Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 239 Lu Chao Technology Has a Problem

"Why did you go? What are you carrying?"

When Fang Chenyi walked in, everyone had finished their meal and sat on the sofa in the living room chatting.

My mother looked at Fang Chenyi carrying a few big bags, and asked curiously.

When Fang Chenyi saw everyone looking at him, he laughed:

"I think Menghan and the two of you didn't even have a bag that came out. It happened that Louis Vuitton came out a few new bags and came to the Qinhuangdao store to tour. I looked good and took it back and gave it to you."

While speaking, Fang Chenyi put all the packaging bags in his hand on the coffee table.

When the three women heard Fang Chenyi's words, they couldn't help showing happy expressions on their faces.

Mother Fang and Mother Bo gave their old man a fierce look. They seemed to say, have you seen it?The two of you are far behind Chen Yi.

Father Bai and Father Fang coughed, then changed the subject and continued discussing the management company.

The three women cast their eyes on the packaging bag on the coffee table.

"Auntie, Menghan, these three are for you, and these two are for mom and aunt"

The three of them took out their bags one after another to check them out. After taking them out, the three of them immediately felt very satisfied.

Bai Menghan was holding the pink bag, and his eyes were smiling.


After returning from his mother's villa, Bo Menghan plunged into the study, no matter how Fang Chenyi dissuaded him, he must insist on reading the rest of the report.

In desperation, Chen Yi had to stay to accompany him, but Bo Menghan pushed him out with a smile:

"Okay, I can see for myself, it's not too early, you go and rest quickly."

Early the next morning, Fang Chenyi got up from the bed in a daze, and found that there was no figure of Bo Menghan beside him. He touched the phone and checked the time. It was a quarter past five.

Sit up and muttered to herself: "Why does this Nizi get up so early?"

Turning his head and looking, he found that the night light beside the bed was still on. It was turned on by himself last night.

Then I thought, it wouldn't be this Nizi who didn't come back all night.

After getting out of the bed, I went straight to the study room, came to the door, and gently pushed the door open.

Seeing that Bo Menghan was lying in front of the computer, he should be asleep.

He shook his head distressedly, walked over gently, and looked at the computer screen that was still on. This Nizi should have been asleep for less than twenty minutes.

Stepping forward, bending down gently, he hugged Bo Menghan by his waist with force.

Bo Menghan opened his eyes sharply and found that Fang Chenyi was holding him, perhaps because of sleepiness, he put his arm around Fang Chenyi's neck with his backhand and went on to fall asleep.

Fang Chenyi felt distressed when he saw this, so he gently put Bo Menghan on the big bed in the bedroom, helped him take off his clothes and covered the quilt, and then shook his head and walked out of the bedroom.

Today I have to take Bo Mu to school.

When I left the villa, I came to the second villa. I saw my parents and my husband were having breakfast.

Seeing Fang Chenyi coming over, the four of them were all taken aback, and Fang's mother asked in doubt:

"Yeah, this is the sun coming out from the west today, why do you get up so early?"

Fang Chenyi smiled and greeted the crowd while picking up a bowl and pouring a bowl of soy milk by himself. He touched the fritters and started to gulp, and while eating, he said vaguely:

"Hey, isn't this going to send Auntie to the school. By the way, Mom, Menghan read the report all night and fell asleep just now, so you can get her something to eat before noon."

Upon hearing this, Fang's mother immediately gave Fang Chenyi's head a thud, and her mouth was even more distressed and complained to Fang Chenyi:

"Boy, how can you keep my daughter-in-law up from sleep all night! You don't know how to watch it! I tell you, if there is such a thing next time, you see I won't cut you off!"

After breakfast, Father Bo and his father went to the company together, while his mother went to take care of Bo Menghan from time to time.

Fang Chenyi greeted Qi Xiaotian and drove the Rolls-Royce to school with his mother-in-law.

Sitting in the back row of Rolls-Royce, Fang Chenyi felt that someone driving a car was easier than driving himself.

When he arrived at the school, Fang Chenyi directly convened various vice-principals and directors of each grade to have a meeting, and directly announced that Bo Mu would take over the position of principal from now on.

One hundred percent of this school's shares are owned by Fang Chenyi, so everyone has no idea at all about who will be the principal.

Of course, even if you have an opinion, you can only think about it in your own mind.

To say that Bai Mu deserves to be a teacher for a lifetime, after listening to everyone's reports at the meeting, almost all of the points put forward are correct.

This made some of the vice-principals who were secretly dissatisfied also put away their contempt.

I thought it was the first day to come, and it was the management meeting and the school's teacher-student meeting. In short, it was more than three o'clock in the afternoon. Fang Chenyi thought about it and just waited to go back together after get off work.

Back to the villa, it was already past seven in the evening.Dad and they have also returned.

After dinner, everyone sat on the sofa and rested, and Bai Menghan handed a prepared material to Fang Chenyi:

"I have read all of those reports, except for China Southern Airlines, I don't think it is right, it is that Lu Chao Technology has a problem."

When Fang Chenyi heard the words with some doubts, Bai Menghan compiled the materials, and said with some doubts:

"Oh? What's wrong with Lu Chao Technology? Financial fraud?"

Bo Menghan shook his head: "I don't know if he has done anything wrong. In short, his financial data is problematic. The data in the first half of the year is still relatively stable, but this month's performance has suddenly increased by nearly 20 points. This rate of increase Something is abnormal."

Fang Chenyi was taken aback when he heard the words, rising by 20%?This old Tang is okay. It seems that he is right to hand over the company to him.

Smiled and waved his hands:

"There is no problem with Luchao Technology. It is weird that it has not risen. This company is actually the company I worked for before. The boss was nepotism and the company made a mess. No, I bought it a few days ago and came here. After a big cleanup and removal of the worms, it’s hard for the performance to rise."

Upon hearing this, Bo Menghan shook his head a little funny, and looked at Fang Chenyi and said:

"I really don't understand what you think. I don't care about so many big companies, you go to work in such a small company~ Ha ha, is this the legendary rich man's experience life?"

Fang Chenyi just chuckled after hearing this, without explaining anything.

Of course, even if he said that the six-digit code in his bank card at the time only locked the balance of a few hundred dollars, they could not believe...

[To be continued....

ps: The third update today, adding a chapter for the brothers and sisters in the book friend group!Hey, today everyone is clamoring to add more changes, come on!

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