Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 101 Shortcut to Picking Up Garbage (Second)


Hearing Bai Menghan's evaluation of himself, Fang Chenyi also complained:

'Who said no, I spent 150 million to hire a group of cooks. What is this not to ruin money?Fortunately, he didn't know who got the money from his mother, otherwise he would have to die of heartache.'

Of course, now Fang Chenyi can think about it, but he can't say it.

"Ahaha, I don’t think that there will be more people in the future, and it will be convenient to eat together. You see, my parents and your parents, and then we and my sister, so many people can’t eat every day. Do it yourself. Besides, I don’t think we should waste time on cooking. Don’t you say it? If you have the time to do something meaningful, isn’t it better for him."

Hearing what Fang Chenyi said, it was as if the two were married now, and Bo Menghan's small heart had already started to sweeten up, and he didn't even listen to the rest of the story.

However, despite the chef team, Bo Menghan insisted on finishing the half-cooked meal.

In the words of Bo Menghan, half of it cannot be wasted after all.

At the dining table, Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while watching the light bulb like Su Tantan unconsciously holding his rice bowl and swallowing.

'Did I get my head caught in the door at the beginning? Why did you let this guy move in??Your uncle, let's get this lazy guy out early..'

It's not that Fang Chenyi can't tolerate Su Tantan, but it's mainly because he just came back and saw Bo Menghan alone in the kitchen and this Su Tantan didn't help, but he still watched TV with snacks..

Fang Chenyi has always had the character of doing what he said. Now that he has decided to get this Su Tan Tan out, then hurry up.

Two of the three pulled the bowl of rice into their stomachs and then got up and went back to the room. After getting out the key of Villa No. 10, they walked back again.

"What's the matter?"

Bo Menghan gently swallowed the food in his mouth and looked at Fang Chenyi, who was holding a bunch of keys in his hand.

Fang Chenyi smiled slightly, put the key in his hand on the dining table, and then pushed it to Su Tantan's side, and said with a smile:

"Hehe, I thought about it today. Su Tantan is still not suitable to live with us. After all, I am a man. It would be very inconvenient to come out and go in. If this is seen by the family, I am afraid that it will be misunderstood. What. This is the key to Villa No. 10. Let Su Tan Tan move in and live there first. The distance is not far away. You can also go together after class."

Looking at the key in front of him, Su Tantan felt aggrieved in his heart, and turned his attention to Bo Menghan, hoping that she could help herself with something nice.

After hearing Fang Chenyi's words, Bo Menghan also looked at the set of keys, and then asked Fang Chenyi: "Yi, is this villa number ten next to Wei Yilong?"

Fang Chenyi nodded and answered.

Seeing Fang Chenyi's already decided appearance, and thinking about it, it is indeed as he said. It is inevitable that there will be inconvenience when people come out and enter. Finally, Bo Menghan had to nod his head:

"It's okay. It's really inconvenient. I didn't think about it before. Let's do it. The distance is not far anyway. It's good if Tan Tan is still here during the day. You can only go back at night when you sleep."


After dinner, the two women sat together and watched the TV. After scanning the sky, Fang Chenyi put the woven bag under his arm and went out.

The moon is black and wind is high in the night, it is the time to pick up the tatters!

Today's trash cans in the entire community are Fang Chenyi's goals.

The sky was getting darker and darker, strolling all the way and soon came to the first goal.

He looked around to see that there was no one, Fang Chenyi shook the woven bag in his hand, rushed to the trash can.

[The owner found an old nai cover, the system rewarded 690 yuan, the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please pay attention to check.

[The owner found a broken iron pot, the system rewards 800 yuan, the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please pay attention to check.

[The owner finds a can, and the system rewards 100 yuan. The reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account. Please check it carefully.


After picking up five or six trash cans in a row, Fang Chenyi's bank card had seven or eighty thousand yuan more.

After picking up the trash can in front of him, Fang Chenyi carried the woven bag on his shoulder and walked towards the next trash can.

'His grandma, he has to get a battery car in the future. This step by step is really delaying production!'

With that said, Fang Chenyi had already reached the trash can in front of the next building.

I just came to the side of the trash can and saw a folding bicycle leaning on the trash can outside the trash can.

"Hey, this stuff is good, you don't have to walk with this guy."

With that said, Fang Chenyi stepped forward to remove the bacteria and stains from the bicycle with a trash clip, and then picked it up and set it aside, only then began to pick up the trash inside.

This time, with the help of the bicycle, the speed has been accelerated a lot, at least not having to waste time on the road.

After half an hour, Fang Chenyi had already picked up half of the trash cans in the community and scanned the short message on his mobile phone: "Grandma's, more than 200,000 yuan got it in a while! It's so damn good!"

In this half an hour, Fang Chenyi not only earned more than 200,000 yuan in cash, but even figured out a set of methods that save time and effort.

When I came to a new trash can and carefully observed that there was no one around, he stretched out his hand and directly clamped the trash can in front of him with the help of the principle that the trash clip is immune to heavy objects, and then pointed it at his own. The woven bag was poured in.

Although some rubbish will fall outside, it also saves a lot of time.

Hearing the arrival reminder that kept ringing in his mind, Fang Chenyi was contented for a while, picked up the garbage scattered on the ground, and muttered in his mouth:

"This trash can is too big to use, grandma's, I went back to find a manufacturer of trash cans to order a batch of trash cans suitable for their woven bags, and then donate them to the community for free. Hey, I will come by then. Wouldn't it be faster to pick up trash?"

The more you think about it, the more feasible it is. Not only this community, but at that time, I will replace the surrounding communities with new trash cans for free in the name of donation. I believe everyone will not refuse!

"Hey! What do you do!"

Just when Fang Chenyi stepped on the bicycle and planned to head towards the next trash can, a soft voice came from behind him.

[To be continued....

ps: Family members, Xiaoyuzi is coding, and we will continue to publish new chapters later!Please order!Ask for a monthly pass!

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