Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 232: Ying Zheng: Tell the world about Zhao Feng’s military exploits! Accumulate reputation f

Chapter 232 Ying Zheng: Tell the world about Zhao Feng’s military exploits! Accumulate reputation for Zhao Feng!

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"General Zhao Feng will be fine. Your Majesty, there is no need to worry too much."

"Now the Crown Prince of Yan Kingdom has been escorted to the palace."

"Waiting for the king's disposal."

"I wonder if the king wants to summon you?"

Li Si stood up and started to play respectfully.

Hear this!

Only then did Ying Zheng think of Ji Dan.

For Ji Dan.

At this moment, Ying Zheng no longer has any old feelings.

If we say that we were together in Handan in the past, we still have some companionship.

But after he plotted the assassination, all that was gone.

He even wanted to die.

How could Ying Zheng have any friendship with him?

At that critical moment that day, if Zhao Feng hadn't arrived in time, he might have really died.


Ying Zheng said coldly.

"The king has an edict."

"Add Prince Yan Ji Dan to the court." Zhao Gao shouted in a hissing voice.


Several imperial guards escorted Ji Dan, who was wearing prison uniform, into the court.

Today's Ji Dan is completely different from the past.

He looked decadent and lost his mind.

The whole person also looked extremely vicissitudes of life.

All the time.

Ji Dan's greatest wish is to strengthen the Yan Kingdom.

But now the Yan Kingdom has died, and his father is also dead.

For him, he was like a zombie at the moment.

When you enter the main hall.

Ren Xiao shouted: "Kneel down."

But Ji Dan's eyes were dull and he didn't even look at Ying Zheng who was in a high position.

Ren Xiao didn't tolerate him and kicked him directly.


Ji Dan was kicked to the ground and collapsed directly to the ground, but he still did not make any movement and lost his soul.

"Ji Dan."

Ying Zheng spoke slowly, with a cold tone.

Hear Ying Zheng's voice.

Ji Dan, whose eyes were originally dull, seemed to hear thunder.

His eyes widened and he suddenly looked at Ying Zheng in the high position, his eyes filled with hatred.

"Ying Zheng."

"I kill you."

"You will not die well."

Ji Dan struggled violently and wanted to rush over.

But the two imperial guards had quick eyesight and quick hands, and they directly pushed Ji Dan to the ground.


"What qualifications do you have?" Ying Zheng sneered, looking at Ji Dan with a bird's eye view.

"Ying Zheng."

"You are so ambitious."

"You commit murder indiscriminately."

"Sooner or later you will suffer retribution." Ji Dan roared with hatred.

For him.

At this moment, there is nothing but yelling.

"Indiscriminate killing?"


"Ji Dan, you are also the prince of a country after all, and such childish words can actually come out of your mouth."

"It's really ridiculous."


"It's indeed thanks to you."

"If it hadn't been for your assassination, how could I have joined forces to destroy your Yan country?"

"Now the whole country of Yan has returned to Qin."

"As for you..."

Ying Zheng stared at Ji Dan with murderous intent in his eyes: "It's time to hit the road."

"The crime of regicide."

"How to deal with it?" Ying Zheng looked at Li Si and asked.

"Destroy the entire clan."

"The car cracked."

Li Si said immediately.

"Then why are you still standing there?"

Ying Zheng said coldly.

A wave of his hand.

Several imperial guards directly lifted Ji Dan up and dragged him outside the palace.

"Do you still have this memorial?" Ying Zheng glanced at the court.

"I have no basis to start this memorial." The ministers shouted in unison.

"Dismiss the dynasty."

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

But after standing up, he looked at Wang Jian, and his intention was very clear, he wanted to go to Zhangtai Palace to see him.

Inside Zhangtai Palace!

"You taught me a good son-in-law."

"I really don't want my life."

"Bringing 10,000 cavalrymen deep into northern Xinjiang is tantamount to seeking death."

Inside the palace.

Without outsiders, Ying Zheng said to Wang Jian angrily.

Wang Jian smiled and said, "Zhao Feng is my son-in-law, but he is also the king's son."

"And I have never taught him that all these are talents."

What Wang Jian said was just that he didn't mean to follow you as his father.

"Why do you think it's Gu's fault when you say this?" Ying Zheng said angrily.

"I don't dare." Wang Jian immediately bowed.

"Come on."


