After speaking, Fat Tiger looked at Fang Chenyi again with a wry smile, and said:

"Is it our official seal? I think Director Du can definitely tell it. Fang Dong, although this matter has nothing to do with me, we are also responsible. Hey, let’s tell you. All of this has to be a new one with our company. The driver who comes is related."

Speaking of this, Fat Tiger sighed and continued:

"On the afternoon that Miss Bai came, the driver resigned without even saying hello. Then I learned that Mu Linsen was a friend of the driver, and the car Miss Bai said was that Mu Linsen was handed by the driver. It’s on loan. As for whether the driver has anything to do with this matter, I really don’t know. The reason why we didn’t tell this matter is that we think that more is worse than less. Alas, I didn’t expect to give you It has brought such a big trouble."

After listening to what the other party said, combined with what Bai Mengyao said before, Fang Chenyi probably understood the whole thing.

At this time, a woman came over with a small bag:

"Brother Tiger, I brought you the official seal."

As soon as Fat Tiger reached out his hand, he took it over, and then personally took out several official seals from it and stamped one on the white paper.

Then he passed the official seal and the white paper to Du Wenxue:

"Director Du, please also check the authenticity."

Du Wenxue nodded, and after receiving the official seal and the white paper, he took out a small instrument like a miniature microscope from his carrying bag and checked the two papers.

When everyone saw this, no one said anything, all of them focused on Du Wenxue.

Two minutes later, Du Wenxue put the two pieces of paper aside, picked up the official seal again and printed it on the paper he brought, and then put it back on the instrument to check it.

The reason why Du Wenxue did this was obviously because he was afraid that the other party would make tricks on that piece of paper.

After a while, Du Wenxue put down the instrument in his hand, raised his head and shook his head to Fang Chenyi:

"Not from an official seal."

Hearing this, Fat Tiger let out a long sigh of relief, and then said with a wry smile:

"Hehe, what I said is true, Fang Dong, if I really did this thing, I will definitely admit it. But don't worry, Fang Dong, we will have the right to cooperate."

"What can I do with this brother-in-law! What can I do with this? So, isn't it impossible to get the money?"

Upon hearing that this was indeed a fake, Bo Mengyao was immediately anxious.

Fang Chenyi's frown was also a headache.According to Fat Tiger, this matter really seems to have nothing to do with this guy.

"Fang Dong, or just leave it to the police."

Wan Li on the side spoke at this time.

Fang Chenyi frowned and nodded:

"Well, now that the matter is clear, let the police help recover the scammed money. Director Du, let this matter be handled by you."

After speaking, he stood up directly, everyone also stood up when they saw this, while Bai Mengyao was desperate. He didn't expect that he still didn't directly chase the money back today, but fortunately, the other party cooperated and also had clues. Up.

Seeing that Fang Chenyi didn't bother him, Fat Tiger couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, secretly saying, "It's still too young."'

Fang Chenyi stood up and just walked two steps, suddenly turned back to look at Wanli behind him, and said as if he had suddenly thought of something:

"Oh, by the way, Lao Wan, I almost forgot, you go back and take all the shares in the Three Shots Entertainment market. I will be their largest shareholder."

Hearing this, the fat tiger, who was still thinking that the other party was too tender, almost tripped over by himself.


Hearing Fang Chenyi's words, Wan Li hesitated for a while.

"What? It's not easy to do?"

Fang Chenyi finished asking, smiled bitterly, and said:

"It's a bit hard to handle~"

Fang Chenyi frowned involuntarily, and looked at Wanli.

When Wan Li saw this, he had to smile again:

"Chairman, this Sangun Entertainment is just a small company that doesn't enter the market. It's not listed at all~ this~ you see~"

Upon hearing this, Fat Tiger's heart suddenly loosened. Yes, his company is not listed at all, and the shares are all in his own hands.

Fang Chenyi's brows stretched out, and there was a burst of dumbfounding patted his head on his face:

"Hey, I haven't had much contact with a small company that hasn't gone public, and I forgot about it. Let's forget about the acquisition. Then just say it in the circle and block it."

Puff through.

The fat tiger, who was still rejoicing behind him, immediately sat down on the ground, then scrambled to his feet and rushed towards Fang Chenyi, begging for a while.

It's just that the people brought by Wanli wouldn't let him get close to the chairman, and a few big men blocked Fat Hu behind.

On the side, Bo Mengyao, who was still somewhat disheartened, looked at her brother-in-law's domineering appearance, and often sighed in her heart,'Oh, I don't have such a good life as Menghan~'

At the entrance of the aisle, Fang Chenyi suddenly stopped, and turned back to look at the decadent fat tiger:

"I know you are not convinced, but I'm sorry, from the moment you choose to hide it, this ending is doomed."

After speaking, he walked towards the door without looking back.

After going out of the gate, Lao Zhangren and Second Uncle suddenly leaned forward, opening their mouths somewhat after hesitant to speak.

When Fang Chenyi saw this, he immediately showed his harmless expression again: "Uncle, second uncle, what's the matter with you?"

Father Bai sighed and said:

"Does it mean that the ban is to make their company pornographic? Isn't it a little bit bad?"

Fang Chenyi smiled helplessly and said: "Uncle, second uncle, then you said that they made the eldest sister's family like this, isn't it too good? Hey, you two don't think too much, just look at his virtue. I definitely didn’t do anything lacking in morals, and this is well deserved. I have been busy all morning, and today we are going to eat at home!"

Hearing what Fang Chenyi said, Father Bai and Second Uncle looked at each other, and no one said anything.

When he came to the car, Fang Chenyi looked at the crowd in Wanli:

"Haha, everyone has worked so hard today. I have arrived at the door of my house. I have prepared meals at home. Let's have a drink together!"

Wan Li wanted to say something polite, but Principal Wang came over and smiled: "Uncle Wan, Fang's food is not comparable to outsiders. You will definitely regret it if you don't go."

Seeing this, Wanli smiled and nodded: "Then disturb the chairman."

Back in front of her car, just about to get in, Bai Mengyao stopped Fang Chenyi suddenly:

"Brother-in-law, I still have this here, do you see it still useful? How to deal with it?"

[To be continued....

ps: It's a new month, Xiaoyuzi asks for a recommended monthly pass!

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