Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 110 I bought your company (second more)

After speaking, he turned and looked at the young man who was leaning on his son's car and holding his shoulders watching the excitement:

"Boy, you beat my son?"

Fang Chenyi shrugged indifferently after hearing this:

"Yes, I beat your son, but I think you'd better ask your son first, what is all this because of..."

However, when Fang Chenyi's words fell, Yue Lao Qi coldly interrupted:

"Don't tell me the useless ones. If my son is at fault, I will pay compensation. No, this card contains 500,000. I think it should be enough to make up for my son's fault."

Reaching out, he took out a bank card in his arms and handed it directly to Fang Chenyi, and then continued to say:

"But the matter of you hitting my son will never be that simple. Xiao Ma, call the company's legal department and ask them to contact the police for a disability assessment for Yuejin."

The young man on the side who had just gotten off the co-pilot nodded after hearing this, took out his cell phone and prepared to call the company's legal department.

However, at this time, Fang Chenyi smiled:

"Hehe, you are really indiscriminate. Five hundred thousand is not enough for me to make more than an hour. But the legal department of the company belongs to the company. You use it as a private person. Is it right?"

Fang Chenyi really didn't brag, picking up the tatters by himself, even if there is no special reward, it is not difficult to get seven to eight hundred thousand in one hour.

When the voice fell, Yue Lao Qi on the opposite side also sneered: "Joke, my own company, I want to tell them to do what I want, what? Is it necessary to report to you?"

Contrary to his expectation, Fang Chenyi nodded at this time, and then spoke solemnly:

"I really need to report to me. After all, Yuejian Company is now named Fang, not Yue!"

In a word, not only the elder seven, but even the people who eat melons watching from afar were amused by the words.

Does this guy have a problem with his head? His company is Fang Fang?It's really a joke.

Jingle bell~

However, the next moment, before Yue Lao Qi could speak, the phone in his pocket rang.

When I took it out, I saw that it was a call from a vice president of my company, and the old man frowned. I didn't know that I was dealing with my son's affairs!

Thinking of this, I just pressed the hang up button.

Then he raised his head to look at the opposite youth like a fool:

"Young man, you are really not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue, I tell you, no matter what you say today, you will be responsible for your actions!"

While talking to Fang Chenyi on Yue Laoqi's side, Xiao Ma's cell phone rang next to him.

Take it out and see that the vice president of the company called.

He raised his eyes to look at the boss, and then took two steps slightly before answering the phone.

It's just that after the phone was connected, the words of the vice president on the opposite side immediately made him dumbfounded. After reacting, he hurried to the boss and pulled the boss's sleeve anxiously:

"Yue Dong, Yue Dong, Vice President Han is looking for you, company, company..."

Pulling his sleeves down by his own hands, Yue Lao Qi frowned involuntarily, and after staring at the secretary fiercely, he hid the phone in his hand and put it in his ear to face the phone in an angry manner. Li reprimanded:

"What do you have to report to me? I'm busy now! Well, the company is sold, sold and sold, you just watch and deal with such a small matter... just... what?? What did you just say? The company was sold What? Han Fei, such a joke is not funny at all!!"

Han Fei, the vice president on the other side of the phone, heard the chairman questioning on the phone, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart. After organizing some words, he said:

"Chairman, you'd better call the eldest lady to ask about this matter. Because the eldest lady handled the sale of the company, and I just got the news."

"Yueyue? How could this be possible! How could Yueyue do such a thing!"

The words of Vice President Wei on the other side caused Yue Old Seven to be stunned. He didn't believe it was true at all. After all, he knew his eldest daughter's behavior best.

This year’s 33-year-old eldest daughter, one is unmarried, and she is dedicated to work. Starting from the company’s finances, her work ability has always been outstanding. In the next two years, she has made her the company’s first A vice president.

After taking the position as the first vice president, Yueyue's ability has always been outstanding, and it can be said that the company is well managed.If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for her to handle all the company's affairs.

Recently, I have chosen to indulge in it even more. Apart from some important matters, I have rarely managed many companies.

Today, Vice President Han meant that Yueyue actually sold the company!How can this be?

Let’s not say whether Yueyue will do this. Even if you want to do this, you still need to sign for such a big event as selling the company!

"Hehe, it seems that you, the chairman of the board, really failed. Not only did you fail to discipline your children, but you also failed at the company. My company changed hands, but I don't even know. Tsk tsk, it's really sad."

Hearing Fang Chenyi's ridicule, Yue Laoqi snorted and didn't have the time to pay attention to him. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and called his daughter.

Toot toot.

However, the phone rang for a long while, and no one answered it, which made the premonition of anxiety in his heart stronger and stronger.

When the phone was hung up, Yue Lao Qi dialed the number of the company's legal department:

"Hey, what's the matter with the company? Has the shares really changed?"

I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone. In short, after Yue Old Qi hung up the phone, his whole body suddenly became haggard.

"No! This is impossible, this is impossible! How could this be! Who is it! Who is calculating me!!"

After a roar, Yue Lao Qi dialed the phone to Vice President Han again: "Who bought our company? Does the other party have a phone number? I want the other party's phone number! Okay, send it to me immediately!"

"You don't need to look for the phone. Didn't I tell you just now? I acquired your company."

Fang Chenyi looked at Yue Lao Qi's haggard appearance, and suddenly felt a little unbearable in his heart.' Well, he is still too kind..'

However, Yue Lao Qi didn't even listen to his words. After receiving the news from Vice President Han, he hurriedly dialed the number on the phone.

Jingle bell~

However, just as Yue Lao Qi dialed out, Fang Chenyi, who was standing in front of him, suddenly rang the phone.

[To be continued....

ps: There will be updates later, brothers watch it first!

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