Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 103 The Ugly Daughter-in-law Sees In-laws (Fourth)

Seeing Bo Menghan's crying appearance, Fang Chenyi was still very pleased.

Rubbed Bo Menghan's head gently:

"Silly girl, I dare to bet with you, I can help you take it home, my parents are happier than receiving any gifts. Haha, let's go, they are all at the door of the house."

"What can I do, I am determined not. Anyway, this is the first time I have come to your house. At the very least, I have to bring some gifts! How can I be empty-handed the first time I come here. Little sister Jinjin, I'm a sister-in-law, how can I not give the meeting ceremony when we meet for the first time."

To be honest, Fang Chenyi really didn't think so much. As he just said, his parents had long been looking forward to one day that he could bring a wife home.

I'm fine now. Not only did I bring one, but also such a beautiful big beauty, I don't need to think about it, my parents must be happy.

But looking at Bo Menghan's determination to buy gifts, Fang Chenyi had no choice but to point to the Lamborghini SUV he was driving and then said:

"Hey, I have prepared a gift for you, Nuo, this is the car. My dad always wanted to have a car of his own, but because of the limited conditions in my family, this wish has not been realized. Nuo, this car The car is just a gift for the two of us to my parents."

After listening to Fang Chenyi's words, Bo Menghan's eyes showed an expression of "who do you lie?"

Just kidding, Fang Chenyi's pen is worth hundreds of millions. His family has limited conditions?The desire to have a car has never been realized??What about this fool??

As if seeing what Bo Menghan was thinking, Fang Chenyi shook his head helplessly and smiled:

"You may not believe it, but I really only really stood up recently. Before, I lived the life of an ordinary person. I went to work from 9 to 5 every day and lived in a simple rental house every day. .. Haha, okay, let’s not talk about it, now there are gifts too, let’s go in now."

Bo Menghan looked at Fang Chenyi's eyes and saw that there was no flicker in his eyes, so Bo Menghan chose to believe Fang Chenyi's words.

But when Fang Chenyi said he was going to the village, Bai Menghan began to get nervous again. With a pair of small hands, he unconsciously squeezed the corners of his clothes, his face also became twisted:

"Then, that little girl's gift is not there yet."

Reluctantly patted his forehead: "Haha, that girl Xiaojin, don't you just take her to go shopping when you turn around. It can not only buy her some gifts, but also promote the relationship between the two of you."

After thinking about it, Bo Menghan nodded and agreed.Walking back into his car again, seeing Fang Chenyi had already started the car in front of him, Bai Menghan hurriedly followed, while feeling like a deer crashing in his heart.

Finally gritted her teeth, "The ugly daughter-in-law always has to see her in-laws. Sooner or later, there will be such a day, so what can I fear?'

Thinking of this, the tension in my heart slowly calmed down.


Although I came out earlier today, it's already more than ten o'clock in the morning when I drove all the way back.

The car twisted and turned and finally drove to his door.

Looking at the familiar streets, the familiar doorways, and the familiar bungalows, Fang Chenyi felt like a world away.

As the car stopped here, Father Fang, who was in the yard during the weekend, was the first to find a big car suddenly stopped at the door.

This made him wonder, why is his car betting on his doorstep?

But after all, they belonged to neighbors, so he didn't take it seriously.Bent over and prepare to continue the unfinished work on hand.

Just with the sound of closing the car door with two bangs,

His son's voice came from the gate of his yard:

"Dad! Mom! Hey, come out quickly and see what surprises I bring to you!"

The voice comes first before anyone enters the door.

Fang's father thrust the shovel in his hand into the ground with his feet and stared at him, then stood up and looked at the door, his mouth reprimanded:

"Little bunny, come back when you come back, noisy! Surprise, when you can bring us a daughter-in-law, we will be surprised... uh... fucking! Baby fucking! Come on, come out!! come out faster!"

Originally halfway through, I saw a handsome eldest daughter coming in behind Fang Chenyi, and she was abruptly held back when she said half of it, not only that, but also hurriedly greeted her own wife.

"Hello, uncle, my name is Bo Menghan, hee hee, I am Chen Yi’s girlfriend. Your vegetable garden is so good, and my dad in my family likes to tinker with it, but it’s worse than yours. Far."

Entering the door, the somewhat shy Bo Menghan hurriedly called to his uncle. He had to say that Nizi's little head was really smart. After a few words, he coaxed Fang's old face into a smile.

While talking here, the mother in the room walked out with a basin, and complained while walking:

"Come on, I just came into the room and said to pick some beans, Lao Fang, why are you so noisy. Uh... this girl is..."

"Hello auntie, my name is Bo Menghan, I am Chen Yi’s girlfriend, hehe, I’ve long wanted to see you, Chen Yi has always said that he’s busy, today we don’t take advantage of his time, we will hurry Come and see your two elders here. Come, auntie, let me help you hold the basin."


Listening to Bo Menghan's words, Fang Chenyi was amused. This Nizi didn't blink her eyes when she lied. She wanted to come a long time ago, and she just didn't know who was nervously pinching the corner of her clothes at the entrance of the village.

However, Fang Chenyi was very pleased to see the happy expression of the second elder.Especially seeing that my parents love Bo Menghan so much.Even the two directly ignored their own son.

"This stinky boy, what is he up to? My daughter-in-law is coming, don't you hurry up, I think you are really itchy! Walk Menghan, let's get in the house quickly."

Fang's mother held Bo Menghan's little hand and walked into the house, and she gave Fang Chenyi a sharp look as she walked.

"Hehe, auntie, don't you want to pick the beans? I happened to pick it for you. I will stew the beans for you at noon today."

Bo Menghan secretly squeezed his eyes at Fang Chenyi gloating, and seemed to say,'Let you not tell me to buy gifts in advance, this time it's all right, get scolded.Hey, that's it!'

Reaching out to take the stainless steel basin in Mother Fang's hand, he walked towards the bean field.

And the mother behind him looked at her non-pretentious daughter-in-law, and the corners of her mouth were about to reach her ears.

[To be continued....

ps: Family!Continue to add new ones later!

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