Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 102: You Are On Purpose! (Third more)

Turning around suspiciously, she saw a woman in a security uniform behind her carrying a bright flashlight shining on herself.

The light of the flashlight hit Fang Chenyi's handsome face, and the female security guard on the other side was instantly dumbfounded.

"Hey, I said, Zhang, can we take the flashlight? Blink your eyes."

Fang Chenyi has forgotten this. There are security patrols here at night.

But looking at this lone female bodyguard, Fang Chenyi was a little speechless, just such a female security guard, if you really encounter a bad person, I am afraid that he might not even catch him..

"Oh. Oh, what do you do? Is it the owner here?"

Perhaps it was because Fang Chenyi was so handsome, just as handsome as Xiaoyuzi's readers, so the female security guard spoke very softly unconsciously.

Raising the woven bag in his hand, Fang Chenyi said helplessly:

"I'm the owner. It's not like I'm fine after eating, and I'm contributing to environmental protection."

Seeing this handsome guy raised the woven bag in his hand, the female security guard remembered why she called this guy.Carrying a big woven bag in the middle of the night, who knows if it's a bad person!

But looking at his handsome looks, the female security guard told herself in her heart, how could a bad guy be so handsome!

"Hee hee, you really love environmental protection, sir. If people can think of you, then our home will be beautiful."


Fang Chenyi didn't expect this female security guard to be so reasonable. This was really beyond his expectation. As everyone knows, there is a reason for this. If it is replaced by another person, it will be blasted out by the security guard.

"Aha, okay, okay, everyone is responsible for protecting the environment, and I don't ask others to do it myself. What about it, if it's okay, I will first integrate and recycle old resources."

"Don’t, sir, wait a while. It’s like this. Since you love environmental protection so much, there are still a lot of tatters in my duty room. Or come with me to get it. Let me dedicate myself to environmental protection, uh ,, No, it’s not a dedication, it’s a presence, a presence on the ground. Yes, let me do something on the ground.”

Although he couldn't see the face of the opposite person, the five big and thick black shadows still made Fang Chenyi shocked. After leaving a sentence, he must have passed by when he had time. He turned over and rode the bike he just picked up and ran away.

After a hard kick, even the chain of the car was kicked off.

Looking back and seeing that there was no voice of the female security guard behind him, Fang Chenyi let out a long sigh.

"Hoo~ Good risk, good risk!"

While patted his chest with fear, he threw the bicycle with the chain dropped in front of him into the woven bag with a trash clip.

[Ding, the owner picks up a worn-out bicycle and stimulates the system's special rewards. The reward is a permanent brand 24k pure gold 28 bicycle. The reward has been placed next to the trash can. Please collect it by yourself.

Listening to the sudden voice in his mind, Fang Chenyi staggered and almost didn't trip over by himself.

"Fuck it, the twenty-eight bicycle? The damn one is 24k pure gold? What special fetish is this Nima system! A walking tractor with a fighter jet engine! A Bugatti's Wuling van! This time comes again A two-eight bicycle of pure gold???"

While muttering in his mouth, he quickly walked to the trash can not far away. Sure enough, he saw that beside the trash can, he was leaning on a two-eight bicycle gleaming golden light in the moonlight!

Looking up and down on the 28 bicycle that he used to ride as a child, Fang Chenyi still felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

Reluctantly shook his head, and then started riding this bicycle made of pure gold to start a raid on the trash bin in the community.

After more than half an hour, the trash can of the entire community was finally swept away by Fang Chenyi.

When returning to the villa, only Su Tantan was watching TV in the living room, while Bo Menghan went to the study to read.

Seeing Fang Chenyi's return, Su Tantan yawned, then looked at Fang Chenyi and said, "Handsome guy, your family Menghan is in the study. I'm watching TV here, don't you bother?"

Nodded helplessly, and then he knew it, and then walked towards the study.

After reading the book with Bo Menghan for a while, the two of them returned to the bedroom together. Needless to say, the three rounds of battle soon reached the wee hours.

Looking at Bo Menghan who was sleeping in his arms, Fang Chenyi raised the corners of his mouth slightly and kissed the other party's forehead lightly. Then he went to bed contentedly.

There was no words for a night. Early the next morning, after eating the exquisite breakfast from the Char team, Fang Chenyi took Bo Menghan to drive the Lamborghini Urus and Bo Menghan’s pink Lamborghini supercar. Out of the villa area.

The car drove out of the community and drove all the way towards the outer ring. I had to say that Bo Menghan was really a talented woman. Looking at her proficient driving skills, Fang Chenyi felt ashamed.

Fang Chenyi drove the Lamborghini Urus, and soon the two cars left the city and came to the country road.

Feeling the roads that are getting worse and worse, Urus has nothing to do, and Bo Menghan's supercar is a bit difficult.Fortunately, Nizi's driving skills are superb, and many difficult places are easily avoided.

Finally, after driving for nearly an hour and a half, Fang Chenyi in front slowly stopped the car on the side of the road.

Upon seeing this, Bo Menghan also raised the door and got out of the car, walked to Fang Chenyi's, looked at the surrounding rural houses with some doubts, and asked:

"Yi, where is this? What are we doing here?"

Looking at Bo Menghan's suspicious and cute appearance, Fang Chenyi scratched her little nose behind her: "Hey, this is a mountainous area. I come here to sell you naturally."

Fang Chenyi glaredly said, "No one is righteous, hum, that's okay, as long as you are willing, just sell me."

Gently sip on Bo Menghan's mouth:

"Hey, how can you be willing, such a good wife, where can I find it if I sell it. Nuo, this is my home."

Pointing to a large stone engraved with Nancun on the side of the road ahead, Fang Chenyi spoke with emotion.

"Huh??? This is your home? Oops! How can you do this, you!"

Upon hearing this, the smart Bo Menghan naturally guessed something. Looking at the small village in front of him, Bo Menghan stamped his feet angrily, complaining in his mouth:

"Why didn't you tell me that you were going home? The first time I went to your house, I was empty-handed! Uncles and aunts must think I was impolite, you really hate you! No, let's go back first, I remember the way here There is a town, let's go shopping first!"

[To be continued....

ps: will be added later

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