Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 243: Ying Zheng: Zhao Feng killed King Donghu? Shock the court!

Chapter 243 Ying Zheng: Zhao Feng killed King Donghu? Shock the court!


Everyone became serious.

Xiao He also came to his senses and adjusted his clothes. The officials behind him also followed suit.

It was Zhao Feng who came this time.

The hero of the Qin Dynasty.

They also didn't want to be rude in front of the hero.

"The general is coming."

"It is said that the General is very young and extremely brave. It is an honor for us to meet him today."

"Yes, I am the hero of the Qin Dynasty, the hero of my Huaxia clan, and the general is from my Dune family. This is the honor of my Dune."

"I am lucky enough to meet the general today."

"Stop arguing."

"The general is coming."

Seeing the black-armored cavalry getting closer and closer, everyone outside Dune City looked up eagerly, as if they were waiting for their idol to arrive.


After they waited for a while.

Under the protection of more than a thousand personal guards.

Zhao Feng's chariot has arrived in front of Sand Dune City.

The car just stopped.

"Xiao He, the governor of Shaqiu County, Xiaguan, led all the officials from Shaqiu to greet the general."

Xiao He walked to the carriage.

Bow down.

"Welcome to you, General."

Many Sand Dune officials also bowed and saluted.

Hear the sound.

Zhang Ming immediately got off his horse, walked to the carriage and opened the curtain.

Zhao Feng walked out slowly.

"My lords, I went out of my way to welcome you."

"You're welcome."

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

And his eyes fell directly on Xiao He.

"The General is the hero of our Qin Dynasty, and he is also the hero of our Chinese ethnic group."

"It is an honor for the lower officials and others to be here to welcome the general back home." Xiao He said with a sincere face.

It's not just him.

This is true for all the officials and county soldiers behind him.

After seeing Zhao Feng, every expression became excited.

It was like seeing the return of the real God of War.

Today, driven by Ying Zheng's edict, Zhao Feng's reputation has reached a level that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

And this time!

When he saw Zhao Feng walking down.

The tens of thousands of Sand Dune people waiting outside the city were also extremely excited.

"The people of Sandhills respectfully welcome the General back home."

Countless people shouted excitedly, as if they were seeing idols they worshiped.

Zhao Feng looked up and was stunned when he saw so many people gathered outside the city.

But then.

Zhao Feng immediately stepped forward, clasped his fists and said, "Fellow folks, please welcome me in person. Zhao Feng is ashamed."


"You have made great contributions to the Qin Dynasty and to China."

"The common people came here specifically to pay homage to the General. He truly deserves his reputation."

"That's right."

"It is an honor for ordinary people to meet the general today."

"The general is indeed extremely brave and worthy of being our number one general in Great Qin."

"The general is a true hero."

"The common people respect you."

"The general attacked the foreigners and avenged his people. This is a true hero."


Sounds of praise came from the mouths of many people.

If one were in the officialdom at this moment, this flattery might be suspected of being flattering, but this time every common person was full of sincerity and very excited.

This time they went out of the city to welcome the return of their hero who was completely spontaneous in welcoming them.

Although they did not see Zhao Feng going into battle to kill the enemy with their own eyes.

But from the court's announcement, we can also imagine how thrilling and dangerous it would be for Zhao Feng to invade a foreign race.

Lead an army of ten thousand soldiers deep into northern Xinjiang!

He will be surrounded and killed by aliens at any time.

But Zhao Feng came back forcefully, and he was unscathed, and even destroyed the Donghu Royal Court.

"Dear fellow villagers and elders."

"Protecting the family and the country is Zhao Feng's duty as a soldier."

"Although Zhao Feng was appointed as the Protector of the Army, he was still a soldier of the Qin Dynasty."

"This time I led the army to attack the foreign tribe."

"The first is to avenge the hundreds of thousands of people who died tragically in Yan due to the massacre by foreign tribes, and the second is to bring peace to our Daqin border."


"Zhao Feng did it."

"This time."

"Zhao Feng has another piece of good news to tell you fellow villagers."

"King Donghu was beheaded by Zhao Feng many days ago."

"Within ten years, Donghu will never invade our great Qin's national power again."

Seeing so many people spontaneously greet him, Zhao Feng was also very excited, and once again announced to these people the good news that had not yet spread.

Hear this.