Seeing Wang Jian like this, Ying Zheng knew it was nothing to blame.

He could only wave his hand helplessly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Wang Jian also sat down on the side of Ying Zheng unceremoniously.

"Do you understand what Zhao Feng is thinking?" Ying Zheng asked.

"As Ruo Chen thought, Zhao Feng wants to avenge the people of Yan who died at the hands of foreigners."

"This time."

"Because the aliens went south, Yan Di suffered a tragic death of as many as three to four hundred thousand people, all of whom were massacred by the aliens." Wang Jian said slowly.

"Just for revenge?" Ying Zheng frowned.

From his point of view, what Zhao Feng did was not just for revenge.

"The king must have understood."

"This time the alien race suffered such a big loss. An army of 200,000 escaped with less than 30,000. It can be said to have suffered heavy losses."

"And according to the battle report, they didn't have time to transport the population, property, and food they plundered in Yan land. Even their own food and grass fell under the control of our army."

"This shows."

"The foreign race will never be willing to suffer such a big loss and will definitely make a comeback."

"And they will mobilize all their troops. Then the Yan region will be in danger."

"Zhao Feng's move to invade Northern Xinjiang is nothing more than creating chaos for Donghu, so that they will not be able to attack again." Wang Jian thought for a while and said.

Ying Zheng nodded: "I think so too."

"It's just that this kid is too careless. He dares to go deep into the northern Xinjiang with an army of 10,000. If he is not careful, he will fall into a siege by foreign races."

"And I can only watch from Xianyang."

Wang Jian could naturally hear the concern in Ying Zheng's words.

For this son who has not yet recognized each other, Ying Zheng really gave his all sincerity.

"Your Majesty."

"Now besides trusting Zhao Feng, there is nothing we can do."

"But I believe that Zhao Feng will return safely." Wang Jian said still very confidently.

"Yes." Ying Zheng nodded.

at the same time.

In Xianyang City!

Dozens of fast horses rushed out of Xiangbang's mansion and rushed out of Xianyang City.

Each one carries the edict of King Qin to the world.

And they also promulgated these edicts to the counties and cities, and then announced them again from the counties and cities.

Until it is announced to the world.

This is the path revealed in this day and age.

As a capital city.

The announcement was naturally the first to be promulgated.


In Xianyang Jingzhaoyin, officials are already heading towards the announcement places in various parts of Xianyang City.

"Edict of the King of Qin."

"All the people of Da Qin can listen."

On the official road.

Officials held edicts in their hands, and behind them were government officials beating gongs and drums.

The eyes of many people were also attracted, and they headed towards the place where the announcement was made.

"It seems like something big happened."

"It is said that a few months ago, General Zhao Feng led the king's order to conquer the Yan Kingdom. I heard that every time victory came back, the Yan Kingdom was probably about to be destroyed."

"Today the king's edict was issued. I suspect that it is not that the Yan Kingdom is about to die, but that it has already died. The king's edict will definitely cheer up my people in the Qin Dynasty."

"I think so too."

"How powerful are the warriors of our Great Qin? General Zhao Feng is so powerful in commanding troops. He is the strongest God of War in our Great Qin. His troops are unrivaled."

"I think the Yan Kingdom has been destroyed by General Zhao Feng."

"If the Yan Kingdom is really destroyed, wouldn't it mean that our country, Great Qin, controls most of the world's territory?"

"With the death of Yan, Qi and Chu will remain in the world, and I, the great Qin general, will rule the world."

"Quickly, follow us to see if the Yan Kingdom has perished."

"Yes, yes, follow me quickly. If it is true, then I need to celebrate today..."

As the officials of Xianyang Kyoto Prefecture marched, many people also gathered and walked towards the place where the announcement was made.

For a while.

People throughout Xianyang City gathered towards the announcement places everywhere.

Whether they are vendors, merchants, or nobles and commoners.

They all gathered at this moment.

At this moment, all the old Qin people were full of expectations.

The place of proclamation!

"Edict of the King of Qin!"

"Tell the world!"

"It has been half a year since General Zhao Feng of Wu'an Camp led his troops to conquer the Kingdom of Yan."

"After half a year of conquest."

"My Great Qin's Wu'an Camp has destroyed the Yan Kingdom. From now on, the territory of the Yan Kingdom will be under the control of my Great Qin."

After the edict was posted, the official who announced it read it loudly.

