"Then I don't want you to eat the plane, as long as you don't have to think about it. How about it?"

When Fang Chenyi finished speaking, Di Modid suddenly showed an expression of interest. After laughing, he would never believe his words anyway.

What's more, betting on such things is what they like most of the Middle Eastern aristocrats. When Fang Chenyi finished speaking, Di Modid clapped his hands and said excitedly:

"Oh, this is really a wonderful idea. If I lose, I will not only give up the purchase of that plane, but also give you a small private plane produced by Boeing, which is the one I took when I came. Stop at your Beidaihe airport now. What do you think?"

Fang Chenyi didn't speak. He knew that the other party hadn't finished speaking. The other party only said his bet after he lost, but he didn't say what his bet would be if he lost.,

So Fang Chenyi spread his hands and motioned to the other party to continue talking.

Seeing Fang Chenyi's movements, Di Modid laughed and said:

"Of course Fang, if one of your chefs does not have a pilot license, then the Apache will be sold to me at the original price, which is 350 million U.S. dollars. How about this request, shouldn't it be too much? "

Smiling and nodding, Fang Chenyi really didn't expect the other party's appetite to be so small, or it could be said that he did not intend to take advantage of him at all.

"Then as you wish, then let's go to my kitchen and meet my chefs now."

While speaking, Fang Chenyi took the lead to stand up and walk towards the door, and Di Modid hurriedly got up to follow up when he saw it, but when he got up, he did not forget to take the half-drinking bottle of water. No way, who makes this water delicious?.

After leaving Villa No. 3, Fang Chenyi glanced back at the group of bodyguards behind Di Modid, frowning involuntarily, and then turned the wood pipe to Di Modid:

"Let your people wait in the car, Old Di, I am not used to being followed by so many people."

Di Modid opened his mouth, as if he wanted to speak but stopped, Fang Chenyi's eyebrows were slightly raised when he saw it, and he said with some dislike:

"Why, do you think I will hurt you or do you think your subordinates can protect you? In addition, you'd better see where this is. This is China, the safest country in the world. There is no one."

This is not Fang Chenyi's nonsense. If you want to say that this is the safest country in the world, it must be Huaxia. It is not bragging. That country is at 10 a.m., and girls dare to walk on the street alone?

In addition, there is a group of eagerly watching guys behind my house, which is really unpleasant, especially when looking at these gringy Fang Chenyi with upturned nostrils, you said that you are here in China, you are not honest Yeah, what are you talking about?

It's just that although he said this is not the intention of the speaker, it is different in the ears of those strong men. Why can't this group of people be protected?This yellow-skinned monkey dared to look down upon his group of people!Suddenly, the eyes that looked at Fang Chenyi were full of fierce catalogues.A few even gnawed their teeth at Fang Chenyi.

Upon seeing Fang Chenyi, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised. I have seen many reports on the Internet that foreigners are very arrogant after coming to China because of their foreign identity, and they even bullied girls on the street.Not to mention whether it is an angry young man, I believe that every Huaxia person would want to kick that guy a few times when he saw it!

And this group of guys put on a haughty face from the very beginning, even after their master Di Modid admitted to himself, that was not the slightest concealment.

"What's wrong? It seems that your gang is very unconvinced with what you said to me? Come on, come here, it's you."

Reached out and pointed at the leading bodyguard, then gently hooked his finger.

When the other party saw this, he was taken aback, and then a flash of anger flashed on his face, and he walked up towards Fang Chenyi, while Di Modid on the side didn’t say anything when he saw it, but just looked at the lively appearance. In fact, this guy There is still a fire in my heart. If it weren't for the prince, how could I apologize to this guy from China?

When the bodyguard came to Fang Chenyi's front, Fang Chenyi scanned the big man who was 1.95 meters away, and said indifferently:

"Come, now attack me with your most powerful trick."

The bodyguard was stunned, but didn't expect this yellow-skinned monkey to hit him by himself?Jiao Yuguang glanced at his boss. Seeing Di Modid's appearance, he suddenly knew.

A sneer flashed at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Haha, this is what you told me to fight, but don't worry, I will keep some hands for your flimsiness."

"You gave birth to such a look for nothing, why is it so boring."

"Okay, you let me fight!"

After speaking, the black bodyguard raised his fist and slammed straight towards Fang Chenyi's door.

Take the big fist of the sandbag, if it hits this time, the lightest is bleeding from the nostrils..

However, seeing that fist keep getting bigger in front of his eyes, Fang Chenyi didn't mean to dodge at all. Everyone sighed in everyone's eyes. It seemed that this yellow-skinned monkey was scared and stupid.But this scene was extremely excited in the eyes of those bodyguards.

See you, a yellow-skinned monkey, dare you laugh at yourself?Know that it hurts this time, hum, you found it yourself.

And Di Modid on the side didn't expect that his subordinates would have put such a cruel hand, and hurriedly shouted a stop.Just kidding, scare and scare the opponent to get back some face, if this is a punch that hurts the opponent, how can I buy a helicopter!


However, his shout was still a step late. The next moment, he heard a muffled sound, and a black figure had fallen on his back to the ground.

It's just different from everyone's imagination. It was not the yellow-skinned monkey who was lying on the ground holding his belly and rolling, but their captain.

For a while, everyone's eyes were filled with incredible expressions.

How can this be?The captain of his own was retired by an internationally famous mercenary.Now, even one face-to-face was knocked out by a Chinese person?

In the audience, Fang Chenyi gently retracted the leg that was raised in the air, and then a wicked smile hung on the corner of his mouth: "It seems that what I just said is not wrong, a group of insignificant guys, why? Yelaodi, do you still think they can protect you?"

[To be continued....

ps: Use your phone code to get one when you are at work, and continue to update the rest of the night!

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