Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 109 I am not annoying (First more)

The miserable cry of his son on the phone immediately frightened the old man and Qi Yi jumped, then his face became extremely gloomy, and he asked anxiously:

"Are you serious, where did you hurt? Who called you, you call the other party! I'll talk to them!"

My dear son, I can't bear even a curse on weekdays, but today I was asked to be beaten. It's okay!

Lying on the ground, Yuejin immediately found his backer when he heard his father's words. He sucked in a painful breath, and said to the young man who looked at him coldly, "Boy! My dad's call, dare you I dare not pick it up!"

Seeing this young man who was obviously still a child, Fang Chenyi shook his head and smiled bitterly. He was really out of status with such a kid who had something to call his parents.

One step forward, he picked up the phone, and then said in a cold voice: "Say"

Yue Old Qi on the other end of the phone was stunned. How long has no one spoken to him in this tone?

However, thinking that his son is still in the hands of the other party, Yue Laoqi still endured the anger in his heart, calmed down and said:

"I am Yue Lao Qi, the chairman of Yuejian Company, and Yuejin is my son. No matter what the purpose of going out, please give me a face. Don't hurt my son. Everything will be said after I have passed!"

Fang Chenyi glanced at the corner of his mouth as he listened to the other party's self-report and used a threatening tone.

To say that Yue Lao Qi's reputation is really great in the town, but now he really hasn't seen him, especially after hearing the other party say that it is the chairman of Yuejian Company, Fang Chenyi feels even more fun.

If I remember correctly, the system rewarded myself just now seems to be a 100% stake in this company.Just listening to the other person's tone, seemingly not sure yet?

"Purpose? Haha, it seems that you have no moral character for your son. I really don’t have a B-number in my heart. If you want to come over, I will ask how you educate your son. Okay, give you half an hour. The time comes here, it will not be overdue!"

After speaking, without waiting for the other party to speak, he just threw the phone back to Yuejin, who was still sitting on the ground and holding his hands.

As a result of the leap on the ground, the phone started to talk to him in a low voice.

When the father on the side saw this, he couldn't help but stared, what the hell is going on with you brat!Don't hurry to send people to the hospital!

Just now, that kid can hear clearly the phone call by himself. This is the son of Yue Lao Qi who was called by his son. Who is Yue Lao Qi? That is a man in town who only covers the sky with his hands. Not only is the family rich, listen. It is very background.Now his son has been beaten by his own son. Is this still worth it?

Of course, in Dad's heart, although his son has made money now, it is absolutely impossible for him to speak the same day as Yue Lao.

"Haha, it's okay, Dad, I have a sense of measure. Then you and Xiaojin should go buy some vegetables first. I will take care of the things here. After all, Xiaojin is a girl, so many people are watching, so going to school will not affect her future it is good."

Seeing what his father wanted to say, Fang Chenyi showed a confident look at him. Upon seeing this, Fang's father opened his mouth and finally nodded. After all, what the son said was true:

"That's all right, you kid, don't beat people anymore, and then pay them some medical expenses."

After speaking, he pulled the frightened girl back into the car and looked at this side again. Seeing Fang Chenyi nodded, she took her girl to leave first.

After seeing that the uncle driving the Lamborghini turned out to be the father of the other side, Yuejin on the ground couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and at the same time scolded Xiaoyu's ancestors for eight generations.

Doesn't this bitch mean that Fang Jinjin's family is not rich?Mom is a scumbag, her father drove a nearly ten million Lamborghini. Isn't it rich??This Nima can't make the family tens of millions!

Thinking of seeing Fang Jinjin's father's dress and appearance before, it is really difficult to hook up with Lamborghini.But hasn't this guy ever heard that people are not good-looking??

Then I thought about it, what if Fang Jinjin had money in her family?Could it be better than your own?

Fang Chenyi cast a glance at the two Yuejin and didn't pay attention to them. Instead, he turned and leaned on the white Audi A4 Yuejin, then took out his phone and read the novel.

Nearly ten minutes later, there was a roar of car engines from afar.

Sitting on the ground in a painful cold sweat, leaping forward and hearing the sound, he hurriedly looked up. After seeing that it was an S-Class Mercedes-Benz, he suddenly excitedly waved the uninjured arm and shouted:

"Dad! Dad! Here I am, here I am!"


With the sound of brakes, the black S-Class stopped directly next to the white Audi A4 in Yuejin, which happened to be where the Lamborghini just stopped by Fang's father.

The passenger’s door opened, and a random young man in a suit and leather shoes quickly stepped out of the car and trot to the back of the car to open the door, but perhaps he was too anxious. The young man in the back did not wait for the young man to pull the door at all. Push the car door and walked out.

After I came out, I saw the aggrieved son who was sitting on the ground holding his palms and ran to his son in two steps. He squatted down and took his son's palm, and asked distressedly:

"Son, hurt your hand? Hurry up, go to the hospital!"

But when Yuejin on the ground was caught by his father like this, his hand suddenly touched the wound, and he grinned in pain for a while:

"Ah! Dad, you're blind, I didn't see how this hand is like this! What are you grabbing? Then, if he beat me, you must give me revenge!!"

After screaming at his father, he pointed his finger at Fang Chenyi, who leaned on the Audi and looked at his performance with a smile.Said viciously.

However, Yue Laoqi, who was unsmiling towards his subordinates, was scolded by his son, but he hurriedly apologized:

"Oh, oh, dad didn't mean it, let me show him, oh~ why is it swollen like this! Little horse, hurry up, send my son to the hospital!"

However, after hearing what Yue Lao Qi said, Yuejin shook his head very firmly, and said viciously:

"Don't go! Don't go to the hospital! I'm going to wait until you clean up that kid is going to the hospital! Otherwise I can't swallow this breath!"

Hearing this, Yue Lao Qi was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, and reached out and patted his son on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, son, my seventh son is not bullied by anyone who wants to bully!"

[To be continued....

ps: Ask for a monthly pass!Recommended ticket!

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