After hearing this, Fang Chenyi said haha:

"Aha, that Menghan has a class today, and suddenly remembered that he had to read a copy of the study materials. No, I went back to the study in a panic. I'll bring her something to eat."

After hearing this, the crowd didn't think much, they greeted Fang Chenyi to come over for dinner.While my mother always picked up a bowl of rice and a plate of side dishes, she was ready to send it to Menghan.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi is not willing, after all, Meng Han is not in the study room now.

He hurriedly reached out to take the food from his mother and took it out of the villa in person.

Going back to the bedroom, gently pushing open the door, seeing that Bai Menghan was still asleep, he didn't disturb her, put the food on the bed, and walked out.

After thinking about it, I still didn't go back to eat.In case they were asking themselves about Menghan.

He patted Gululu's belly, Fang Chenyi smiled bitterly: "Oh, don't call Huanla, you won't die without eating."

Suddenly thinking of singing to the people in the live broadcast room at night, Fang Chenyi slapped his forehead, stood up and walked outside the villa.He is going to the study in Villa No.6,

He vaguely remembered that there was an antique rack containing various musical instruments and records in the study of Villa Six.

The reason why he promised to sing for everyone tonight is to see if he can take advantage of this effort to pick up the skills of singing.

After all, whether you pass the previous driving skills or foreign language skills, theoretically singing skills should also exist.

He took out the key and opened the door of Villa No. 6, and after walking in, Fang Chenyi did not look at the decoration of the living room too much, but ran straight to the study.

Sure enough, the study in this villa was designed in the style of an artist. Not only was there a piano in the corner, but also a variety of musical instruments hung on the wall.

Nodded in satisfaction, then reached out his hand to take out the woven bag, touched a retro record player on the shelf, and put it into the woven bag.

[The owner found a dilapidated retro record player. The system rewards 25,000 yuan. The reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account. Please check it carefully.

Listening to the cash reward in his mind, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but shook his head in disappointment. Although the price of 25,000 yuan is definitely far beyond the price of this record player, what he wants now is not money, but skills. ..

After shaking his head, he reached out and picked up a stack of records again and threw them into the woven bag.

This time, the system still gave a reward of 18,000 yuan.

Go on, violin ~ 37,000 yuan reward.

Erhu~A reward of eight thousand yuan.

Guitar ~ 11,000 yuan reward.

Electronic organ, bass, saxophone...

After a busy period of work, all the musical instruments in the study except the grand piano were put into the woven bag by Fang Chenyi, but unfortunately there was still no special reward.

Turning his gaze to the last piano, he muttered to himself:

"Is it necessary to pick up this big guy to give a special reward?"

Git your teeth and do it!

Reached out and took out the trash folder in the woven bag. The piano was too big and heavy. Without this trash folder, which was immune to all heavy objects, it couldn't be lifted at all.

Fortunately, this trash folder is really easy to use, and the huge emotions just gently clamped a corner, and even easily clamped it up.

He gestured to the woven bag, but didn't know how to put such a big thing in.

However, at this moment, on the piano, a book suddenly fell. As Fang Chenyi was putting the piano on top of the woven bag, the book fell directly into the woven bag by accident.

[The owner found a shabby book "How to Become a Top Music Master".Inspire system special rewards, reward top music master skills, which have been deposited in the master's knowledge sea, please use by the master.

"Fuck! Is it just that it's all effortless to break through the iron shoes and find no place to find it? It's a lot of effort to empty the entire study room and never get it. I didn't expect such a book to be done?"

Put down the lucky piano again, with excitement on his face.

Not only that, but when I glanced at the piano that was put down, my fingers were placed on the keys of the piano unknowingly.

The next moment, a melodious piano sound fluttered from the window of villa No.6.

Father Fang, who had just eaten and sat on the sofa in the living room chatting, was taken aback by the melodious sound of the piano floating in from the window. Father Fang was even more surprised:

"Eh? There are still people playing the piano in this community? Hey, let alone, the sound is really nice!"

The closest to Villa No. 6 were Principal Wang and Char and others. After the voice sounded, Principal Wang, who was not a fan of music, paid no attention to it. On the contrary, he covered the quilt on his head and muttered, "Who So wicked, what kind of piano to play early in the morning.'

On the other hand, when the sound of the piano sounded, all of them unconsciously put down their kitchen knives.Slightly closed his eyes and enjoyed the wonderful music.

Of course, Fang Chenyi didn't know the reaction of everyone outside at this time.

After playing a piece of music, Fang Chenyi looked at his hands in shock, and muttered in his heart,'Is this still his own hand?'

To say that Fang Chenyi was really sent to learn the electronic piano by his parents for two days when he was a child, but at the time the teacher Fang Chenyi's evaluation was that he had a pair of duck feet that couldn't be broken, and he wanted to play a drum or something. , Then forget it...

Of course Fang Chenyi knew that this must be the reason for that special reward.

I just don't know how good the piano is and how the rest is, especially singing. With my imperfectly broken gong voice, I don't know if I can sing better with this skill.

As soon as he thought of it, Fang Chenyi packed the woven bag into his handbag, and sang loudly in his mouth.

Just when he opened his mouth, Fang Chenyi was given a jump by himself.

For no reason, I didn't even feel a little bit of running away~

I dropped my mother-in-law and grandma. This is really awesome. Since I was a child, my five-tone voice is broken. With the blessing of this skill, I can sing whatever style I want.


After singing two more songs, Fang Chenyi also came out of Villa No. 6, thinking about all the nonsense about singing, and he still had business to do.

So he drove his Lamborghini and headed directly towards the port.

In a huge factory area, Fang Chenyi saw Wei Yilong who was wearing this helmet and sweating profusely, directing the workers to work.

Only after seeing Wei Yilong's face, Fang Chenyi suddenly burst into laughter.

[To be continued....

ps: third today!

Thanks to the '3 Class Xiong Wanle' brothers for sending two consecutive 1888 book coins and 5 100 book coins for rewards!Add a chapter for brothers!

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