The reactions of everyone below, including Lu Zhisen with a slightly smug mouth, Fang Chenyi saw in his eyes.

But he didn't speak, but waited for everyone to discuss.

Until Qi Xiaotian opened the door and walked in, he nodded to Fang Chenyi.

Fang Chenyi just pressed his hand.

Upon seeing this, everyone gradually closed their mouths and looked at Fang Chenyi.

And at this time, Lu Zhisen felt that the goods were almost ready, so he opened his mouth again to Fang Chenyi with a smile but a smile:

"Chairman, you have also seen that if you fire an old employee for such a small matter, it will hurt everyone's heart~"

After saying this, everyone below has a tendency to speak again.

At this time, Fang Chenyi scanned the crowd, then looked at Lu Zhisen who was speaking, and said lightly:

"Mr. Lu Shaoan, don't worry, I said, there are three appointments and removals today, so if you have anything, you should wait until I have announced all three appointments and removals."

After hearing this, Lu Zhisen couldn't help but sneered in his heart. There was indeed no wave on his face and nodded blankly:

"Okay, let's wait until your third article about my appointment is finished. Let's talk about it. But let's send that sentence to Dong Fang. You are here for the first time. You can't hurt the hearts of the brothers who have worked hard for so many years. ."

After speaking, Lu Zhisen directly sat in his seat and stopped talking.He knows that today's contest will determine his position in the company in the future. If he doesn't let the other party be completely afraid of himself, he cannot be the emperor of the group!

When his gaze swept to the high-levels below, there was no trace of worry in his heart.

After all these years, which one of these high-level staff has not taken advantage of himself?Of course, those who haven't taken advantage of it also have the handle in their own hands.

The whole body has been affected by a move, and now he is deeply entrenched in the group. As long as the chairman does not want the company to be paralyzed, he has absolutely no way to do it.

Thinking of this, he immediately picked up the mobile phone on the table and edited a message and sent it to the WeChat group he established, "Wait until the announcement is over, collective strike!"

After the news was sent, all the higher-ups below either lowered their heads, or pretended to be watching the time, or gave a concealed glance, in short, all looked at their mobile phones.

Fang Chenyi watched this scene carefully, and at the same time secretly remembered those people who looked at their phones.

Deliberately set aside time for everyone to bow their heads, and then continued to speak very calmly:

"Well, now the third appointment and removal of personnel is announced. From now on, Lu Zhisen will remove all positions in the group and be expelled!"

After saying this, Fang Chenyi made an ok gesture behind his back. Standing at the door, Qi Xiaotian suddenly reached into his pocket and pressed a small object inside.

At the same time, the meeting room was suddenly boiling.

But Lu Zhisen couldn't help laughing. He was not afraid at all, and even thought it was a little ridiculous. This is really a shit who doesn't understand.

It seems that it is time to use the message I just sent to the senior management. Thinking of this, I picked up the phone and edited a message again and wanted to send it to everyone, but when it was edited, I found that I was a little confused and the message failed to be sent.

A closer look reveals that there is no signal on my mobile phone, and even the wireless network is gone.

I felt a little uneasy in my heart, but I didn't take it too seriously. I just stood up, pressed my hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said:

"Haha, this company is owned by Fang Dong. Since Fang Dong said so, then I can resign."

After speaking, he made an awe-inspiring appearance and began to organize the things on his desk.

It's just that these words have just fallen. The director of the finance department underneath, the woman who just ran out of her room, stood up first and said:

"Hehe, this is killing a donkey. Who doesn't know how much Mr. Lu has contributed to the company for so many years. Now he has to fire Mr. Lu, such an inhumane boss, such an inhumane group. I won't do it anymore!"

After speaking, she also started to pack up the notebook on the desktop, but from her sluggish appearance, everyone could tell, she just wanted to express her attitude.

When she finished speaking, all the high-level people around started to express their opinions.

"If President Lu is fired, then I will also resign!"

"Hehe, once the emperor and the courtier, since the chairman can't tolerate us, then we should resign by ourselves, lest the chairman have to clean up one by one."

Various voices came and went one after another. In short, as long as Lu Zhisen was fired, they would not do it.

After everyone had almost expressed their opinions, Fang Chenyi glanced at the indignant people playfully, then nodded and picked up the microphone.

The chairman of the board of directors picked up the microphone and began to close their mouths and wait to see how the chairman would end up, especially Lu Zhisen. At this time, he just sat there and smiled without saying a word, as if everything was there. Under control.

When everyone was quiet, Fang Chenyi smiled and nodded, and then asked:

"If I fire Lu Zhisen, then all of you will have to resign, right?"

Although everyone did not answer him, they all showed expressions like this one after another.

Fang Chenyi nodded again:

"Very good, you are all very good, let me see the unity of the group."

Hearing this, Lu Zhisen's heart became more interesting, hehe, now that he is great, want to find a step down?But it's not that simple, hit yourself with a stick, and now want to step down like this?Want to be beautiful!

Thinking of this, he suddenly smiled and stood up and spoke to the people below:

"I have remembered everyone's thoughts by Lu Zhisen, but this company is owned by Fang Dong alone, so if they want to fire me, I can't do anything about it. Don't be arrogant."

Everyone underneath heard the words, and immediately began to be filled with righteous indignation. While talking about Lu Zhisen's hard work, saying that without Lu Zhisen, there would be no current group, and at the same time, they were still saying that they had decided and must leave this chilling one. The company, unless Mr. Lu stays, it must go.

Fang Chenyi watched with cold eyes on these discussions.The argument continued for more than ten minutes before Fang Chenyi continued to speak:

"Hehe, your team spirit has moved me very much, so now you raise your hands and let me take a look. If I fire President Lu, how many people will also resign?"

ps: thanks:

A reward of 688 book coins from the "Little Monster" brothers!,'Zero past ten' brother 588 book coin reward!A reward of 100 book coins from the'Master' brothers!A reward of 100 starting coins for the'Left Qi 97' brothers!

Third today!One more chapter for the brothers!

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