Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 126 I'm using this plane to buy food (third more)

It wasn't that Di Modid wanted to admit counsel. If he only listened to his own supply, he would be surprised at most. As for acknowledgement, it must be impossible.

But now the other party has cut off his boss's water, which is a bit beyond his own bottom line!

And Fang Chenyi, who was sitting on the sofa thinking whether Zhou Shuren was playing too much, suddenly saw Di Modid's behavior, especially after hearing what he said, he was suddenly amused.

"Standing at the bottom of the mountain and not knowing the mountain shouldn't it be'having eyes but not knowing Mount Tai'?And what does it make me fart, he came out... Could it be that I'm letting me pass him as a fart?'It seems that China's culture is still too broad and profound!'

Of course, we are qualified people, and we still can't do things that are unreasonable.

With a very generous wave of his hand, Fang Chenyi said in a very calm voice:

"Oh, that's all, who made us have too many famous sayings about the Huaxia Solstice, knowing the wrong can improve it, so let's turn this story over, who calls me a generous person."

After speaking, Fang Chenyi directly called Zhou Shuren. There was no way. If he just stopped supplying Di Modid alone, he could ignore the other party, but now that even the royal family is involved, how could he be involved? Go on like this.If this water is not used by the imperial family, then he can't be sorry for Lao Zhou.

After the call was connected, Lao Zhou laughed directly: "Haha, what about Mr. Fang, are you satisfied with this?"

A helpless smile: "You just cut off the royal family's water, can I be dissatisfied... But Lao Zhou, you are really bold!"

However, Fang Chenyi’s voice just fell, and the opposite Lao Zhou jumped up directly: "Huh!!! The royal family’s water has been cut off?? Fuck, these bitches, who told them to take the royal family’s The water is cut off! What I told them was to cut off everyone in Di Modid’s circle! This bunch of bastards, this is going to kill me!"


"It's not Lao Zhou, don't worry first. Since it is broken, you must not apologize to them. Then we will be at a disadvantage. In this way, they will definitely send someone to communicate with you, and then you will be more reserved. The machine shows our importance."

Hearing Fang Chenyi’s words, the old Monday slapped his thigh: "Yes, I know this. For so many years, I have understood the quirks of these rich people. They are all cheap. The more you follow them, The less they take you seriously, if it’s okay, if you stab them, hey, they’ll still be willing."

Although Lao Zhou is rather rough, but I have to say that this guy is really thoughtful. In fact, it's no wonder, otherwise, he can't make the company so big.

After chatting for a few more words, he hung up the phone, turned his head and smiled at Di Modid and waved his hand: "Sit down, the matter has been processed."

Hearing Fang Chenyi's words, Di Modid's hanging heart finally let go.

When I breathed a long sigh of relief, I also felt thirsty in my mouth. I wanted to pick up my bottle of AW and take a sip, but when I looked at the bottle, I just drank it.

And this time I didn't bring a few bottles.

Seeing the other person's appearance, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, ignoring Di Modid, got up and went to the refrigerator, reached out a bottle of mineral water for two yuan a bottle, and tore off the trademark, then turned around to drink. Take a bite.

Di Modid, who was opposite, swallowed after seeing this.

"Hehe, what's the matter, Master Di Modid, do you want to taste my water?"

While speaking, Fang Chenyi took out a bottle of mineral water with the label off again, turned around and threw it towards the other party.

Di Modid did not hesitate this time, nor did he pass the water to his bodyguard. After knowing Fang Chenyi's identity, he firmly believed that Fang Chenyi's water must be AW, maybe it was just a different package.

He unscrewed the cap and took a big mouthful when he raised his head:

"Well~ this water is so fragrant~"


After drinking the water, Di Modid didn't dare to pretend to be forced, but instead moved to the topic of this time:

"Fang, I am no longer skeptical about your financial resources, but I still want to buy that Apache with you. He is very important to me. In our country, our family can only be ranked third, so It is a competitive relationship with the previous two, not only in business, even in our generation. A few days ago, Kurikar, oh, the bastard of the first family, I don’t know where to get it. We have an Apache, so we can’t be worse than them, so we also ask Mr. Fang to cut love. Oh, of course, money is not a problem."

Hearing that money is not a problem again, Fang Chenyi's heart is really dripping blood, alas, now as long as he speaks, he is very likely to become a rich man with a net worth of six or seven billion in an instant.

He shook his head gently: "Hehe, although this plane is of no use to me, I really can't transfer it to you."

After hearing this, Di Modid could not help but hurriedly spoke again and emphasized:

"No, no, Fang, but what use do you want this helicopter for? You know, in your China, it’s difficult for an airplane to fly into the sky, and the pilot of this airplane is not easy to find, you You can't keep it on the grass in front of the door as a sculpture!"

"Oh? Who said I couldn't find a pilot? Haha, let's not tell you, this plane is here to make it easier for my chefs to buy food. Also, several of my chefs have flight licenses. ."

Hearing Fang Chenyi's words, Di Modid rolled his eyes without holding back, and said with a bit of resentment:

"Oh, Fang, even if you don’t want to sell me the plane, don’t use such crappy reasons to prevaricate me. Your chefs all have pilot licenses? Are you kidding me, if that’s the case, I would rather be in front of you Eat that plane bite by bite~~"

It's no wonder that Di Modid didn't believe it. After all, what Fang Chenyi said was too bragging. The chef has a pilot license?Just kidding, how could someone with a pilot license still be a chef?

This is like saying, how could a university student with a PhD diploma still go to farm?

"Haha, I didn't prevaricate you, so how about we make a bet? If my chefs all have a pilot license, then..."

[To be continued....

ps: Brothers continue later! The third update today!

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