Fang Chenyi is really deeply touched by the lack of manpower now, and after explaining the old man's affairs, he looks at his mother again.

When my mother saw her son look at her, she waved her hand without waiting for Fang Chenyi to speak, "Mom can't do anything, Mom can't."

Fang Chenyi smiled:

"Who said that my mother can't do it? My mother is amazing. For such a mother, you recently followed my dad to study in the company. After a week, the Yuejian company will be managed by you. Then I can grow old. Dad is free to do other things. I have more important groups waiting for him to take over."

After all, it's my son's business, plus staying at home all day is worse than doing something.

So my mother agreed without hesitation.

Seeing Fang Chenyi arranged careers for the four elders, Bo Menghan on the side covered his mouth and laughed:

"You really know how to arrest labor."

Fang Chenyi also smiled after hearing this: "Hey, Meng Han, you have to graduate in half a year, I suggest you don’t study for a master’s degree. You have seen how many companies we have, and then we will integrate and form one. The group, the overall position, I keep it for you."

After talking about the main business, Fang Chenyi suddenly thought that he had bought them a bag, and two or three bites pulled the porridge from the bowl into his stomach. After talking, I went out for a while, then turned around and left the villa.

As he trot all the way to his own garage, Fang Chenyi was speechless for a while, instead of taking his bag in a hurry, he called Qi Xiaotian directly.

This entire villa area has now been left by the people arranged by Wanli and the back subdivision, and at the same time an exclusive door has been reopened.

The entire villa area covers an area of ​​almost 100 acres, and the distance between each villa is not close. It is inconvenient to run back and forth every day, and it is inconvenient to drive. Therefore, Fang Chenyi intends to let Qi Xiaotian go back to purchase There are a group of small battery cars like golf courses. Two cars are placed at the entrance of each villa. It will be convenient to get out and get in at that time.

I didn't know that Qi Xiaotian's voice came from not far away as soon as the phone rang.

"Brother Fang, you are looking for me."

Turning his head, he happened to see Qi Xiaotian in a hunter camouflage riding a two-wheeled electric vehicle sprayed into camouflage.

In the night, although there are street lights, you really can't see this guy if you don't take a closer look.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi was taken aback, and said with some doubts:

"Where did your kid get the electric car?"

Qi Xiaotian grinned and grinned, showing a row of white teeth:

"Hey, I bought it by the way when I went out to purchase surveillance equipment last time. I bought five in total. After we came back, we refitted it by ourselves. It's not because the patrol is fast and quiet at the same time."

Nodded, this guy seemed to have thought of going with him, and he was about to let this guy buy something.

"Hey, Brother Fang, are you looking for me for something?"

Hearing Qi Xiaotian's question, Fang Chenyi remembered his own purpose, and he glared at him and said in an angry voice:

"Are you embarrassed to say? I said that your kid knows that it is equipped with a battery car, so why don't you know how to equip it for us?"

Qi Xiaotian was taken aback, a little aggrieved and said:

"I wondered how you could ride this kind of thing, Brother Fang, so I didn't buy it for you."

Knocked Qi Xiaotian's head unhappily:

"I'm a shit, if I have an identity, I still walk without riding this?"

"That's not the case, I thought, even if you are riding a battery car, it must be a Lamborghini Ferrari battery car."

Qi Xiaotian whispered a little half-jokingly upon hearing this.

But the speaker is not interested and the listener is interested. Fang Chenyi thinks that it is really the case. Before, I often read the news on the Internet and said it was a Rolls-Royce umbrella. I am not bad at money now. I get a few Lamborghini. Battery cars are not impossible.

Thinking about this, Fang Chenyi directly took out the phone and found the number of'Dougan' and dialed it.

Toot toot, the call was connected soon, and the unique voice of Gougan came over:

"Oh, Mr. Fang, it's really an honor to receive your call. Your Wuling Hongguang has been refurbished and is ready to be shipped back. It will probably be delivered to you the day after tomorrow."

Hearing Goudan mention it, Fang Chenyi remembered that he still had a Wuling God car to repair.

But these are not what he cares about.

"Haha, Goudan, I have a batch of purchase orders here, I wonder if you can accept it?"

As soon as there was an order, the dog egg suddenly became energetic. When he turned over, he jumped up from the bed, and the two women's painful cries came from the microphone.

He shook his head helplessly, it seems that the call may not be right for him.

"Yes! There is absolutely no problem. As long as you need Mr. Fang, I will definitely satisfy you!"

This sounds so awkward~

Thinking that the other party might be working, Fang Chenyi said straightforwardly:

"Well, it's okay, so let's do it, you can ask me whether Lamborghini Ferrari or Rolls-Royce can produce battery cars. Two-wheeled and four-wheeled ones, give me twelve, uh, twelve Not enough, let's bring twenty of each kind."

There are a total of twelve villas, and no one puts a four-wheeler and one two-wheeler at the door of each villa, and Qi Xiaotian and the others leave the rest.

"Cough cough cough, Mr. Fang, he doesn't have electric cars for these brands you are talking about~ But I have heard that Bugatti has launched ten two-wheel pedal battery cars before. It is just a gift to the top members. And the price of each unit is around 1 million yuan."

"Bugatti? It's okay, as long as the performance is good. One million yuan per car, twenty cars are 20 million yuan, right? I'll call you back and let them produce it for me as soon as possible. Oh, yes. I have produced five camouflage paints of each kind for me."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Chenyi saw that Qi Xiaotian had grown up in front of him, his mouth widened and his eyes stared at him.

He stretched out his hand and shook it before his eyes, and then grabbed the opponent's battery car without hesitation: "What are you looking at, stupid? Alright, alright, this car is now being requisitioned by brother. Haha"

After speaking, as soon as he twisted the electric door, the car immediately moved towards the garage.

Picking up the remaining five bags on the car, he immediately hung it on the handlebar, twisted the switch, squeezed the brakes, and the car turned around and headed towards Villa No. 1 very smartly.

Behind him, Qi Xiaotian looked at Fang Chenyi's back and swallowed: "Wealthy, self-willed~"

Speaking of Fang Chenyi alone, riding the battery car, he took a few breaths to the door of Villa No.1, put down the ladder of the car, and walked into the villa with the packing bag.

[To be continued....

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