Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 118 Your service is really ‘good’ (Part 1)

Seeing the red-faced people, Fang Chenyi smiled, and then gently took out a notebook in his pocket and shook in front of them:

"Hehe, there seems to be one thing I forgot to tell you. I also have a flying license, and it's not just a helicopter."

Hearing what the Chinese boss said, several foreigners were taken aback, and then they looked at the little book in the boss's hands.

After seeing the little book, everyone suddenly grew their mouths, and Old Char let out an exclamation:

"Oh buy! This is the ultimate flight driver's license! Oh no, boss, you must be joking, this kind of driver's license that can be used for carrier-based aircraft, the world will not exceed 10,000!"

Hearing what Old Char said, Fang Chenyi smiled triumphantly, and put away the sky-blue driver's license in Old Char's hand, and said in a calm and breezy mouth:

"Haha, low-key, low-key. Although I have a flying license, I think I still need a flying team. Since you are so willing, then everyone will return me 200,000 US dollars, and the maintenance of this aircraft will be handed over to me. You you guys."

After speaking, Fang Chenyi was very smart, carrying the woven bag and turned to the trash can in front of the villa.

"Oh Maika, I really doubt what kind of identity the boss really is..."

Hearing what Old Char said from a distance, Fang Chenyi turned around and shrugged, and at the same time raised the woven bag in his hand: "Nono, I'm just a tattered pick."

Of course, Fang Chenyi would never tell them that he had just received the system's additional rewards and rewarded himself with this super flight driver's license.

After picking up the several trash cans in front of the door, he actually earned nearly 100,000 yuan.This made Fang Chenyi feel particularly refreshed. He didn't expect that the trash thrown out of his home could be recycled.It seems that I have to train Bo Menghan to be a little prodigal, throw away the clothes he wears once, and throw away the bowls and chopsticks he uses once, and forget it after watching TV once, uh... That would be too prodigal..

After picking up the tatters, Fang Chenyi suddenly realized that he just seemed to have just received 87 million US dollars.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi was suddenly excited, stretched out his hand and looked at the black card left and right, frowning involuntarily.

"I put my own money in a foreign bank, isn't it cheaper for foreigners..."

To say that Fang Chenyi is still a young character in his bones, thinking that his own money can be deposited in a domestic bank.As the saying goes, don’t you say that fat water does not flow into outsiders’ fields.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi folded the woven bag and drove in his sports car towards the nearest agricultural bank.

When I came to the bank, I saw that there were no more parking spaces in the distance, and shook his head. After Fang Chenyi parked the car in the parking space on the side of the road not far away, he then walked towards the bank with the woven bag. .

Walking across the road to the door of the bank, Fang Chenyi habitually saw a trash can at the door of the bank. Perhaps there were too many people coming to the bank to do business and the weather was too hot. At this moment, the trash can has been plastic. The bottles are full, even empty bottles thrown on the ground outside the trash can.

Subconsciously shaking the woven bag in his hand, he walked towards the trash can.

[The owner finds a Coke bottle, the system rewards 200 yuan, and the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please check it carefully.

[The owner finds a mineral water bottle, the system rewards 100 yuan, the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please pay attention to check it.


After picking up the garbage, he took out his mobile phone and took a look. After such a short time, the bank card income was 8,600 yuan.

Excitingly, I just wanted to roll up the woven bag, but my eyes suddenly swept into the glass door of the bank. Many people were staring outside.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi was shocked and hurriedly controlled the woven bag to become full.

Then he carried it on his shoulder, and then walked towards the inside of the bank.

And the security guard who had noticed Fang Chenyi's actions for a long time saw Fang Chenyi walking towards the inside of the bank, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop Fang Chenyi:

"Uh, sorry, don't let the tatters inside!"

Looking at the arm stretched out in front of him, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but was taken aback, pointed to his outfit, and said silently:

"What's the matter? What's wrong with your bank's regulations not to let people picking up tatters go in to do business? And I said, brother, you work in a bank, at least you have to be a little insightful! Look at me, Armani Limited Version of the casual suit..."

However, as soon as Fang Chenyi finished saying this, not only the security guard, but even the business people inside him couldn't help but laugh. Although this rag-picking boy was really handsome, he really dared to speak.Also Armani limited edition, imitate it..

The security guard rolled his eyes silently:

"It is true that you can enter business, but you can't pick up the rags when you enter. Then, sir, what business do you want to do?"

"I deposit."

But there was nothing wrong with the security, so Fang Chenyi didn't care about anything with him, so he took out his bank card in their bank card and handed it to the other party.

The security guard saw that Fang Chenyi actually took out his bank card, so he didn't stop him, but after seeing that what Fang Chenyi handed over was just the most common bank card, he took it and swiped it on the signature machine. He said faintly:

"Then sit down and wait for a while. There are a lot of people doing business today. You may have to wait for more than an hour. Also, young man, throw the bag in your hand to the door first, and bring it in and don't affect other people. "

After speaking, he didn't look at the number in his hand, and directly handed the number in the machine and the number paper to Fang Chenyi, who was carrying the garbage bag in his hand. However, he glanced at the woven bag in Fang Chenyi's hand with some embarrassment.

Although this woven bag is very clean, it is clean and contains bottles from the trash can.

As a result, Fang Chenyi frowned the number passed by the security guard and asked a little uncomfortably: "You mean, am I not allowed to bring it in? Then why can they carry it in?"

The security guard glanced at the person carrying the large-scale business inside, and glanced disdainfully at the corner of his mouth. You are a garbage collector and you must not be brought in.

Fang Chenyi smiled after hearing this:

"Hehe, your bank's services are really good. It seems that I should decide to switch to another bank to handle the business."

After speaking, he left the number strip in his hand in the trash can next to the security guard, turned and walked towards the next door.

[To be continued....

ps: continue to update later

There are at least two more changes before 12 o'clock

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