Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 123 A bottle of water 10,000 US dollars (third more)

Fang Chenyi couldn't help but stunned when he heard that the other party actually wanted to borrow a plane?

He glanced at Di Modid who was still waiting there, then glanced at the helicopter on the lawn, and finally Fang Chenyi gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart, although it is very likely that he would lose 500 million yuan directly. For the above US dollars, Fang Chenyi still prefers the latter compared with Huaxia Dayi.Directly speaking to Ouyang Jun on the phone:

"Okay, no problem. You can come over and drive away at any time. Of course, you'd better come with something that can prove your identity. After all, I can't confirm your identity with this call."

The Ouyang Jun on the opposite side did not expect the other party to agree so happily. For a while, his old face was filled with joy and relief.

Hanging up the phone, Fang Chenyi walked back to Di Modid again.

Di Modid didn't wait for Fang Chenyi to speak, and immediately said: "Five hundred million, I can give you five hundred million dollars, how about it, I am full of sincerity."

"My Nima, this old boy must have deliberately sprinkled salt on his wound...500 million dollars, oh my god, it's so damn good!"

Although blood was dripping in his heart, Fang Chenyi would not change what was decided.

He smiled and waved his hand, and then made a please gesture to Di Modid: "Hehe, Master Di Modid is coming from afar, let’s sit in the room. After all, there is an old Chinese saying, “You have friends. Coming from a distance, although it is far away,'Uh. No, that. It's blissful, blissful, haha, let's go, let's go in for a cup of tea and talk in the room."

After hesitating, Di Modid finally followed Fang Chenyi into the villa.

When he came to the villa, Di Modid looked around the villa, unconsciously showing a look of contempt again on his face, curled the corners of his mouth, and shrugged to Fang Chenyi in front of him and said:

"Oh, Fang, it seems that I have to take back what I just said. The place where our people live is much better than the decoration here. Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. It’s just stating a fact."

When the other party said so, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but staggered.Damn it, this old boy is sincere to laugh at himself?Nima, you, a Middle Eastern crude oil upstart, told me about money, how many people in the fucking world can be richer than you!

Of course, even though I think so in my heart, we can't lose the hand, right?What's wrong with the money in your family?Some things are still unavailable?For example, the Bugatti supercar and the helicopter.

I touched a bottle of mineral water on the tea table and threw it directly at the other party. No matter how impolite the other party, we have been a country of etiquette since ancient times. Since we have come home, we have to entertain if we don’t want to:

"No, the water heater at home is broken. Drink some mineral water first. The mineral water here is not seriously polluted to you. The water here is delicious."

The water heater at home is broken, that is pure nonsense.As I just said, our China is a country of etiquette. Since this guest is not good, there is definitely no need to make tea for him.

Looking at the mineral water thrown by Fang Chenyi, Di Modid first reached out to catch it, and then did not drink it. Instead, he handed it to a bodyguard on the side, then waved his hand, and the other bodyguard touched it from the carrying box. Two very delicate glass bottles were handed out to Di Modid's hands.

After Di Modid took it, he stretched out his hand and passed one of the bottles to Fang Chenyi in front of him, and then said with a triumphant expression in his mouth:

"Oh, Fang, I think you have misunderstood something. Our country’s water resources are indeed polluted. But nobles like us don’t know how to drink that water. Not only do they know how to drink it, but some ordinary ones. You will never drink water indiscriminately. No, this is my exclusive drinking water. The full name of'AW' is'Aristocraticwater', which means'aristocratic water'. AW is the most famous aristocratic water production company in the world. Water resources are taken from the world’s cleanest two-level glaciers. Therefore, the supply is very limited, and ordinary people cannot buy such water. Just such a bottle of water is 10,000 US dollars. Fang, I can guarantee you After drinking this bottle of water, you will never drink any more water."

While speaking, Di Modid stretched out his hand to pull off the bottle cap in his hand, and drank most of the bottle in one breath, before continuing to speak:

"Oh, yes, not only the quality of this water is noble, but even this bottle is a specially customized crystal bottle. How about it, isn't it very beautiful?"

Holding this bottle of so-called noble water in his hand, Fang Chenyi was a little confused for a while. This Nima is really poor and limits his imagination. A bottle of water is worth 10,000 US dollars. This Nima is not stealing money. Well.

Looking at Di Modid's very enjoyable appearance, Fang Chenyi was still very curious. Is this water really delicious?

Fang Chenyi did not directly pick it up and drink, but reached out his hand to take out the trash folder in the woven bag, and then under Di Modid’s stunned gaze, he picked up the water bottle with the trash clip and twisted it. Open the cap and tasted it.

The reason why I used the garbage folder to clip it first is because of course there is some unknown bacteria in the water.

Looking at Fang Chenyi’s movements curiously, waiting until Fang Chenyi drank the water, and seeing his frowning brows again, Di Modid spoke proudly and asked: "Oh, how is this? Isn't it the best water you have ever drunk?"

On the opposite side, Fang Chenyi blinked, then frowned and re-capped the bottle, and then threw it all into his woven bag under Di Modid's stunned look.

Return noble water?Still a bottle worth ten thousand dollars?Just drank this sip of water, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Fang Chenyi felt that the water was not as good as their tap water.

But no matter if the water is good or not, the water bottle is indeed very good-looking. Thinking that maybe this thing can be worth some money, Fang Chenyi directly threw it into the woven bag based on the principle of not wasting.

However, as he threw the water bottle into the woven bag, a special system prompt sounded in his mind.

[To be continued....

ps: Family members, today the third update is sent, Xiaoyuzi is working hard on the code word, and will continue to update the family members later!

Other family members, how do you slap this upstart?

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