The words fell.

The entire Xianyang City was shaken.

"The Kingdom of Yan is dead."

"My Great Qin has taken control of most of the world. Apart from my Great Qin, the only two countries left in the world are Qi and Chu." "That's great."

"I, the Qin Dynasty, are looking forward to unifying the world."

"I never thought that the great cause of unification would be realized by my generation of old Qin people. The great wish of our ancestors is finally coming true."

"The Great Qin will last for eternity, and the Great Qin will last for ten thousand years."

"Very good."

"The fall of the Yan Kingdom is a great joy for me, the Qin Dynasty. Today I should drink wine to celebrate."

"Go together."


Hearing the news of the demise of Yan State.

The people throughout Xianyang City were shouting.

For the people of Lao Qin, this is naturally a very exciting event.

"The State of Yan was pacified by General Zhao Feng. This is one thing."


"The king's edict is announced."

"The King of Yan colluded with the foreign tribes, led them to invade China, and killed our Chinese people."

"Hundreds of thousands of people in the northern frontier of Yanland were massacred by foreigners."

Hear this.

The originally ecstatic people of Da Qin all fell silent, and many people even had anger in their eyes.

If it is from the hereafter.

Then this is equivalent to declaring a huge traitor to lead foreigners to massacre their own people.

Think of this.

How could they not be angry?

"King Yan."

"How dare he collude with foreigners?"

"This is treason."

"This King Yan is not worthy of being a king, he deserves to die."

"Prince Yan deserves to die..."

One by one, the common people roared angrily, without concealing their contempt and anger towards King Yan.

Look at the common people who share the same hatred.

The officials who announced the edict were also shocked by this formation.

Chinese ethnic group.

Although they are now divided into various countries, they all have the same ethnic group. Such acts of betraying the ethnic group and colluding with other races are despised by everyone and everyone is ashamed of them.

"Please rest assured."

"The actions of King Yan that betrayed the clan are despised by everyone in our Huaxia clan."

"General Zhao Feng attacked Ji and made clear to King Yan his crimes. All the officers and soldiers of the Yan Kingdom who were guarding the city knew their righteousness and surrendered to the city."

"After entering the city."

"General Zhao Feng captured King Yan and beheaded him with his own hands. King Yan, the traitor who betrayed the clan, is already dead."


"The alien Donghu drove 200,000 troops south and massacred hundreds of thousands of our Chinese people. General Zhao Feng was furious. After settling on Jicheng, he led his 100,000 cavalry north to fight the aliens."

"It only takes a month."

"The 200,000 foreign troops killed more than 180,000 people for the general, and only less than 20,000 foreigners fled back to northern Xinjiang."

"This battle."

"This is my great victory over the Qin Dynasty."

"The general led his 100,000 cavalry to fight and killed 180,000 foreigners with 40,000 casualties."

"Great victory, great victory!"

"Therefore, Your Majesty declares the results of General Zhao Feng's victory to the world and inspires the people of the world!"

"I also tell the foreigners that if they offend our Chinese state, they will be punished!"

The official read out the words with great excitement.

And all the people who heard this announcement were stunned by the results.

Don't say it's them.

When this great victory occurred in the court, every courtier was like this, and they were all shocked by the result.

"Is General Zhao Feng still a human being?"

"The foreign tribe has 200,000 troops, and General Zhao Feng has 100,000 troops."

"There is such a huge difference between the enemy and ourselves, and the foreign race is the best at riding combat."

"General Zhao Feng actually beheaded 180,000 aliens with 40,000 casualties. Such results can be called the God of War."

"This is the result."

"General Zhao Feng will not only be the general of our Great Qin, but also the God of War of our Huaxia clan."

"Forty thousand casualties and 180,000 aliens killed. Who can do this?"

Countless people were shocked by Zhao Feng's results, but more of them admired and respected Zhao Feng.

This time!

Ying Zheng informed the world with a royal edict and once again built momentum for Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng's reputation will reach an unimaginable level, not only in the Qin Dynasty, but in the world.

For any emperor, a person with such a reputation will never live long, but Zhao Feng is different. He is the eldest son of the current King of Qin and the future prince.

All this is also building momentum for the future.

Under the night!

It's already July.

Winter is coming.

The tribe closest to the border of the original Yan land is located.

Even under night.

The tribe is still flickering with fire, and the torches are shining in the tribe.

