After giving his Lamborghini to Wei Yilong, Fang Chenyi greeted everyone to put their luggage in the back pocket, and then asked them to get in the car before driving back to the villa.

After arriving at the villa, all five of them looked at the luxury here in surprise.

He simply parked the car in front of the door of Villa No. 6, and then said to everyone:

"Okay, here it is!"

He opened the door and jumped out of the car first.

"Chairman, is this your home? I don't think there is a porter outside. Where do we live?"

Looking at the luxurious villa in front of him, Qi Xiaotian asked with some doubts.

Fang Chenyi chuckled when he heard it, and then pointed to the four-story villa in front of him and said:

"No, you live here."

Qi Xiaotian looked at each other, then hesitantly said:

"Well, this is not so good. Chairman, how can we live with you."

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

Fang Chenyi waved his hand:

"You don’t need to call me from the chairman of the board of directors in the future. I should be older than you, depending on my age. You can call me Fang from now on. Besides, I won’t live here. This is Villa No. 6, and I live in Villa No. 3. .No, it's over there."

While speaking, he pointed to Villa No. 3 not far away and continued:

"In addition, let me tell you briefly. There are a total of 12 villas in this villa area. Now villas No. 1 to No. 10 are all owned by our family. My parents live in Villa No. 1, and my husband's family lives in No. 2. Villa No., your sister-in-law and I live in Villa No. 3. Villa No. 4 belongs to my sister. In addition, Villa No. 5 is now a temporary residence for some of my friends, and I will live with you after No. 6. It's Wei Yilong who lives now. On the 8th, one of your sister-in-law’s best friends is temporarily staying. On the 9th, there is no one. On the 10th, our chef team lives. That's probably the situation."

Speaking of this, before everyone was shocked, Fang Chenyi thought of something and added:

"Oh, yes, and I am already in contact to buy the eleven and twelve two villas together. After the purchase, the entire villa area will be ours. I will arrange someone Separate the villa area from the back, and your job is to be responsible for the safety of this villa area. The workload may be a bit heavy. If you can’t be too busy, I will send you more people in the future.”

After thinking about it, he continued to speak: "There is also the issue of your salary. What is your current monthly salary?"

Qi Xiaotian hurriedly said:

"Five insurances and one housing fund are included, four thousand and five thousand a month."

Fang Chenyi nodded after listening:

"Well, food and housing, five insurances and one housing fund remain unchanged. Then, each of you will double your monthly salary to nine thousand. If you perform well, the bonus will be extra. Okay, you should go and pack your luggage first. I will take you to meet my parents and others."

After the explanation, Fang Chenyi stopped attending to a few people, turned around and walked back to his villa, opened the bedroom door to see that Bo Menghan had gone to school.

Looking at the clean and tidy room, Fang Chenyi put a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, then turned around and walked out of the villa to his second villa.

It's just that no one was there, so I went to Villa No. 1, and no one was there either.

This left Fang Chenyi speechless for a while, what did this person do?

I picked up my mobile phone and called my mom to find out that my affectionate mom, dad and Bo Menghan's parents have gone home to pack their things..

Having a rare free time, after Fang Chenyi left Villa No. 1, he was ready to go back to his villa and take a nap. He just walked to the door of his villa and saw a black Mercedes Benz approaching.

The car stopped not far from Fang Chenyi, and then Wanli walked out of it:

"Fang Dong, let me report to you about my work."

Fang Chenyi waved his hand: "It's hot, come in and talk."

After speaking, he took Wanli and walked into the villa.

"Haha, if you have something, you can just take care of it yourself, Lao Wan, there is no need to report everything to me."

After listening to this, Wan Li nodded and then opened the briefcase in his hand, and said to Fang Chenyi:

"Understood Dong Fang, here you are. This is the procedure information for the villas No. 11 and No. 12 that you confessed to me. In addition, this is the separation contract for the entire villa area and the back community. I have arranged for someone to come over tomorrow morning. Construction to separate the connecting passages behind."

Fang Chenyi took the information casually, nodded in satisfaction, this speed is really fast enough, and it was done just now.

When Fang Chenyi received the information, Wan Li spoke again:

"Fang Dong, there is one more thing. The Fat Tiger of Three Shots Entertainment has contacted us this morning, saying that he is willing to pay Miss Bai 6 million by himself, and then beg us to let his company go. Do you want to continue to block they?"

Fang Chenyi frowned and waved his hand after thinking for a while:

"We are all reasonable people, do you think we are the ones who missed the six million?"

When Wan Li heard it, he nodded:

"I understand Fang Dong."

Fang Chenyi thought for a while and continued:

"Oh, by the way, I remembered the six million. You can go back and take out the six million from our account and give it to my sister-in-law. Just tell her that it's the recovered money. Of course, for that. Mulinsen, we still want the police to continue searching."

After saying a few more words, Wan Li left again by car.

Putting the two house purchase agreements on the coffee table casually, Fang Chenyi didn't bother to go back to the room, and simply lay on the sofa and fell asleep.

I slept until it was dark before getting up. I went out of the villa and looked around. My mother, mother-in-law and Bo Menghan were all cooking in the second villa, but the old man and father were not at home.

After asking, I realized that it was my father who drove to the old man's house to pull the luggage.

Thinking of this Fang Chenyi patted his forehead, and then said to Bo Mu:

"Hey, look at my memory, that auntie, when your uncle comes back, you tell him, go to the garage to see the car you like, just pick one. And Menghan, too. The car keys are in the car. It’s on top, why don’t you tell your uncle."

Before Bo Menghan could speak, the mother on the side spoke:

"Meng Han just came back. You stinky kid don't tell me in advance, you blame us Meng Han for everything."


Fang Chenyi looked at the appearance of his mother protecting the calf, and really wanted to ask, who is yours in the end~

Left and right couldn't help, Fang Chenyi reached Villa No. 6 and planned to see how these stinky boys were doing.

Just as soon as he walked into the villa, Fang Chenyi was stunned by everything in front of him.

[To be continued....

ps: third today!

One more chapter is added for the 2000 starting coin reward for the "Lingdi" brothers!

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