Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 104: Are All Rented? (Fifth more)

When Bo Menghan pulled Fang's mother to pick the beans, Fang's father suddenly walked up to Fang Chenyi and dragged her aside.

I looked around and saw that there was no one else around, then lowered his voice and said:

"Fuck boy, go ahead, did you rent it back with money, or did you ask your friend to pretend to be?"


"Isn't it Dad, what do you think in your head? Just your son's suave looks, but you can still use it for rent and impersonation?"


A slap on Fang Chenyi's head without angrily:

"Bah! Although your kid looks like me, how realistic is this society now. Can such a good girl like you as a small employee?"

After a pause, seeing his son's awkward expression, Fang's father showed a smug look on his face, and in his heart he secretly said, "What a kid, I'm hit by your father."'

"Tell me how old your kid is? Our family doesn't have that condition. I'm afraid you won't be able to keep you who is too beautiful. I have to find someone who can live a good life."

Fang Chenyi was speechless. Hearing that his father was going to teach himself again, he interrupted quickly:

"Dad, Dad, Dad, this is really my girlfriend. Really, you think I can lie to you. Also, it wasn't your son who played with you. Now your son has a great promise. Really, you see you What are you doing? If you don’t believe me, let Xiaojin check it online. Your son is now the big boss."

"Bah, just blow it up. You, the big boss, think about something practical every day, don't always dream. By the way, speaking of Xiao Jin, today is exactly the week when she goes home. At noon you drive my tricycle to pick it up today. Let's go there."

Xiaojin is currently attending middle school in the town. She usually lives in the school. He can go home every Saturday at noon and return to school on Sunday night. Today is Saturday, which is Xiaojin's home week.

"Hey, I think you should pick it up yourself."

Fang Chenyi rolled his eyes towards the Lamborghini at the door, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing his son's words, Fang's father also patted his head: "Hey, yes, I forgot that your kid also rented a girlfriend back. Okay, then I will go now, just to buy some delicious food in the town. "

After speaking, Fang's father stopped talking to Fang Chenyi but turned and walked back to Fang's mother and Bo Menghan:

"Haha, what? Menghan, stay with your aunt first. I'll go to town to buy some delicious food and pick up Chen Yi's sister by the way."

"Uncle, you don't have to be so troublesome. I will stew the beans for you at noon."

Hearing what Fang's father said, Bo Menghan quickly stood up.When she finished speaking, Fang Chenyi on the side was the first to say:

"Hey, don't be stinky, I don't always go home here, so I can't make me something delicious. Alright, you and mom can pick the beans. My dad and I are going to pick up Xiaojin."

"Hey, what's your kid talking about? You look so beautiful. Let me tell you, I will make something delicious for my daughter-in-law at noon today. You can eat the leftover rice porridge in the morning!"

After finishing these words, my mother stopped doing it and gave Fang Chenyi an angry white. Then he took Bo Menghan's hand and ignored Fang Chenyi again.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi smiled, turned around and walked towards the door, but the father behind him shook his head helplessly, turned around and pushed his tricycle out.

Standing at the door, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but laugh when he saw his father pushing the tricycle out:

"Not Dad, why are you pushing him out?"

Angrily glared at Fang Chenyi: "Smelly boy, you don't want to help your dad push, but you run very fast. You can go without riding it! Pull over, don't block the door. Oh yes. Yes, you go out to see if the car at the door is the old uncle Zhang's car next door, you go and ask him to move it, blocking our door and unable to get out, don't shave him."

After Fang's father finished speaking, Fang Chenyi didn't move, still looking at his father with a smile.

"What are you looking at, brat! Go ahead."

"If you don't go or not, you should go by yourself."

Reached out and nodded Fang Chenyi's nose, then jumped off the tricycle, opening his mouth:

"I can't tell you anymore, brat, I'll call you, help me push the tricycle out!"

After speaking, Father Fang strode out of the door, but as soon as he left the door, Fang Chenyi behind him heard the exclamation of his father:

"My milk, this big car is so beautiful? Tsk, it's so beautiful. What brand is it in time? Looks like the old Liu's Taurus star?"

Fang Chenyi behind him almost burst out laughing when he heard what his father said.

Walked out of the door in three or two steps, looking at the old man who was standing staring at the Lamborghini SUV, his mouth turned up slightly, and he whispered:

"Do you see Dad?"

When he heard the sound, Father nodded his head without thinking, and replied casually:

"Well, it looks good."

Upon seeing this, Fang Chenyi directly took out the car key, handed it from behind to his father's eyes, shook it and said:

"No, since my dad likes it, give it to my dear dad~"

Seeing the car key suddenly appeared in front of him, Father Fang was taken aback, then turned around and looked at Fang Chenyi with a dazed expression:

"Where did your kid get the car keys? You drove this car?"

Fang Chenyi nodded very badly. Fang's father was even more surprised when he saw the car key in his hand. After looking at it carefully, he found that the car key really had the same big cow as that on the car. Sign.

Turning his face and staring into his son's eyes, he suffocated two words for a long time:


Fang Chenyi almost fell on the ground by his father's words.

What kind of thinking is this father? The daughter-in-law rents the car, and this car is also rented. In the heart of this father, I am such a superficial person..

"I bought it... or I bought it for you, walk around, get in the car first, get in the car first."

After a while of speechlessness, a key that took the old man was pressed, and the car suddenly made a click to unlock.

Take a step forward and pull open the door of the driver's seat, then move your hand to the roof of the car:

"Hey, Mr. Fang, please get in the car."

Fang's father was amused when he saw his son like this. He nodded his son irritably, and then stepped up.

Just kidding, since the son of this car has been rented, he has also gone to enjoy the ride, otherwise it is not a loss.

When Dad got in the car, Fang Chenyi helped Dad close the car door, then trot to the co-pilot side, opened the car door and sat in.

"Hey, this car is too beautiful, right? This big gear is just like the airplane gear on the TV. It's so beautiful!"

Fang Chenyi, who had just gotten into the car, looked at his father's joyful appearance, and he was also happy.

'Parents, you keep me young, and I keep you old!'

[To be continued....

ps: Brothers, I will add five more chapters today and continue tomorrow!Ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass!

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