Moreover, there were cart after cart of baggage being transported to the tribe, from farther north.

But under this night.

The Donghu tribe is less than a kilometer away.

You can see the fire of Donghu tribe in the distance.

At this moment!

A dozen scouts came running quickly.

"Report to the general."

"Ahead are Donghu's border tribes closest to China."

"According to the investigation by subordinates, this tribe seems to be receiving food and supplies from Donghu's rear."

"It's already dark now, and Donghu's baggage transportation continues."

"But I didn't see Dong Hu being too defensive."

The leading scout reported respectfully.

"Transporting baggage is preparing for the southward attack on my country, Qin."

"It's late at night and they are still delivering goods. It shows that King Donghu must have given an order to gather food and fodder in a short time to prepare for the attack."

Zhao Feng spoke slowly.

Marching and fighting for many years.

Judging from the transportation, Zhao Feng already understood Dong Hu's purpose.

As the tribes closest to China, the tribes on this border naturally placed their food and baggage here first.


"This alien tribe is close to China, and their troops are patrolling and guarding outside?"

"This is a bit strange." Zhang Han said with some confusion.

When the Qin army attacks other countries and sets up camp, thousands of scouts will be sent out to patrol for at least five miles to guard against enemy attacks.

But this time they were already within a kilometer of the Donghu tribe.

They didn't even have any defense.

It's really weird, even ridiculous.

"Because the aliens have always felt that China, our country, would be submissive and would not take the initiative to invade Northern Xinjiang."

"So he has no defense against our country."

Zhao Feng sneered.

He already knew why the aliens were defenseless.

In general.

These aliens are just used to it.

The countries in China have always been accumulating strength for internal friction, and they all have dreams in their hearts of destroying all countries and unifying the world. They focus on defense against foreigners on the border and will never take the initiative to attack.

Because in the eyes of the Chinese nations, the foreign lands in northern Xinjiang are very barren and not worthy of their attention at all.

Compared with China's vast territory and abundant resources, all other countries looked down upon the barren soil of the northern border.


"Do you remember what you told me before?"

Zhao Feng turned his head and looked at Zhang Han and the military princes.

"The general will keep this in mind."

"When attacking a foreign tribe, show no mercy. Kill everyone you encounter, young or old, male or female."

Everyone immediately replied in unison.

"It's not that I'm cruel, it's that the alien race is too inhumane."

"Today we shall pay blood for blood, tooth for tooth."

"How they massacred my Chinese people in my Chinese state, so today we will massacre in other clans."

"Blood debt must be paid with blood." Zhao Feng said coldly, without any mercy in his eyes.


Pity these aliens who are about to be killed.

But there must be something hateful about poor people.

When they were killing people in China, they never thought about whether those Chinese people were pitiful? Is it innocent?

It never occurred to them.

That's the case.

Then how could Zhao Feng show mercy to their clansmen?

"As for the provisions and baggage."

"Take the fire with you and burn it."


"In this battle, what I want is for this alien race to be turned upside down."


"No one should be willing to fight."

"Follow me and charge forward. Kill the foreign tribes directly. Don't fight in one place."

Zhao Feng warned again.

There is going to be a war.

These Zhao Feng must be warned again.

After all, the danger of attacking aliens is not small.

If you fall in love with war, the consequence will be that you will be swallowed up by the alien race.

After all, it is the hinterland of a foreign race.

Once they have enough troops to surround them, it will be dangerous.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng dared to lead twelve thousand soldiers and horses into the northern border because he was from a foreign tribe. If he were in China, Zhao Feng would naturally not be able to do it.

Because China is dominated by cities, these foreign races have no cities at all and are all nomadic.

"I will obey the general's orders."

The generals replied in unison, their eyes extremely strong.

"I can't bring everyone home, but I will try my best to bring all my brothers home."

"After this battle, in Xiangping City, I hope all brothers can have a drink together."

Zhao Feng said with a promise.


Zhao Feng waved his hand: "Mount the horse."

All the soldiers got on their horses one after another.

"The army spreads out as much as possible, and gets close to the alien tribe thirty feet away, with arrows raining down."

"Break through the gate of the alien camp, join forces and kill the alien tribe."

"All officers and men form one unit, and all officers follow each other."

"Don't be separated, don't be left behind."

"Listen to my general's orders."


(End of chapter)

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