Zemaili, who was initially at a loss, heard Fang Chenyi's words, he was taken aback for a moment, then he recovered and hurriedly responded, and then quickly set up business in his hands.

At this time, the president here has also rushed over. Seeing the president next door rushing into the VIP room, his face suddenly sank:

"What are you doing, Ma Dafu! When did your bank come to our bank for office work? Going out, don't you see that we are receiving very distinguished customers?"

And Ma Dafu has already seen clearly. Fang Dong seems to be really disappointed with his bank this time. He sighed helplessly before continuing to speak to Fang Chenyi inside:

"Fang Dong, since you intend to transfer the funds here, I will arrange for someone to transfer your funds across banks without handling fees. Again, I apologize on behalf of our entire bank N for the previous matter. , But we still sincerely hope that one day we can work with you again!"

After speaking, he said to Fang Chenyi and prepared to leave.It was just that he had just turned around, but Fang Chenyi faintly said to Zemali who was doing business inside:

"Oh, forget it, just keep the money from the Agricultural Bank of China. You just need to transfer the 87 million dollars to your bank for me."

Hearing this, Ma Dafu, who had already taken his steps, often breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and thanked Fang Chenyi again. It was not until Fang Chenyi waved his hand that he left in a complicated mood.

It's not that Dafu Ma insisted on those 87 million dollars in deposits to be so humble.

The main thing is that if Fang Chenyi, an important client, is really going to lose it in his hands, then he will have to go to bed tomorrow.

When Ma Dafu left, the governor here personally reported like the above. I have to say that with Fang Chenyi's huge amount of funds, the bank quickly got the money.

An hour later, the president of CCB personally delivered Fang Chenyi to the car, and waited until Fang Chenyi's Lamborghini was gone, still waving his arms.

Just kidding, my bank is just a small branch. With this 87 million dollar business, I filled my entire quarter all at once!I believe that through such a business, I will definitely be able to move up this year!

The president walked back to his party and directly found Zemali who was sorting out the follow-up documents of Fang Chenyi:

"Marley, I did a good job. This business can match the business manager's one year's business volume! You have just passed the internship now, right? I'll call it right away. A report, the reward is a reward, and I will apply for a business manager for you!"

"Ah, really! Thank you, President! Thank you, President!!"

The president waved his hand: "Don't thank me, you are really capable! But you have to work harder and keep in touch with Mr. Fang. I don't think Mr. Fang is very young, you are also pretty. ,, haha, you won’t have to go to work then."


Not to mention Zemari, who was itchy in his heart, he still only talked about Fang Chenyi.

I was driving the car, but the phone on the side rang, and I pressed the car hands-free, and then Wei Yilong’s sound of fright came from the speaker, right, it was fright:

"Ah! Old! Boss! Just now, there was one, one, one hundred million more in my bank card! One hundred million boss!!"

Hearing the somewhat incoherent words, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but raise a curve:

"Nonsense, I don’t know that you’re over 100 million yuan. I’m making a big fuss. Didn’t I tell you that I will give you additional investment in the future? This is added later, so let’s just put Buy that piece of land, it’s so troublesome to rent."

Seeing Fang Chenyi say a hundred million in his mouth is as easy as drinking cold water, Wei Yilong's heart is really shocked.

"Old, boss! This is 100 million! You added 100 million to me at once! Mom! You are trying to scare me to death!! Phew~ Then I will buy it! Just that The boss originally planned to sell it, but because he asked for 60 million, he has never sold it. But I estimate that 55 million should be able to win!"

Fang Chenyi didn't wait for Wei Yilong to finish, but interrupted directly:

"Okay, okay, you can figure it out by yourself. Don’t worry too much about the money. The most important thing is speed. I want speed. If you can pick it up tomorrow, then I don’t mind calling you 100 million. ."

With nearly 600 million in the bank card, Fang Chenyi really didn't take it seriously.

Especially this is to prepare for making more money.After all, Fang Chenyi's goal is a special reward. After all, in the face of special rewards, billions are drizzle.

After reiterating that the speed must be fast several times, Fang Chenyi directly hung up the phone.

Passing by a row of trash cans, Fang Chenyi didn't forget to stop and pick up.

When I returned to Century Garden, it was already around 5:30 in the afternoon.

Only when Lamborghini just drove into the passage of the villa area, he saw a row of six Rolls Royces parked at the door of his villa.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but stunned: "Fuck, what's the situation? Who is so idle to pretend to be at his door??"

Muttering in his mouth, Fang Chenyi kicked the accelerator, and Lamborghini immediately rushed to the door of the villa with a beastly roar.

When Fang Chenyi's car stopped here, the doors of the six Rolls-Royce cars over there opened together, and then one by one big men in suits walked out of the car.

"Fuck, what about making a movie?"

Seeing the footage that often appeared on TV, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but shook his head and muttered.

Folded the woven bag under the armpit, and then directly got out of the car and walked in the direction of the group of black-clothed men.

When Fang Chenyi walked in, the door of the Rolls-Royce in the middle was carefully opened by the black bodyguards, and then one white robe wore a white scarf with a circle on the scarf. The youth stepped down from above.

Stepping to the front of Fang Chenyi, he passed the cigar in his hand to the bodyguard beside him. Then he frowned and asked with a string of proficient English to Fang Chenyi:

"Are you the Chinese tycoon'Mr. Fang' who robbed my Apache after strengthening my sports car?"

When Fang Chenyi heard this, he suddenly thought of what Goudan had said before. He raised his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him. Obviously, this person was probably Di Modid, but he did not expect that the other party would chase Huaxia. coming

[To be continued....

ps: Wow, kaka, did you think about it, Di Modid, this kid is here!Three changes will be made tonight and will continue during the day tomorrow!

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