Many people looked excited.

"The general is mighty."

"Hahaha, the king of Donghu was beheaded by the general."

"Good kill."

"This time, these **** foreign **** will have no chance to offend our Qin and China."

"The **** aliens will all die well."

"The general is mighty."

"The king of the foreign race is dead, he is worthy of being a general..."

Many people started talking excitedly.

"King Donghu is dead."

"General Zhao Feng is worthy of the name of the God of War."

Xiao He also looked at it in surprise.

He seemed to be shocked by the news.

"Dear fellow villagers and elders."

"I haven't seen my mother for a long time."

"My mother must be very worried about entering a foreign land this time, so she can't stay in Sand Dune City for a long time. Please don't blame me, my fellow villagers."

Zhao Feng smiled, cupped his fists and said to the people in the sand dunes in front of him.

"General, let's set off for home."

"The civilians and others watched the general return."

"The general values ​​filial piety, how can we stop him?"

"General, please return home."

All the people spoke one after another.

In this era where filial piety is paramount, naturally everyone supports it.

Zhao Feng turned his head and his eyes fell on Xiao He.

"Governor Xiao."

"I wonder if you would like to follow me and talk about the village ahead?" Zhao Feng smiled slightly and invited Xiao He.

Hear this.

A look of excitement appeared on Xiao He's face, and he immediately said: "The general invites me, how can I refuse?"

And many Sand Dune officials on the side also looked envious.

Although this new county guard is new here, his ability has convinced many people. However, in this era, ability is all about ability, and there may be no chance to go further.

But it's different now.

General Zhao Feng intends to win over.

This is a great opportunity.

Yan Bing, the former governor of Shaqiu County, has now held an important position since he took the road of Zhao Feng. He may become a capital official in the future and be a highly respected minister.

Not everyone has this opportunity.

And now Xiao He has it.

"Then let's arrange the Dune government affairs for the time being."

"Chief Xiao, please come home with me." Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

"Thank you, General." Xiao He thanked him.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart.

He turned around hastily and said to the many officials behind him: "I am returning to Sha Village with the general. I would like to ask all of you to worry about the county and city affairs."

"Lord Sheriff, please go."

"It is enough for the county to have officials and others."

The officials from all the counties and cities spoke one after another.

"Can you ride a horse?" Zhao Feng looked at Xiao He and asked.

"Of course I will." Xiao He nodded and smiled.

"Zhang Ming."

Zhao Feng waved his hand.

Zhang Ming immediately asked his guards to bring a war horse.

And Zhao Feng also got on his war horse.

"Let's set off."

Zhao Feng laughed.


The motorcade moved slowly towards Shacun.

"How long has Commander Xiao been guarding the sand dunes?"

Riding his horse slowly, Zhao Feng looked at Xiao He and asked.

"Come back, General."

"Xiaguan has been in Shaqiu for four years and has always served in a county under Shaqiu County."

"Originally, the lower official was to be transferred to another county, but because of the recommendation of Yan Bing County Sheriff, he became the Shaqiu County Sheriff." Xiao He replied truthfully.

"What do Sheriff Xiao think of the current situation in the world?" Zhao Feng asked again.

"I think so."

"Within four years, the world will be unified."

"The world will become the Great Qin world."

"Sudden time."

"There will be no more wars in the world, and the Chinese people will enjoy peace." Xiao He said with a look of longing.

"Is it difficult to govern a county?" Zhao Feng laughed again.

"The total population of Shaqiu County is only more than 400,000, and I can still handle being a low-ranking official." Xiao He also replied with a smile.

Naturally, he could also see the meaning behind Zhao Feng's words.

"Chief Xiao is very talented." Zhao Feng said with a smile.

"It is a great honor for me to be praised by the general." Xiao He immediately replied excitedly.

The three heroes of the early Han Dynasty in history are like a fanboy in front of Zhao Feng at this moment, which shows how high Zhao Feng's reputation is now.

Zhao Feng is now a truly supreme minister. As long as he ascends to the throne, he will be truly one person below ten thousand people.

But to those with discerning eyes.

Even the people of Qin Dynasty knew it.

Zhao Feng will definitely ascend to this position in the future.

Except for Zhao Feng, it seems that no other general is qualified.

After all, Zhao Feng's military exploits are already unmatched by anyone. "I still have a lot of fine wine at home."

