At this time, Wei Yilong was wearing a helmet and his face was gray.It can be seen that this guy is really hard.

Seeing that Wei Yilong didn't realize that he had arrived, he quietly stepped forward and patted Wei Yilong on the shoulder, which suddenly shocked the guy.

After seeing that Fang Chenyi turned out to be here, Wei Yilong suddenly collapsed.

Looking towards Fang Chenyi, his eyes were full of resentment:

"Damn, boss, how come your old man is willing to come to the company!"

Fang Chenyi ignored Wei Yilong's resentful eyes at all, but directly opened the topic and said:

"Haha, those who can do more work, how about a dragon, how long will it take to put this side into use?"

Wei Yilong thought for a while and said:

"Come on, it should be fast, at most one month, it will be able to run exactly!"

As soon as Fang Chenyi heard it was another month, he was speechless:

"It's not that I said Yilong. I remembered that you said that you can do it after you clean it up. Why has it turned into a month again?"

As soon as he said this, Wei Yilong immediately became interested. He reached out his hand very proudly and pointed to the construction site in front of him, and said:

"Hey, boss, you allocated 100 million to me last time! With this 100 million, of course we can't deal with it like before! Did you see that these are all imports that I bought abroad with a lot of money? Equipment! Don't worry, boss, I will make our company the most powerful garbage sorting and environmental treatment company in China!"


Fang Chenyi now wants to give Wei Yilong a violent beating. The purpose of getting this company here is mainly for the convenience of picking up the rags by himself, in order to pick up the rags efficiently as soon as possible. It is good now, this guy directly gives After a month to go!

But thinking that if it really becomes the largest garbage disposal center in China, then picking up the tatters by yourself in the future will be even more effective.

After thinking about it, I couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so I waved my hand:

"Okay, yes, I will call you two hundred million later, if it is not enough, I will add it to you! If you see if it works, expand the scale and make it the largest!"

Wei Yilong, who just picked up the water bottle and drank his mouth, was stimulated by Fang Chenyi's domineering words, and he spouted directly.

After coughing for a long time, he came over and said:

"Cough cough cough, old man, boss, did you say that you are adding two or two hundred million? Hahaha, great, it just happens to have a set of 10,000-ton separation equipment!"

Rejecting Wei Yilong's escort, Fang Chenyi wandered the entire factory alone.

Yo Da Da came to a factory building where the equipment had just been installed.

Looking at the waste paper boxes and plastic packaging everywhere on the ground, Fang Chenyi's hands began to itchy. After looking around to see no one was found, he flicked the woven bag and started to do his job.

[The owner finds a packing box, the system rewards 150 yuan, and the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please check it carefully.

[The owner finds a bucket of butter, the system rewards 300 yuan, and the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please check it carefully.


However, I just picked up two things and suddenly a loud shout came from behind:

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Shocked by the loud shout, I turned around and saw two young security guards wearing security uniforms carrying rubber rollers running toward him aggressively.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi shook his head helplessly. It seems that the good things in this place cannot be picked up today.

"Hey, let me ask you something, what do you do! What's in your bag, show it to us!"

Obviously, the two security guards regarded Fang Chenyi as a thief, and they were going to grab Fang Chenyi's woven bag as they spoke.

Upon seeing this situation, Fang Chenyi hurriedly hid, then quickly folded the woven bag and put it away.

Just kidding, this woven bag is my own baby, how can it be seen by others.

However, when the two security guards saw Fang Chenyi's nervous look, they were immediately more convinced that the other party must have come to steal something.

So without saying anything, he was going to take Fang Chenyi down first.

Facing the two security guards who rushed over, Fang Chenyi's head was big for a while, and after one dodged, he quickly explained in his mouth:

"Don't get me wrong, you two, your own, your own."

It was just that the security guards who had preconceived that Fang Chenyi was the thief would listen to Fang Chenyi's words. Seeing that a trick was not successful, the two looked at each other, and then kicked Fang Chenyi's stomach and legs simultaneously, one left and one right.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect that the two security guards, who were only 1.75 meters tall and who didn't seem very strong, were actually still two practitioners.

Now Fang Chenyi is interested, he really wants to see what kind of hands his security guards have.

Looking at the two feet high and one low, Fang Chenyi shouted in his mouth, "It's good to come", and then forcefully jumped up on the spot with both feet, and while avoiding the bottom foot, he flew into the air and kicked. , Accurately mentioned which foot was lifted toward his chest.

With a muffled bang, the two legs hit each other in the air, and then Fang Chenyi landed safely and the other was kicked by Fang Chenyi and kicked and kicked back several steps. Of course, this was entirely because Fang Chenyi was only Used 60% of the strength.

After landing, he smiled and clapped his hands. Just about to talk, he felt a strong wind coming towards the front door.

One side of his head subconsciously, and then he saw a foot in boots slipping across his face.

"Fuck, come back!"

It turned out that the guy who just attacked the bottom plate had stood up.

After Fang Chenyi yelled in his mouth, he didn't wait for that guy's leg to land, but he just raised his leg.

The guy who had just attacked Fang Chenyi's front door was kicked directly on his ass with a puff, and he fell into a shit.

This guy has just been dealt with here, and another security guard who has been kicked back several steps by himself has rushed up again.

"Yeah, I have a lot of perseverance. Anyway, it's okay today. Then I will play with you two for a while."

While speaking, Fang Chenyi also rushed towards the other party directly.

You punched me and kicked, allowing Fang Chenyi to beat the two back again and again, but the two of them were really not discouraged at all. For a while, the three of them were having fun in this workshop.

Three minutes later, a group of security guards holding rubber rollers came in suddenly at the door. There were at least a dozen security guards.After running in, Fang Chenyi surrounded Fang Chenyi without saying a word.

The two security guards who were fighting Fang Chen finally breathed a long sigh of relief when they saw this.

[To be continued....

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