.

He said in a majestic voice: "Pass the imperial edict."

"Tell the world that Zhao Feng led his army to bravely kill two hundred thousand foreigners."

"I want everyone in the world to know about Zhao Feng's contribution and his contribution to protecting China."

"There is also Zhao Feng who led thousands of cavalry deep into northern Xinjiang, and the same will be announced."

"Gu, let the world know Zhao Feng's bravery."


Still building momentum for Zhao Feng.

To say that the original Zhao Feng was a brave and invincible general of the Qin Dynasty was to set an example for the Qin Dynasty.

So the killing of nearly 200,000 aliens this time is enough to cheer up the Chinese people all over the world.

Let Zhao Feng's reputation be even higher.

"Isn't your Majesty really afraid that your great achievements will overwhelm your master?"

"It is not good for the royal power to allow a minister to have such a high reputation."

Wang Wan and many ministers in the court were puzzled.

Zhao Feng has indeed made great achievements, but using the power of the court to build momentum for Zhao Feng again will give Zhao Feng a very high reputation.

For kingship.

The biggest impact is undoubtedly on public sentiment.

The key to popular support lies in reputation.

Through personal reputation, it is enough to influence people's hearts.

Throughout the ages.

If the reputation of a minister exceeds that of the emperor, that minister will die.

After all, this transformation of reputation will turn it into a force of rebellion.

But Ying Zheng didn't care at all.

"Is your Majesty trying to kill you?"

"For the future?"

Even Wang Wan, an old fox, can't understand it, and that's all he can think of at the moment.


"I accept the edict."

Wang Wan stood up and took the order.

The imperial edict was promulgated, and the matters announced naturally belonged to his prime minister's mansion.

"This kid really makes you worry."

After the edict was issued, Ying Zheng could only secretly hope.

At this time!

"Wei Qing."

"Gigu pays close attention to the northern border of Yandi."

"As soon as there is news about Zhao Feng, report it to Yu Gu immediately."

"I must hear the news about him as soon as possible."

Ying Zheng looked at Wei Liao again and warned.

The worry look on his face is also somewhat revealed.

"I accept the edict." Wei Liao respectfully accepted the order.


"Wang Qing."

"Meng Qing."

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Jian and Meng Wu again.

"Please give me your orders, Your Majesty." The two generals responded immediately.

"Be ready to mobilize two large battalions at any time."

"If Zhao Feng really encounters any danger, he is really killed by Dong Hu."

"I want to cleanse Donghu with blood." Ying Zheng said coldly.

There was no hiding his thoughts as a calf-protector.

Hear this.

The expressions of the entire court officials changed.

But looking at the extremely worried king.

They didn't know what to say.

Nowadays, Great Qin's focus is to unify the world.

If we really attack Donghu, we are putting the cart before the horse!

(End of chapter)

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