Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 120 Why Did You Go Early? (Third more)

Perhaps the CCB did not see that Fang Chenyi had just picked up the tatters, or the female lobby manager here was more polite.

Seeing Fang Chenyi walking in with a big woven bag, there was no strange look on his face.

"Hello sir, do you want to do business?"

Fang Chenyi was quite satisfied with the attitude here.

It’s not funny. I keep the money with you. That’s helping you in the bank. I don’t ask you to treat me like an ancestor. Why should I have a good attitude?

He smiled and nodded, then said, "Withdraw money and save money."

The lobby manager was taken aback for a moment, and asked some questions without understanding:

"Uh, sir, do you want to withdraw or save?"

"Withdraw first and deposit later, promise. Because the attitude next door is not good, I decided to withdraw all the millions in their bank, and then add that all the money in my hands is stored in your bank. How about your bank can interbank? Withdraw money?"

In order for the other party to be able to hear clearly, Fang Chenyi said all the things he had to do this time very simply.

Sure enough, the lobby manager understood this time, especially after I heard that he wanted to take out the millions of deposits next door and store it in his own bank, then this is a customer!If you really follow what the other party said, then your performance this month will be overfulfilled!

Just from the corner of her eye, she glanced at the bank card in the other party’s hand, and the female lobby manager Zemaili hesitated again. It was obvious that the other party was only holding the most common bank card next door, even the most common. None of the VIP cards.Will there be millions of such cards?

After only a few tenths of a second in her mind, she had an idea. Such a thing would rather be trusted or not. Depending on the person's appearance and dress, maybe there is a rich woman behind him?

"Okay sir, we can withdraw money across banks, then please follow me."

After speaking, the lobby manager Zemari directly took Fang Chenyi to the VIP one-to-one window inside.

When Fang Chenyi saw this, the corner of his mouth finally nodded in satisfaction. This is the attitude a service industry should have.

"Sister Wang, this is my VIP customer, please go and look after the lobby for me. I want to do business for this gentleman."

After the lobby manager Zemaili sat in the window, she began to accept the bank card in Fang Chenyi's hand. She must first determine how much money is in the other party’s bank card, so that she can decide what kind of one is for the other party. Account.

As Fang Chenyi entered the password, the balance on the account soon appeared:

'One hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and thirty-six yuan and a dime.'

Seeing this number, Zemali’s worry was finally relieved. No matter what, the other party’s card did have millions of deposits. Although there is a big gap with the other party’s millions of dollars, at least The other party is eligible to use the vip window.

"Sir, are you sure you want to take out all the money here and transfer it to our bank card? That's the case. If you take out all of it, I can help you apply for a fee waiver."

Fang Chenyi nodded: "Well, please transfer to your bank. Oh, yes, since the handling fee is free, then it happens that I have a chapter of a Swiss bank card with some money in it, so let's all transfer it together. I think the money should be put in our own country’s bank."

Seeing the other party handing a black card to himself very casually, Zemali couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.However, after seeing the above pattern clearly, the whole person shuddered.

As a bank clerk, what you basically need to grasp is what the super VIP cards of major banks look like, and the black cards of Swiss banks like yours are in the first few pages of the textbook.

It's just that I have never seen such a card in the more than a year since I went to school, graduated, and then worked. I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today.

"What? Can't you get it from a foreign bank?"

Seeing the other party staring at his card in a daze, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but reminded him.

When Fang Chenyi said this, the female clerk quickly recovered and apologized to Fang Chenyi: "Sorry, sorry, we can take it out, but I don’t have this permission. Wait a minute, I’ll take our president Call!"

While speaking, Zemali quickly touched the phone at hand and called the president. After the call was connected, after speaking to the other party about the situation, Zemali suddenly asked Fang Chenyi carefully:

"Mr., how much money do you have here? Our president said that he will coordinate the quota with the above immediately."

Fang Chenyi nodded in understanding, and then calmly said: "It should be 87 million."


Hearing this number, Zemali took a breath in his heart. Goodbye, it was about 100 million!Thinking about this, she hurriedly reported back to the president in the receiver: "President, there are seven million seven million in it."

"Oh, yes, eighty-seven million dollars is US dollars."


Following Fang Chenyi's reminder, Zemali shivered, and the phone in his hand was also frightened and dropped.

The bank leader on the other side obviously heard Fang Chenyi’s calm voice on the phone. It was just what Fang Chenyi said was calm, but the bank leader was not calm at all. Although he did not throw the phone away like Zemal, he had a heart. It's also nervous pounding!

Not only these two people, when Fang Chenyi finished speaking, the door behind him was also pushed open, and then a middle-aged man with a big belly in a suit rushed in breathlessly.

Behind him, the two security guards are struggling to stop each other, but it is not difficult to see that the security seems to estimate the identity of the other party and dare not be too rude.

"Fang Dong! Fang Dong! Hello! I am the president of the Agricultural Bank next door, and my name is Ma Dafu. I will be able to help you transfer your 87 million US dollars immediately. You don't need to wait a minute. There was a problem with the quality of our security before. I have already fired him. Please return to our bank again!"


Seeing the middle-aged fat man rushing over with a pleased expression, Fang Chenyi was also speechless for a while. What did he do earlier?

Of course, although my heart was upset, it didn't show up on his face, and he didn't pay attention to Ma Dafu. Instead, he turned his head and nodded to Zemali:

"I think you want to help me handle this business soon?"

[To be continued....

ps: The family will update later!The climax hasn't arrived yet, let's have a little ups and downs.

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