Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 117 My cook can fly a plane (third more)

Fang Chenyi glanced at the large stack of documents in Goudan's hand, then listened to Goudan's words, and couldn't help but feel a little confused:

"You mean I got the plane before the auction started? Did I spend more?"

Fang Chenyi didn't really care about how much money he spent. After all, the special reward of the system, spending one hundred million and spending one dollar is no different for him.

"Oh, my dear Mr. Fang, of course it cost more. The starting price of the latest generation Apache helicopter in the United States is 130 million U.S. dollars, and you directly throw away 350 million U.S. dollars. That's why we will send it to you directly without hesitation."

After a short pause, Goudanzi made a series of admiring gestures directly at Fang Chenyi's strokes, and then said:

"I have to say that your wealth and wealth really shocked me once again. You know, Di Modid, the youngest son of the third oil tycoon in the UAE, has prepared 300 million US dollars, which is bound to win this helicopter. . But in the end he didn’t even see the plane. Haha, it’s a coincidence that your previous Bugatti, which was limited to one in the world, was also inevitable for the son of Di Modid. From this perspective, you are really the nemesis of Lord Dimodide."

After talking about the dog egg, Fang Chenyi was quite moved. Not to mention that the plane cost three to five billion US dollars. When it comes to this rich second generation named Di Modid, it is really sad enough. , But said that these two times is not deliberately robbed him.

I shook my head and didn’t think about it. I reached out to take the information in Goudan’s hand, and then asked with some doubts: "That Goudan, you said this is an Apache gunship? Then how did you get this stuff to China Yes? We in China, let alone such a heavy weapon, that is, control knives are not allowed to be owned by individuals!"

"Oh, nonono, we will absolutely abide by the laws of your country. Although this helicopter is an Apache gunship, all the weapon systems on it have been dismantled. The rest, such as anti-missile radar, etc., They are all permitted by the laws of your country! Then, if you don’t ask me, I will also say that in these documents, there is a portfolio, which contains the auction price of the weapon system on your helicopter, which is 8,000 in total. Seven million dollars have been deposited for you in a Swiss bank."

Sure enough, following Dogdan's fingers, he found a small portfolio directly in the pile of files. After opening it, there was a black card inside.In addition to this card, there are several pages of information.

Looking at the black card in his hand, Fang Chenyi was even happier than getting the helicopter gunship. If possible, he would be more willing to sell this helicopter for white money.

And when Fang Chenyi was busy signing with Goudan, no one noticed, the eyes of Su Tantan staring at Fang Chenyi were full of Chi Guoguo's desire for possession.

After signing the documents, Goudan took Fang Chenyi inside and outside to inspect the helicopter.After confirming that there was no problem, Fang Chenyi finally signed another acceptance document, and then Goudan took the person away.

After the dog eggs were gone, Char brought a few chefs over and looked at the brand new Apache helicopter in front of him. Old Char’s eyes were full of affection: "Oh, boss, this is you. Did you buy the Apache? It's so cool!"

Saying this, Old Char stepped forward and stroked the camouflage Apache body very gently, sighing again and again in his mouth: "Oh, it's such a pity, it's a pity that there is not one on such a good helicopter. Weapons, this is really a shame!"

Fang Chenyi looked very funny, and couldn't help but joked: "I said Char, aren't you a cook? How can you still know about helicopters?"

Wen Yan Chaer nodded with certainty: "My boss, although I am a cook now, but when I was young, I was an ace helicopter pilot! I remember that the first generation of Apache was where I participated. The test flight..."

Not only Char, but when he finished speaking, the other chefs behind him nodded one after another: "I didn't participate in the first generation, but the second generation test flight did have mine."

"Yeah, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect you to have this ability, so do you have a pilot license?"

Fang Chenyi couldn't help being surprised when he heard what they said. He didn't expect that his own cook would even fly a plane. Who can believe this.

"Oh, my boss, I think you are insulting my IQ. As an excellent gunship pilot, how could we not have a pilot license. Let me see, I am a gunship instructor and pilot!"

Fang Chenyi's words seemed to irritate Old Char, and he saw this guy reaching out to touch inside a white chef's uniform, and after a while he pulled out a green notebook.

Somewhat puzzled, he took a look, Huo, good fellow, it's really a coach and driver's license.Upon seeing this, the chefs behind him also took out their pilot licenses to show Fang Chenyi.

After reading it, Fang Chenyi was very satisfied. It was really sleepy. Someone gave pillows to him. At this moment, there were five more drivers.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi returned the driver's license to everyone, and said to everyone: "I didn't expect that you are all helicopter pilots, so I don't know who wants to be my pilot?

"I do"

"I do"


When the voice fell, five urgent voices sounded at the same time, which could not help but make Fang Chenyi puzzled. Are these guys so short of money?

However, the next moment, Old Char’s words made him give up this idea: "Oh, my dearest boss, as long as you can let me be your helicopter pilot, then I am willing to reduce your employment by 100,000 US dollars every year. cost!"

"Oh no, although Chef Char is exquisite in cooking, when it comes to flying a plane, I think our new generation of pilots are more responsive, dear boss, my driving level is definitely the highest, so tell you Well, even if you are locked by a missile, I can safely bring you to the ground. Also, as long as you can let me fly this helicopter, then I am willing to receive you 300,000 US dollars less every year!

Seeing that several chefs were reddened for driving the helicopter in front of him, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but shook his head. It seemed that the helicopter was really attractive to them!

[To be continued....

ps: The little climax is coming, welcome family members to guess the plot.

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