Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 122: How Much Can You Price (Second)

"Grabbed your sports car and helicopter? Haha, I think you used the wrong words. Whether it is a sports car or a helicopter, I bought them for real money. If you want to get them, As long as you add more money, then they will be yours. What's the matter, do you mean that you Middle Easterners are also short of money?"

Fang Chenyi shrugged his shoulders and said with a calm expression on his face.

It's just that what he said here is calm and gentle, but Di Modid was almost stunned by this sentence.

Well, my family is one of the three major crude oil suppliers in the Middle East, saying that I have no money?This is simply insulting oneself!

This is like asking whether there are stones on the mountain and whether there is water in the sea.

However, in these two auctions, he was indeed smashed by the other party with money!

But I was really not convinced. Whether it was the first time bidding for the Bugatti or this time when bidding for the Apache, the opponent came up with a surprise, and even the opportunity for fair competition was not given to him. Go directly to the internal channels to buy things.

If the two people sit down and bid one bite at a time, Di Modid is fully confident that he can easily defeat Fang Chenyi.This is also the reason why he came to find Fang Chenyi.

After all, I grew up so big, it was the first time I was slapped with money twice in a row!

Seeing Fang Chenyi's very unbeatable appearance, Di Modid really wanted to catch him and let him have a duel with a lion like himself.

Of course, Di Modid just thought about it this way. After all, this is China, not a place where he can go wild.

"Oh, nonono, Fang, can I think you’re joking? I’m short of money, how could I be short of money. The toilets in our house are all pure gold, okay? But I really want to talk about it, Fang’s family But it's really shabby."

After speaking, he glanced around and blinked his mouth and said: "Your house here is almost the same as what our subordinates rent. Oh, Fang, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean anything else, I This is just seeking truth from facts."

Looking at the other person's apparent appearance of looking for a place, Fang Chenyi couldn't help being amused:

"Hehe, Master Di Modid, I think you come all the way, you should not just want to show off these things? Of course, if you just want to show off how rich you are, then I There is something else, but there is no time to talk to you?"

While speaking, Fang Chenyi deliberately raised the woven bag in his hand.

Upon seeing this, Di Modid also reacted, that he was actually here for the Apache.So without circumstance, he patted his forehead, smiled apologetically at Fang Chenyi, and said straightforwardly:

"Oh, I'm sorry Fang, as you said, I actually came for it this time."

While speaking, his finger also pointed to the Apache helicopter on the lawn.Then continued:

"It's like this. Originally, I was bound to get this helicopter, but I don't know what method you used to prevent it from going through the auction process. To be honest, if the auction is really deleted, your three Pointing 500 million dollars, I really don’t see it."

Seeing Fang Chenyi's face turned ugly again, Di Modid also reflected. At this time, it is better not to pretend to be forced, so the voice turned and continued smiling:

"Haha, Sao Rui is right, let's not talk about the previous things. This helicopter is really important to me, so I decided that I want to buy it. You can make a price. You offer the price, then I will definitely not bargain! Oh, yes, I can tell you that I bought the weapon system on this plane, so you can rest assured about my financial resources. "

After listening to the other party's words, Fang Chenyi said in his heart. Sure enough, this guy came for this most advanced Apache.Fang Chenyi was not upset when looking at the other person's face, but on the contrary, he was very happy. After all, this was a fat and big lamb.

When will he not be slaughtered at this time?Most importantly, in the territory of China, I really want this gunship to be useless for birds.Instead of throwing it here to rust, it's better to exchange it for some real money.

And listening to Di Modid's tone, even if he bid 500 million US dollars, the other party would not be the same.

Jingle bell~~

Just when Fang Chenyi was wondering how much he was going to kill the other party, the phone in his pocket rang.

He smiled and gestured to Di Modid, then took out his mobile phone and took a look. The phone number did not appear on the phone screen, but the four characters "secret call" appeared.

Seeing these four characters, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but chuckle in his heart, what's wrong?Could it be that the relevant departments have noticed their special features?

Although I was uneasy, the phone was ringing all the time, and the ringing was obviously different this time. It had been ringing for a long time, but it still didn't hang up.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Chenyi raised the phone in his hand towards Di Modid, then walked two steps to the side of his car, and finally wiped his finger on the answer button:

"Hi, hello, who may I ask?"

As Fang Chenyi asked, a very hearty laughter suddenly came from the phone:

"Haha, it's Xiaofang, hello, I'm Ouyang Jun from AVIC! I heard that you photographed the latest generation Apache? I don't know if this happened?"

The other party was very straightforward, and Fang Chenyi breathed a long sigh of relief when he heard this. It seemed that the other party did not come for the secret of his own body, that's good.

Thinking like this, he quickly replied:

"Hello, I did take pictures of such a helicopter, which was just delivered today. I wonder if you are calling?"

When Fang Chenyi confessed, the other party laughed again and said:

"Haha, you are really capable, is there anyone around you now? Let's talk about private matters."

Fang Chenyi looked around and saw that Di Modid must be at a distance from him and he couldn't hear him. Then he answered that there was no one.

Opposite Ouyang Jun nodded and continued:

"Well, that's good. I'm used to going straight and straight, so I don't want to talk to you directly about Xiaofang. That's it, can you lend us this plane for a period of time? We want to use it. Come and do some experiments."

[To be continued....

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