Taking advantage of the gap where the old man's eyes were retracted outside the window, Fang Chenyi smiled and pointed to the discarded manuscript paper at his feet and said:

"Professor Wu, can you send me this manuscript for research?"

The old man was taken aback, his eyes swept over the dozen sheets of manuscript paper under his feet, and then smiled and shook his head:

"Hehe, these are all waste paper. What use do you want this for? If you want it, I will give you all these design manuscripts later."

While speaking, Professor Wu patted the drawing board on his thigh and spoke to Fang Chenyi.

After hearing this, Fang Chenyi smiled and continued:

"To tell you, I am also very interested in design. Sometimes, the research value of these scrap manuscripts is higher, and people can benefit a lot."

Who in the world doesn't like to listen to good things?Although Professor Wu has been learning all his life, he is very happy to be complimented by others, especially a young and promising young man like Fang Chenyi with unlimited future.

Reached out and picked up a dozen sheets of manuscript paper under his feet, sorted it out and handed it to Fang Chenyi:

"Hehe, there is no research value, but if you want it, give it to you."

Fang Chenyi also smiled and took it over, and after checking it carefully, he carefully folded it up, unzipped the zipper of his handbag, and put all the folded manuscript paper in.

Suddenly, a series of system prompts sounded in my mind.

[The owner found a piece of discarded design paper, the system will reward 300 yuan, and the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please check it carefully.

[The owner found a piece of discarded design paper, the system will reward 300 yuan, and the reward has been transferred to the owner's bank card account, please check it carefully.

After a series of five or six beeps sounded, different sounds rang out at the same time.

[Owner picks up a piece of discarded design manuscript paper to inspire special rewards for the system, rewarding super design master skills, the reward skills have been automatically deposited in the owner's sea of ​​knowledge, please the owner to retrieve it by himself.

With the sound of this voice, Fang Chenyi suddenly felt ecstasy. The professor's manuscript is different. Only a few pieces of paper have inspired the system's special rewards. This time it is really a big profit!

However, the system prompt in my mind did not stop, but continued to move towards.

[The owner picked up a piece of discarded design paper to inspire special rewards for the system, and rewarded a copy of the design drawing of the super business park. The reward has been placed in a woven bag, and the owner is requested to retrieve it by himself.

Fang Chenyi was completely excited when he heard another special reward prompt, especially after hearing that the special reward turned out to be a design drawing of a super park, he couldn't help but put an excited smile on his mouth.

And seeing this scene in the eyes of Professor Wu on the opposite side, I felt even more delighted. After all, there is nothing that someone can take their own work as a treasure to make them happy.

Of course, what exactly is Fang Chenyi happy about? Professor Wu is impossible to know.

At this time, the plane had also slowly landed on the beach in front of Lianfeng Mountain. Looking at this beautiful mountain with three peaks at an altitude of 5 kilometers and an elevation of 1036 meters, Professor Wu nodded involuntarily. , Murmured:

"Okay, it's great, the mountains and the sea are connected, the peaks are undulating, and there are cliffs. Looking at this main mountain, who is not the highest mountain in Qinhuangdao, but just looking at it in the air, if you stand on the top of the peak, you can still see The panoramic view of the entire Qinhuangdao is also the best place to see the sea from a distance. Standing on it and looking far away, you will definitely feel as if you are in the fairyland of Yaochi! Just looking at the geomantic and geography, this is really a treasure mountain!"

As Professor Wu said, although this mountain is high, it is not the highest mountain in Qinhuangdao. Both the Dushan at an altitude of 1846.3 meters and the Zu mountain at an altitude of 1424 meters are higher than that. When it wins close to the sea, especially It is the east side that has been extended to a distance of several hundred meters in the sea, which gives a sense of grandeur of'viewing the sea with a stone stone to the east' and a sense of grandeur of'heavy rain falls on the swallows and the white waves are overwhelming.'

Fang Chenyi was also delighted to hear the grandfather's generous praise.I have just taken this point in my mind, and I built this mountain into my own home. By then, the business park underneath will be under my overlook, which is not perfect.

Of course, Fang Chenyi knows that if he doesn't develop it now, I'm afraid it will not take a few years, and it will definitely be developed by others.The reason why there is no one to play on the beach here is because the water level on the seashore is too deep, and it can be used as a pier, but it is not suitable for playing.

Chen Yi had already introduced her plan to the old man on the plane before, so after a while, the old man sighed, he began to take out the drawing board and began to sketch.

After a while, it was more than three o'clock in the afternoon. During this period, everyone hadn't eaten. Now it's finally over, everyone is already hungry.

He boarded the helicopter again and flew all the way towards Qinhuang Hotel.

When they arrived in the box that had been prepared for a long time, they ordered the waiter to quickly serve the dishes. Everyone was hungry. After the dishes came up, no one was too much nonsense, and they all ate their food.

In this scene, the waiters by the door were all stunned. These managers specifically confessed that they are all big people, people with status, but for the first time I saw big people eat like this~

For a while, even Bo Menghan ate two bowls of rice.

After the water has passed the three rounds of food and the five flavors, everyone is finally full.

As everyone picked up their teacups to drink water, Professor Wu's cell phone suddenly rang.

After giving a gesture to everyone, he answered the phone:

"Oh oh, you are that Xiao Liu, ha ha, I remembered, um, I have arrived in Qinhuangdao, um, ha ha, it’s rare that you remember me as an old man, you don’t need to eat, ha ha, that’s a coincidence, I’m now I’m eating at the Qinhuang Hotel. You can’t eat at night...oh? That’s it, then you can wait a while and I’ll ask.”

Listening to what Professor Wu said, the call should have been made by Professor Wu's old friend in Qinhuangdao.After speaking a few words to the phone, Professor Wu suddenly looked at Fang Chenyi, then smiled and said:

"Haha, Xiaofang, there is a junior who happens to be in this hotel. Wouldn't it be convenient for Fang to come and meet me?"

Hearing Professor Wu's words, Fang Chenyi suddenly smiled bitterly:

"Professor Wu what are you talking about, haha, of course I have no opinion!"

After all, where the age is displayed, Professor Wu is naturally very old-fashioned, and out of courtesy, he still asked the owner's opinion.

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