Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 111-You have to add a zero (third more)

Helplessly spread his hands:

"Hehe, let me just say it, you still don't believe it."

Although Fang Chenyi's cell phone rang at this time, Yue Lao Qi was even more convinced that this was just a coincidence.

However, as Fang Chenyi took out his mobile phone and shook it in front of his eyes, when he saw his number displayed on it, Yue Lao Qi finally believed what Fang Chenyi had just said:

"You! Why do you want to buy my company? Is it because my son provokes you? Do you want to kill me like this!"

Seeing the emotionally agitated Yue Old Seven, Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while, reciting the traditional virtues of respecting the old and loving the young, and he explained:

"Hehe, you may have misunderstood a bit. I bought your company and it has nothing to do with your son's business. Moreover, I am not a stingy person. If it weren't for your son, he had calculated that my sister had punished me behind his back. , I don’t know anything about him as a kid. As for the acquisition of your company, I don’t mean to calculate you. I am only acquiring companies that intend to sell in the market. As for what your company is for The reason is put on the market. You'd better ask the person in charge of your company."

After speaking, Fang Chenyi opened the woven bag in his hand again, took a step on the file inside, and took a look at the signature on it:

"Nuo, this transfer agreement was signed by Yue Xinghe of your company. I think you should ask him."

Looking at the information in Fang Chenyi's hand, Yue Lao Qi felt bitter in his mouth, opened his mouth, and finally sighed: "Ah~ that Yue Xinghe is me, and this signature is indeed signed by me."

Speaking of this, Yue Lao Qi couldn't help but remembered the picture of her daughter holding a large stack of documents for her signature last night.

At the beginning, I took a few glances and found that they were all financial appropriation documents, so I didn't look at it and signed his name directly. After all, Yue Old Seven said nothing that his daughter would calculate herself.

"Okay, don't worry about it, you should go find someone to ask first. As for your son's affairs, think about it for yourself. If you still want to find me to settle the account, then I will accompany you at any time, of course. , You don’t have to worry about finding me, I will take over the company in two days."

Fang Chenyi glanced at Yuejin on the ground: "Boy, I advise you to be kind!"

After speaking, he ignored the crowd, turned around and walked out of the crowd, and took out his cell phone to call Dad as he walked.

Upon receiving Fang Chenyi's call, Fang's father drove over quickly.

After getting in the car at the intersection, Fang Chenyi laughed at the worried look of his father and younger sister:

"Hey, what a big deal, see what worries you two, don't worry, it's all resolved."

"The other party is Yue Old Seven, who in our town provoked him! Son, how did you settle this?"

Fang's father obviously didn't really believe what Fang Chenyi said. Although he said that his son is now rich, the old man Yueqi is not bad.

"Then what, I bought their company directly."

Fearing that his father would not believe it, Fang Chenyi stretched out his hand and took out the transfer contract from the woven bag.

Dad took it and looked at it carefully, and he couldn't help but sighed: "Oh, it seems that your father I underestimated you too much, brat, 70 million was spent like that!"

Looking at the purchase price of 70 million in the contract, Fang's father seemed to have a new understanding of his son's financial resources.

Because of this, I was somewhat acceptable for the five million card that my son gave me before.After all, this may really be a little pocket money for the son.

But as everyone knows, the five million is actually half of Fang Chenyi's cash.

After chatting for a few more things just now, Fang Chenyi changed the topic directly:

"Then what, dad, what did you buy? Why didn't I see anything?"

I looked around in the car and saw nothing.

"Boy, let's just say, I'm not worried about you, how can I want to buy things! If you don't stay here for fear of messing up with you, we can leave."

Talking, the three drove straight to the largest supermarket in town.

After a short while, the three of them returned to the car with large and small bags.

Perhaps the big purchase just now made my sister forget the unpleasantness that just happened. This time she got excited when she returned to the car.

In order to let his younger sister feel the luxury car well, Fang Chenyi took the initiative to sit in the back row, and the co-driver's seat was reserved for his younger sister.

My sister is already very lively, she will sit in the car, and she will feel very excited.

The car drove out of town and walked all the way towards home.Fang Jinjin, who was sitting in the co-driver, suddenly took out her phone and started playing tricks.

After a while, an exclamation came from Fang Jinjin's mouth: "Oh my God, brother! This car turned out to be a Lamborghini Urus!!"

Xiaojin exclaimed while covering her mouth while facing the direction of Fang Chenyi and Dad.

Hearing the exclamation of his daughter, the dad who had accepted his son's transformation into a local tyrant said indifferently:

"What's all this fuss about? Your brother is now a local tyrant. You shouldn't buy a good car and honor your dad. Xiao Jin, you can check how much the car is for if it is not enough 700,000 or 800,000. , Then your brother is too stingy!"

When Fang Jinjin heard her father's words, she turned her head and looked at Fang Chenyi at each other. Both of them saw the speechlessness in each other's eyes.

After taking the phone back, Fang Jinjin spoke to her dad: "700,000 or 800,000? My dad, it's almost the same if you are adding a zero!"

"Oh?? This car is one hundred and seventy-eight million? Uh, it's not bad, your brother is still filial, hey, I didn't expect that I will drive a million luxury cars one day."

Hearing what Dad said, Fang Jinjin interrupted: "Dad, I'm talking about seven or eight hundred thousand plus a zero, not one seven or eight hundred thousand, but seven or eight million!!"

"What! Seven or eight million!"

Fang Jinjin's words scared the father who was driving, and the steering wheel in his hand was always off the track. If Fang's father had good driving skills, he would have to go.

Just when Fang's father had just stabilized the steering wheel, Fang Chenyi in the back row suddenly coughed:

"Ahem, what? This car is not an ordinary car on the market, it is a limited edition, Xiaojin, you have to add one before your number..."

[To be continued....

ps: Brothers, it's almost twelve o'clock, this one has just come out, and it will continue in a while!

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