"After I return to Sha Village, I will have a good drink with Governor Xiao." Zhao Feng said with a smile.

Xiao He's eyes lit up, and he immediately clasped his fists and said, "I can't get what I ask for."


Chaoyi Hall!

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"I just returned from Xiangping."

"The general has successfully returned from northern Xinjiang." Ren Xiao bowed to Zhao Feng with excitement on his face.

Hear this!

Ying Zheng was completely relieved.

"This boy."

"I finally returned safely."

"Finally, I don't need to worry about him anymore."

"If something happens in Northern Xinjiang, Afang will never see me again in his life." Ying Zheng was extremely happy in his heart.

And in the court hall.

Many ministers who cared about Zhao Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

"The general has returned safely. This is the blessing of our great Qin."

"I congratulate you, Your Majesty."

"The general's actions of severely inflicting heavy losses on foreign tribes will be remembered in history and will be recorded in the annals of history forever."

"My congratulations, Your Majesty..."

Many civil and military officials in the court congratulated loudly.

"Since he has returned triumphantly from Northern Xinjiang, why hasn't he returned with you?" Ying Zheng came back to his senses and asked with a frown.

"Return to the king."

"After the General returns."

"The aliens are still in hot pursuit."

"The general led his army to defend Xiangping. After defeating the foreign tribes, he killed King Donghu. This is the battle report."

Ren Xiao looked excited and held a battle report in his hand.

And his words fell.

Everyone in the court was shocked.

He looked at Ren Xiao in disbelief.

"Commander Ren, what did you say?"

"Zhao Feng killed King Donghu?" Wang Jian thought there was something wrong with his ears, so he looked at Ren Xiao hurriedly and asked.

"The general destroyed many tribes and killed hundreds of thousands of foreigners. King Donghu pursued him with anger."

"In the end, he was killed by the general himself."

"The specific circumstances are all in the battle report." Ren Xiao replied respectfully, holding up the battle report in his hand.

Ying Zheng immediately waved his hand: "Read it!"

Without any hesitation, Ren Xiao directly opened the battle report, stood up straight, and read loudly: "Your Majesty, Zhao Feng, is here to report!"

"I will select 10,000 elite men from the main cavalry camp, and then have 2,000 personal guards under my command."

"Lead an army of 12,000 troops into the foreign lands of Northern Xinjiang."

"After four months of fierce fighting."

"Finally returned to Xiangping of the Qin Dynasty from northern Xinjiang."

"Four months of hard work."

"Based on my rough statistics."

"A total of thirty-five foreign tribes were destroyed, of various sizes."

"More than 500,000 people were killed by my troops who killed foreigners."

"The foreign royal court was almost completely destroyed by our army. It is no longer a royal court and is in ruins."

"The aliens' food, grass, baggage, and cattle and sheep reserves will be destroyed wherever I lead my army."

"With our army destroying the alien resources, the alien race will not be able to fully recover within five years."

"I led my troops to withdraw from northern Xinjiang."

"Twelve thousand soldiers, a total of 6,700 returned."

"Fifty-three hundred people died in exchange for more than 500,000 foreign casualties, and countless foreign resources were destroyed."

"Big victory!"

"After the triumph."

"King Donghu was unwilling to be humiliated and led his army to pursue and attack Xiangping City."

"I led my army to defend and sent my cavalry to attack in two directions. King Donghu was unprepared and was attacked by our army from both sides. Finally, I led my army to fight. In this battle, I killed nearly 70,000 foreigners. I killed them all with my own hands. King Donghu."

"The king of Donghu died, and the power of the king of Donghu changed. Within ten years, Donghu will no longer have the power to invade our country from the south."


"In addition to reporting the results of the battle, I also begged the king to give double the pension and double the favor to the 5,300 warriors who died in the foreign expeditions under my command."

"They are all heroes of our Qin Dynasty and heroes of China."

"I beg your Majesty to treat me kindly!"

"Zhao Feng pays homage!"

Ren Xiao read loudly.

It was different from Zhao Gao's hoarseness when he read it, and it was different from his gloominess.

As a military general, Ren Xiao's reading was generous and powerful, and the entire court could feel the heroic spirit contained in this battle report.

"King Donghu was really killed by Zhao Feng."

"How can this be?"

"Is this King Donghu a fool?"

