When Fang Chenyi's words fell, everyone was a little puzzled, not knowing what the new chairman was singing.

However, the director of the finance department, who had been tied to a rope with Lu Zhisen, knew that he had to fight for it now, otherwise he would be fired, and there would be nothing left.

Thinking of this, he was the first to raise his hand.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but burst into laughter, and couldn't help but joked:

"Hehe, you don't have to raise it, you have been fired."

After saying this, the chief financial officer's face was blue and white, but he still raised his hands high and didn't let go.

Fang Chenyi didn't pay attention to her either, but glanced at everyone again.

When everyone saw it, they all hesitated. The law does not blame the public, but if the first one appears, even if nothing happens this time, it will inevitably not be worn in the future.

Therefore, you look at me, I look at you, except for the chief financial officer, nobody raised their hands first.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhisen was also irritated. These guys, it is a critical moment to lose the chain!

Of course, this was not what he wanted to see, so he almost coughed, looked at the middle-aged man he had started, and said with a smile:

"Pharaoh, after I leave, the group will rely more on you. Especially for the latest aircraft purchase contracts, you must keep an eye on it and don't lose money."

Fang Chenyi didn't stop Lu Zhisen from speaking. He wanted to see how many people in the group were involved in Lu Zhisen.

Lu Zhisen's voice fell, and the person on the table with the second vice president Wang Badan suddenly became excited. Then he glanced at Lu Zhisen and then looked at Fang Chenyi, his mouth filled with righteous indignation and said:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, I am afraid I can't do anything about the group in the future. If the company fires all the heroes like you, what am I doing here? I also resigned!"

After saying this, the Wang Badan directly raised his hand.

Although this is awe-inspiring, but at this time, Wang Badan's heart is scolding Lu Zhisen with a bloody head. This old bastard deliberately said about the purchase of new aircraft, clearly threatening himself to embezzle on this. Things.

This time there was a leader, and the high-level people below raised their hands one by one, uttering resignation.

Fang Chenyi did not speak, but directly took out the phone and switched to the camera mode, and took a picture with a click.

Everyone was immediately bewildered by this move, and they felt a bit of a bad premonition in their hearts.

Sure enough, Fang Chenyi's words made them feel cold.

After taking the photo, Fang Chenyi put away the phone, then smiled slightly at the people who raised their hands underneath, and said calmly in his mouth:

"Since you don't plan to work in the group, even if I stay in the group, I have no results, so let's do this. I agree to your resignation application. From now on, you no longer belong to the China Southern Airlines Group!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone underneath was stunned. After a long while, Lu Zhisen on the side suddenly laughed:

"Hehe, Dong Fang, you have to think about it. All the senior executives of our group have chosen to resign. If they all leave, China Southern Airlines Group may be paralyzed in an instant."

Hearing this, the worry in the hearts of some panicked people was faintly relieved. As Lu Zhisen said, without people like himself, the group would definitely be paralyzed.

I think this new chairman should be deliberately frightening these people.

Since then, each management directly sneered and picked up the things on hand.Make an expression of quitting.

However, their movements are very slow, they are waiting, waiting for Fang Chenyi to speak and retain himself.

But the result was destined to disappoint them.

Not only did Fang Chenyi fail to keep them, he didn't even look at them more.

The old father-in-law beside Fang Chenyi didn't say a word, just staring at the people below with such cold eyes.

"Hehe, the sentence that I sent to the chief financial officer just now is also given to President Lu. Now that you are no longer a member of the group, you don't need to worry about whether the group can operate."

After speaking, he turned his head and smiled at the old man and said:

"It seems that today is not just the appointment and removal of three personnel."

The old man smiled wryly and nodded without saying much.

He still doesn't know what his son-in-law is going to do.

Fang Chenyi's eyes crossed the top management in the first three rows, and fell directly on the middle management behind:

"It seems that today is a good day for the employees of our group. Now I announce that from now on, all the deputy heads of the departments except the finance department will be upgraded to one level and become the head of the department! All the deputy heads of the departments will be selected in the lower management. Select, the low-level management lacks the position by the employee to choose the best choice! At the same time all the benefits are upgraded with the position upgrade!"


Fang Chenyi's words were nothing more than a blockbuster, which detonated the crowd in the conference room in an instant.

All the high-levels are stunned, and all the middle and low-levels are stunned.

Only after the high-level dumbfounded, they regretted, feared, and were unwilling.

The middle and low-level managers were in ecstasy, and no one would have thought that happiness would come so suddenly!Some of the deputies who have been in the group for most of their lives have been depressed because they did not stand with Lu Zhisen, and now they are finally exasperated.

In the midst of this discussion, I don’t know who was the first to shout:

"The chairman is wise! We must quickly get the department on track! Up to three days, no, normal work must be restored within two days!"

As soon as I shouted this out, it immediately aroused the resonance of the middle and low management behind, and they patted their chests one by one to make sure.

When Fang Chenyi on the stage saw this scene, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

The matter has not developed out of control, and this is why he will ask all the management to come to the meeting, and I don't know what Lu Zhisen thinks, so he'cooperates' with his big exchange.

At this moment of turmoil, the door of the meeting room was suddenly opened from the outside, and then a middle-aged man with gold wire glasses walked in with a folder in his hand.

Seeing Fang Chenyi on the rostrum, he strode over.

"Dong Fang, I am Dacheng Ma, the director of Penguin Auditing Company. Time is limited. We have initially audited the accounts of your group for the most recent month. This is the result of the audit."

Following the words of the middle-aged man, the folder in his hand was also handed to Fang Chenyi.

ps: Fourth today!Add a chapter for the brothers in the group who are clamoring to add more!

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