Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 128: Do You Believe The One Who Picked It Up? (2)

"Oh, Mai Karma, you are too good at this, are you practicing free combat?"

Seeing Fang Chenyi kick his most powerful bodyguard captain to his face with this kick, Di Modid was also shocked.And the captain of his bodyguard is the special forces retreating.It's enough to see that this Huaxia kid's hand is very impressive.

Fang Chenyi shrugged, and said in disdain:

"Only fighting? Hehe, those are all pediatrics. This is Huaxia Gongfu. Okay, let's get the business done first. I don't know if you can let your people wait in the car now?"

After speaking, Fang Chenyi no longer paid attention to Di Modid, but turned and walked towards the villa where the cabinets were.

Upon seeing Di Modid behind him, he waved his hand to the bodyguards, and then quickly followed.

But this time, he was already convinced.

"Fang, is this really your Chinese kung fu? This is really amazing!"

While talking, the two had already arrived at the door of the villa where the chef was.

As the two pushed the door and walked into the villa, Fang Chenyi was immediately taken aback by the sight in front of him.

'Fuck, how could this good living room become a big kitchen!'

At this time, the large living room, which is nearly 100 square meters, has been transformed into a very clean and tidy large kitchen, and all kinds of kitchen equipment that you don't recognize are neatly placed.

In this large kitchen, five foreigners are handling the ingredients in their hands.

Seeing this, not only Fang Chenyi was taken aback, even Di Modid next to him was taken aback. Of course, he was not surprised by the kitchen in front of him, for someone like him. In other words, it is not one-fifth the size of their kitchen.

And what really made him dumbfounded were the five foreigners who were immersed in the ingredients in their hands.

"Oh Maika! It turned out to be the Chaer team! Your chef turned out to be the Chaer team! My goodness, this is crazy! They have been the world chef king for several consecutive years! I'm still here! It’s strange why they lost the news recently and unexpectedly came to cook for you."

He took a deep breath, but the shock on his face still couldn't be calmed down. There is no way, this Char team is really awesome. It is said that the chefs of their royal family are all old Char's apprentices!

Seeing Di Modid's shocked appearance, Fang Chenyi was also a little puzzled, why, is this Char team actually so famous?No wonder the asking price is so dark..

Of course, if it weren't for system reasons, even if he was paying twice the price, the Char team would never come out as a cook for others.

"Oh, my dearest boss, why did you come in person, what you want to eat, you just need to make a phone call, we will definitely send it to you as soon as possible!"

After gently processing the ingredients in his hand, Old Char's serious expression slowed down, and he turned to see his boss came, quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, and then left with a happy face. come.

There is no way, the Apache outside is so attractive to him!

"You, are you really Char?"

Di Modid, who was behind Fang Chenyi, looked at the old man in front of him, and he began to doubt his eyes for a while. How could that proud chef Char treat a Chinese person so respectfully?

However, Old Char did not know Di Modid. He first glanced at Fang Chenyi, then turned and frowned and looked at Di Modid:

"you know me?"

Upon seeing this, Fang Chenyi directly waved his hand and interrupted the two of them, then turned his head to look at Char:

"Char, this is Di Modid from the Middle East. He wants to buy the plane we bought for food. He suspects that we don’t have a pilot who can fly that plane, so I brought him here and let him see you. Flight license!"

As soon as Fang Chenyi said this, the old Charlton, who was still very amiable, his face sank, and when he looked at Di Modid, he also unconsciously revealed a strong hostility.

I'm kidding, the plane's own group of people only got the money to get the boss to agree to them as pilots. This is the idea of ​​someone wanting to fight the plane. Is it worth it?

But this time without waiting for Old Char to speak, Di Modid quickly waved his hand, and then said bitterly:

"Oh, no, no, no, Fang, I surrendered~ Alas, Team Char, who didn’t know that they were all flying lunatics~ Well, today’s bet counted me as a loser, don’t worry, I always say what I say. , My broadcasting plane, turn around and ask someone to transfer the ownership to your name."

Old Char on the side heard that the Middle Easterner had voluntarily given up the right to buy the plane, and an old face was relieved, but he still spoke to Di Modid with some uncomfortable mouth:

"Oh, this gentleman, although we don't know each other, please don't insult our profession. You can even say that my cooking is not delicious, but you must not say that you doubt our flying skills!"

This change happened a bit quickly, and it was over before I could react.

And obviously, looking at Di Modid's appearance, that is a very good understanding of Old Char.

Smiling and waving his hand, Fang Chenyi motioned to Old Char to do his job first, and then took DiModide out of the villa.

For nothing, Fang Chenyi feels good about getting a private jet.After all, this is different from the special rewards of the system. In any case, the special rewards of the system are also obtained by picking up the tatters, and it is also the result of labor.

"Fang, I don’t know what to say anymore. You don’t know how many times this is the first time I have refreshed my knowledge of you. Oh, the only Bugatti and Apache, the only one in the world. Don’t tell me if you snatch it, we only have a hundred bottles of AW water each month. It turns out that it is your company. Not only is this not finished, you are not only Chinese Kungfu~ Even the famous Char team came to you To be a cook~ Oh, I really don’t know how many incredible things you have! And I am really curious about you now, why are you carrying this stuff with such a powerful identity?"

After sighing, Di Modid pointed out the woven bag that Fang Chenyi had not left his hand.I was really curious.

However, Fang Chenyi smiled inexplicably after hearing Di Modid's words:

"I'm telling you, do you believe all my wealth is picked up by picking up tatters?"

[To be continued....

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