"His tribe was beaten so badly by Zhao Feng, how dare he lead his army to attack?"

"Another great achievement was given to Zhao Feng in vain."

Wang Wan was extremely worried at the moment.

for him.

Watching Zhao Feng perform meritorious service was even more uncomfortable than letting him go to the battlefield.

The further Zhao Feng goes, the worse it will be for them.

"General Zhao Feng is really powerful."

"A born warrior."

"He is worthy of the name of the Great Qin God of War."

"This time, I am convinced."

"With such a result, everyone in the world will be extremely shocked if they know about it."

Everyone in the court was shocked, and they were all shocked again by the result.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng's previous battle results were reported back.

Every result is shocking.

Enter the alien race and destroy the alien tribe.

Then he destroyed the foreign royal court.

This pile.

Now he killed King Donghu again.

Even the minister standing above the court was a little unimaginable.

"Start the memorial, Your Majesty."

"General Zhao Feng killed King Donghu. This achievement can be said to be beyond the victory of destroying Yan."

"The king originally said that he would be promoted to the rank of general, but I think it is not enough."

Han Fei stood up immediately and said loudly.

It was as if he was asking for credit for Zhao Feng, or even asking Zhao Feng to take another step forward.

"I second the proposal."

"Zhao Feng is a general, and he can be held as a national captain."

"With the merits of General Zhao Feng, he can definitely take on this important task." Li Si also stood up immediately.

As soon as the title of "Guowei" came out.

Everyone in the court was shocked.

But although many people were shocked.

But no one dared to object.

Zhao Feng's contribution is too great.

Attack Donghu from the north.

achieved such results.

It even surpassed the success of destroying Yan.

Wang Jian, who was standing at the head of the military ministers, smiled lightly. He did not stand up, but his face was full of leisure and contentment.

Such situations.

There was no need for him to say anything.

"Old boy."

"You really found a treasure."

"If I had known that Zhao Feng was so powerful, I would have let my daughter **** it away."

Huan Yi couldn't help but said to Wang Jian.

"Haha, just be envious."

"However, Zhao Feng's treasure is not just for now." Wang Jian laughed in a low voice, and his proud look was not concealed at all.

Wang family.

The real good days are yet to come.

Now it is only the honor of military ministers.

It seems that he has a son-in-law who is going to become a national captain, but what about the future?

He thought about his daughter becoming a crown princess in the future, and also thought about the future queen.

Wang Jian's heart was beating wildly.

It's just that this kind of secret can only be kept hidden for now. When it is revealed in the future, it will be enough to shock the court and the world.

And on the throne.

Listen to what Han Fei and Li Si said.

There was indeed a hint of excitement on Ying Zheng's face.

See this.

Chunyu Yue couldn't help it anymore and stood up immediately: "Your Majesty."

"Although General Zhao Feng has made great contributions to the Qin Dynasty."

"This time, the alien race has indeed suffered a big loss."

"But he also completely offended the foreign tribes and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of them. In the future, Donghu will become our mortal enemy of Great Qin, and there will never be peace in Northern Xinjiang."

Hear this.

Ying Zheng frowned and looked over coldly.

"Chun Yu Taifu."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Could it be that the aliens can only massacre my Chinese people, but our Great Qin army can't massacre the aliens in revenge?" Wang Jian couldn't stand anymore and shouted coldly.

The eyes of many people in the court fell on Chun Yuyue, especially the military officials, who all had a look of displeasure.


Li Si sneered.


"It's not that Master Chunyu is incapable of revenge, but he feels that General Zhao Feng has gone too far." Fusu immediately defended his teacher.

"According to Big Brother's opinion, should we show mercy to the enemy on the battlefield?"

Hu Hai immediately spoke sarcastically.

"When the aliens slaughtered my Chinese people, they showed no mercy."

"It seems that Grand Tutor Chunyu really doesn't want to see General Zhao Feng go further, and now he's saying such ignorant things."

"It's ridiculous."

"Is it possible that the aliens can only massacre my people, but cannot our army massacre the aliens in revenge?"

"Chunyu Taifu is so ridiculous."

"Your Confucianism is really disgusting."

"In order to criticize the general, you really do everything possible."

"It's really a shame to share the same palace with you."

"It's ridiculous..."

All the courtiers criticized Chunyu Yue one after another.

(End of chapter)

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