Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 220: This Isn't The Civilian Version? ?

Because the place where the car stopped is located in the remote back of the villa area, and there is no one to take care of it, it is still messy, and the taller weeds are almost knee-high.

Looking around, Fang Chenyi was surprised that he didn't see anyone.

However, Qi Xiaotian jumped out of the car with great interest. After looking around with a smile, he hung a curve at the corner of his mouth, picked up a small stone on the ground, and threw it out toward a bush.


With a cry of pain, a young man in a security uniform got up from the grass with a sad expression on his face.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chenyi was stunned,'Fuck, lurking?How does this look like watching a plot on TV?What kind of talents I found.If this guy puts on a camouflage uniform with a sniper rifle, well, a hidden sniper..'

When Fang Chenyi was muttering in his heart, the young man who was hit by Qi Xiaotian trot and came to the crowd, standing upright, and shouting loudly from his mouth:

"Hello Chairman! Hello Captain!"

Qi Xiaotian waved his hand:

"Next time, if you let me find your hiding place within ten seconds, you guys can stand it. Okay, get in the car!"


With this sound, the same dark youth also quickly stood on the pedals of the car.

Looking at this posture, Fang Chenyi actually felt like being in the army.

He shook his head and looked at Qi Xiaotian who was driving: "Don't be so serious~"

Qi Xiaotian turned his head and grinned at Fang Chenyi, revealing a row of small white teeth:

"There is nothing wrong with being careful."

The car came to another person's position. Just like before, Fang Chenyi didn't see anyone in this position. With previous experience, Fang Chenyi knew that this must be hidden again.

He waved his hand at Qi Xiaotian who wanted to get off the car, and then spoke with interest:

"Xiaotian, don't talk, I'll look for it."

Qi Xiaotian grinned and said okay, opened the car door and stood still and scanned the surroundings without moving.

Fang Chenyi pulled the car door and got out of the car. Then he looked around. This is different from the grassy area before. Because it is relatively open, there are usually properties that often come to tidy up, so the places to hide people are limited.

After scanning for a while, Fang Chenyi's mouth was slightly raised, and he spotted a few places, and then walked behind one of the larger stones.

Qi Xiaotian behind him was taken aback when he saw this. He didn't expect his new boss to be so powerful, and he found the place where the wood was hiding at a glance.

Fang Chenyi smiled and walked behind the rock that he thought was the most likely. After all, in this place, this big rock could block his vision. He felt that the other party must be squatting behind this rock.But what disappointed him was that there was no one behind the stone.

This made him shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seemed that he looked down on these guys too much. If the other party really just squatted behind a rock, it would be too pediatric..

Just at this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him. Looking back, seeing Qi Xiaotian approaching him, Fang Chen was ready to speak and let the other party find it.

Just before Fang Chenyi could speak, Qi Xiaotian had already walked past Fang Chenyi, and then raised his foot and kicked it on the slightly bulging grass under the big rock:

"It's a shameful thing, don't get out quickly, Brother Fang found you at a glance, do you think your face is embarrassing?"

Immediately afterwards, under Chenyi's stunned gaze behind him, she saw the grass that was slightly different from the surrounding lawns, and then a person walked out of the grass with a downcast face. Climbed out, and greeted Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian in a somewhat lost tone:

"Hello, Chairman~ Captain!"

Opening his mouth, Fang Chenyi still didn't ask the question,'Why are you hiding here.'

After getting in the car again, Liu Yishou did not get in the car this time, but also stood on the pedals. Qi Xiaotian drove and Fang Chenyi took the car. Two people stood on the pedals on both sides.With this posture, Fang Chenyi really didn't know what to say, but he still felt pretty good anyway.

The only thing that is not ideal is that this car is not high-end, which would be perfect if it were an off-road vehicle.Going back to buy some camouflage uniforms for these guys, and then using that knight XV for them, hehe, in this way, the buddy has his own security force.

Thinking about this, Fang Chenyi asked Qi Xiaotian to drive the car directly to the door of Villa No. 3, the car stopped, Fang Chenyi jumped out of the car and opened the garage door. Two cars and an empty parking space suddenly appeared inside.

The empty parking space belongs to Fang Chenyi’s Lamborghini. As for the other two cars, Bo Menghan’s pink Lamborghini and the Cavalier XV.

Pulling the door, the car drove out and stopped in front of Qi Xiaotian who had gotten out of the car and was waiting at the door.

The huge body and the tough lines immediately made Qi Xiaotian enviable.

He jumped out of the car and came to Qi Xiaotian. Seeing the expressions on the faces of them, Fang Chenyi's mouth turned up, patted the tall car body and said:

"how about this car?"

Qi Xiaotian looked around and looked at Fang Chenyi, then he smiled and said:

"Hey, Brother Fang, do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

Angrily waited for Qi Xiaotian and gave him a look: "You are not talking nonsense, I will listen to him for lying!"

Qi Xiaotian smirked, then nodded and said seriously:

"The appearance of this car is indeed tough enough and beautiful enough, and it is made according to military armored vehicles, but this civilian version of the car is more fancy and vain. We have specially studied these civilian vehicles before. The real military version comes, but I don’t know how much it is worse. Fang Ge, you can see that this is modeled after bullet-proof armor. The military version is forged with six millimeter steel plates, while this civilian version is made of iron. Huh? This car is actually used. Is it also a six-millimeter steel plate?"

As he said, Qi Xiaotian was taken aback. The bulletproof armor he wanted to show Fang Chenyi as an example was exactly the same as the military version of bulletproof armor.

He patted the bulletproof armor in surprise, then turned around and knocked on the car door, and suddenly made a bang.

Qi Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, and then stretched out his hand to open the door. The heavy touch immediately shocked him completely. He turned his head and looked at Fang Chenyi with an incredible expression:

"Brother Fang, this car is actually a military version?? But how did the military version enter the country?"

[To be continued....

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