Fang Chenyi paused for a while, turned his head to see that Bo Mengyao had a pile of things in his hand, and reached out to take it.

Looking down, it turned out that it was the'script' that Mu Linsen gave her before.

He shook his head helplessly. I wanted to make her a memorial, but I still didn't say so after thinking about it.After thinking about it, he said:

"Alright, leave this to me."

After speaking, he turned to the side of the co-pilot. While walking, he opened the handbag casually, took out the woven bag, and threw the script directly into the woven bag.

[The master found a dilapidated and influential script, which inspires special rewards for the system, and rewards a script of A-level. The reward has been put in a woven bag, please retrieve it by yourself.

Fang Chenyi stretched out his hand to pull the car door and couldn't help it. The sound in his mind made him startled, picking up something, unexpectedly inspiring a special reward!!

But what kind of routine is this rewarding a script!Alas, what a pity.

Reluctantly shook his head, opened the door and got into the car.

A group of five cars drove toward the Century Garden mightily.

On the way, Fang Chenyi called his parents and said that Bo Menghan's parents were coming over, just to have a meal together.

When my parents heard this, they immediately agreed to come over immediately.

In this way, it feels like asking both parents to meet.So much so that Bo Menghan's face was red all over the road.

Under Fang Chenyi's command, Father Bai stopped the car to the door of Villa No. 3.

Looking up at this luxurious villa, Bo Mengyao didn't say anything yet, but Bo Mengyao behind him exclaimed:

"Wow, brother-in-law, this is your home? Such a tall villa is really beautiful! I've heard of this villa before. I said it would start at 20 million. And it depends on you. Villa No. 3, except for the two in front, is the best one for you. I guess the price is at least 40 million?"

The number of 20 million stunned his father and mother and his second uncle and aunt as soon as he opened his mouth. Unexpectedly, the effort of two sentences would directly double the house of 40 million.Someone can afford it!

As Fang Chenyi understood more and more, the current father and mother Bai was a little worried, after all, Fang Chenyi was so good, he was worried that his daughter was not worthy of Shang Chenyi.

"Haha, it's almost the same, let's get off the car as soon as possible, my parents will be there soon."

Pushing the door and getting out of the car, Principal Wang ran to Char's villa and told them to cook something delicious.

After all, Wan Li and others are all upper-class people, so to be honest, there is not much surprise for Fang Chenyi's villa, and even some don't understand why Fang Chenyi's wealth is so simple.

Yes, it is simple..

Following Fang Chenyi's words, the second uncle who got off the bus asked with some doubts:

"Chen Yi, your parents didn't live here?"

When Fang Chenyi heard this, he suddenly smiled bitterly:

"Hi, no, the old man said that he was used to a house in the countryside and he didn't want to move in. No, I prepared a house for them and didn't come."

While speaking, Fang Chenyi stretched out his hand and pointed to Villa No. 1, and said helplessly.

Following the direction Fang Chenyi pointed out, Bai Mengyao exclaimed again:

"My God, brother-in-law, is Villa One also yours?"

Fang Chenyi smiled slightly, then looked at the father and mother beside him, then pointed to Villa No. 2 and said:

"Uncle and Auntie, you are just Menghan as a child. I have discussed with Menghan. I will still live together and have a meal every day. This house is given to you by Menghan and I. Let's go and see it later. Look, if you don’t like the decoration style, you can change it quickly."

Everyone was taken aback, staring at Villa No. 2 for a moment without knowing what to say. For a long while, it was Bai Mengyao who broke the silence first:

"Sister, brother-in-law, you said this villa No. 2 is also yours? Or is it for my uncle?"

Bo Mengyao's words also caused Bo's father, Bo's mother and others to come back to their senses, glanced at the big villa, and quickly waved her hand and refused:

"No, no, it's definitely not possible, we can't come and live!"

At this time, Bo Menghan on the side also spoke, and smiled at his parents:

"Dad, Mom, I didn't know about this at the beginning. Chenyi told me after finishing the house. At first, I was curious about why Chenyi lived in Villa No. 3, and then I found out. Villa No. is reserved for Chenyi’s parents, No. 2 is for you two, No. 3 is for us to live on, and No. 4 is for Chenyi’s sister Jinjin. At first I would not accept it, but Chenyi But they said that there are only two children in their family, he and Jinjin, and we have only one child in our family. We moved to live together, so that we are all lively."

When Father Bo still wanted to refuse, Bo Mengyao exclaimed again:

"Huh? Menghan, you said that this villa No. 2, 3, 4 is all my brother-in-law's? My God, this is the best villa area in Qinhuangdao. Oh my god, my brother-in-law just bought this villa area and circled it~ "

The speaker is not intent, but the listener is intentional.

After hearing these words in Fang Chenyi's ears, he nodded thoughtfully:

"Haha, the eldest sister is right. Why didn't I think about it before. The gate of Century Garden, which I walk back and forth every time, is inconvenient because of the crowds and vehicles. It is safe to leave a passage."

Speaking of this, Wanli who turned his head and looked aside smiled and said:

"Haha, I have a shortage of manpower recently. I will trouble you with this matter, Lao Wan. There are a total of twelve villas here. Now the first to tenth are under my name, only the remaining eleven and twelve. No. is no longer in my name. Go back and arrange for someone to take the remaining two sets for me, and then leave the entire villa area and the subdivision over there, including the property, and they don’t need them anymore. No. 12. The villa is left to the security guards, and then you are helping select some security guards who have just been discharged."

When Wan Li heard this, he nodded and said yes.After confirming that Fang Chenyi had no other explanations, he picked up the phone and walked aside to arrange for someone to do this.

After handing this matter over to Wanli, Fang Chenyi smiled and turned around to smile at Bo Mengyao:

"Haha, really thank you eldest sister for your reminder."


However, at this time Bo Mengyao was full of black lines.

Okay~ I just sigh casually, who knows you really did it like this.

Also, there are a total of twelve villas here, ten of them are all yours...

Alas, being rich is really wayward...

[To be continued....

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