"What's the situation with you? Why did you put all your luggage on the ground?"

When I walked into the villa, I saw a piece of luggage neatly placed on the floor of the living room.Each quilt is as neat as a piece of tofu.

On the side table, Qi Xiaotian and Liu Yishou were writing something.The other three did not see where.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but asked with some doubts as he walked over.

Hearing that Qi Xiaotian and Liu Yishou put down the pens in their hands, turned their heads and stood up to face Fang Chenyi, they stood at attention, and then said hello:

"Hello, Chairman!"

Fang Chenyi knocked the other side an angry chestnut:

"Didn't you tell you to call it Brother Fang? It's the chairman of the board, hehe, are you painting? Come and show me what you paint."

Looking at the paper on the coffee table, he was a little surprised to find that the two boys were actually drawing.

Upon closer inspection, I saw that the drawing on the paper turned out to be a complex of buildings.And the flowers and trees in the building complex.

Fang Chenyi frowned slightly and looked at the painting. He always felt that the content on the painting was very familiar. After a little thought, he raised his head and looked at Qi Xiaotian in surprise and asked:

"This is our villa area?"

Qi Xiaotian scratched his head and smiled, and replied:

"Yes, Brother Fang, we spent the afternoon investigating the villa area, and plan to rearrange the defense of the villa area. Oh, by the way, Brother Fang, here are the missing cameras and models we sorted out. After our inspection, the current Surveillance has a lot of blind spots, which is very unreasonable. And I went to communicate with the property in the afternoon to take over the cameras here, but they did not agree at all, so I wanted to remove them and reinstall them. According to our deployment plan, Without so many cameras, with these cameras, all areas except eleven, twelve and two villas can be monitored. Can you help me purchase it."

Hearing this, Fang Chenyi was very satisfied. After only one afternoon, he found out all the monitoring systems here, and also gave a design drawing for the re-control. It seems that it is true that he brought these people over. There is nothing wrong.

Nodded and said directly:

"Well, there is no need to take care of the property side. Turn back and cut off their camera line directly. We don't need to give them the camera. We paid for the villa. So as long as the camera can be used, we will leave it for our own use. I have just bought two villas on 11th and 12th, so you have to re-arrange there too."

Speaking of this, Fang Chenyi suddenly thought of something. He took out a bank card in his pocket and handed it to Qi Xiaotian, who was stunned. At the same time, he said:

"No, there are three million in this bank card. The password is the last six digits of the card number. You can take it first. You can purchase what equipment you need later. I have too many things to do this day. It’s up to you to do about security. Take full responsibility. Also, what I want is absolute security, so as long as there is a demand, it doesn’t matter how much you spend. If it’s not enough, you will ask me for it."

After listening to Fang Chenyi's explanation, Qi Xiaotian reached out and took the bank card in Fang Chenyi's hand. At the same time, he solemnly promised:

"Don't worry, Brother Fang, I will definitely make the entire villa area solid."

He smiled and nodded, then pointed to the five luggage on the floor of the living room and said:

"You haven't told me yet, what's going on? Why are you going to sleep on the floor?"

When Qi Xiaotian heard Fang Chenyi's question, he was taken aback, then he glanced at the luggage on the ground, and then suddenly realized:

"Oh, I'll let everyone check the situation when I get out of the car. I haven't had time to organize my luggage."

Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while, then looked at Qi Xiaotian again:

"What about the other three?"

Qi Xiaotian stretched out his hand and pointed at three locations on the map drawn by him and Liu Yishou, and then replied:

"Brother Fang, they are all here."

At first glance, these three are the locations. One is at the entrance and exit of the villa area, which is the location connected to the back community, and the other two are at the two locations behind the villa area. At first glance, the three are just right. A triangle appears.

He smiled and shook his head: "Hey, there is no need to be so nervous. When you are okay, you can just go out for a stroll. The rest is just here with the air conditioner on and watching the monitoring. Oh, speaking of the air conditioner, on such a hot day, Why don’t you turn on the air-conditioning here? Okay, you two should stop messing around. Follow me to see three of them, and then meet my family."

For the two people in front of him, Fang Chenyi, through previous contact, already had some understanding in his heart. As for the other three people, Fang Chenyi was not familiar with it, so he took this opportunity to see if these three people were working seriously.

When both Qi Xiaotian heard Fang Chenyi's words, they stood at attention, and immediately followed Fang Chenyi out of Villa No. 6.

The overall villa area is still very large. The distance between each villa is also 50 meters away. It takes at least five minutes to walk from Villa No. 6 to the exit of the villa.On weekdays, Fang Chenyi rode the pure gold bicycle to pick up the tatters in the back community.

After thinking about the positions of the three people, it would take at least 20 minutes to go one by one, so I simply took Qi Xiaotian and the two directly onto Wei Yilong's Raptor.

It's just that Fang Chenyi didn't drive, but sat in the co-pilot, enjoying the feeling of having a driver.

The car first drove towards the door, and after a five-minute walk, the Raptor hit the accelerator pedal.

From a distance, I saw a figure that looked like a javelin, standing still, standing at the entrance of the villa and the community.

Fang Chenyi nodded in satisfaction. On such a hot day, if he were replaced by ordinary security guards, he would have been hiding somewhere cool, and only Huaxia soldiers would be able to maintain such a standing motionless!

The car screamed and stopped less than half a meter in front of the dark young man, but the dark young man did not move at all.After the car stopped, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but squeeze a sweat. If the brakes could not stop, the consequences would be disastrous.

Just as Fang Chenyi was thinking, he listened to Qi Xiaotian in the driving position as he lowered the window and said loudly:



In response, Qi Xiaotian's voice was very loud, and the voice fell, and the young man in security clothing stood neatly on the pedal of the car.

When the young man got in the car, Qi Xiaotian stepped on the accelerator, and the bird of prey rushed towards the next location.

Only when the car stopped again, Fang Chenyi looked around, but he didn't see anyone there at all.

[To be continued....

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