With Fang Chenyi's consent, Professor Wu called Xiao Liu back and said about the box he was in.

A few minutes later, the box door was knocked from outside.

Then two people, a man and a woman, walked in.

The man was about fifty years old, his body was thin, the most conspicuous thing was the big bald head.

After seeing the two people coming in, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but put a helpless smile on his mouth.

The people here are not bystanders, but Dean Liu and Teacher Meng who have just met in the morning.

In fact, he had already guessed the identity of the other party when he heard Professor Wu call him Xiao Liu. After all, when he came out of Ms. Meng’s office before, he heard that Dean Liu said he was going to take Ms. Meng. Visit Mr. Wu.

After the two came in, Dean Liu quickly fixed his gaze on Professor Wu's body, and at the same time, he bowed slightly and quickly walked towards Professor Wu who stood up with a smile, and beat him respectfully with his mouth. Greeting:

"Hello, Mr. Wu, I was fortunate to study with you for a while while building the bird’s nest. I really benefited a lot. In my heart, I regard you as a master. I have to give me whatever you say tonight. I have a chance, I invite you to dinner."

On the other hand, Ms. Meng saw Bo Menghan on the table. He was taken aback for a moment. He didn't understand why Xiao Bo appeared here, but it was obviously not the time to ask this. He looked at Bo, who was smiling and waving. Meng Han, Teacher Meng smiled and nodded, and then followed Dean Liu to welcome Professor Wu.

Old Wu smiled and shook hands with the opponent, then smiled and looked at Fang Chenyi, and spoke to Dean Liu:

"Hehe, you are too polite, Xiao Liu, I will have dinner until another day. Mainly, I am short of time. The industrial park on Fang Dong's side is anxiously waiting for the design drawing to start. Haha, old man, I am now. The burden is very heavy"

Following Professor Wu's gaze, Dean Liu turned his head and saw Fang Chenyi with a smile on his face. He was taken aback for a moment. Didn't this young man say in the morning that he wanted to design the blueprints of the super commercial district?Why did you appear here this time?And it seemed that Mr. Wu came for him.

Oh, wait!What did Mr. Wu just say, waiting for the design drawings to start?What design drawing?Is it the kind of unfocused design that I said in the morning??

Seeing Dean Liu looking over, Fang Chenyi nodded with a smile:

"Hehe, hello Dean Liu, we meet again. Come, sit down and have a cup of tea together."

At this moment, Dean Liu's head has been short-circuited for a while. What is the situation?Professor Wu, China’s top architectural designer, came here in person?Is the inconspicuous design plan that I said in the morning true??

But how is this possible~

At this time, Bo Menghan also smiled and stood up and greeted:

"Teacher Meng, I didn't expect you to know Professor Wu, please sit down."

Seeing this, Professor Wu took a look, now that a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he smiled and said:

"Hehe, everyone knows it, yes, Fang Dong is such a young and promising entrepreneur, how could he not know Xiao Liu in Qinhuangdao, haha, just know it, come on, and sit down with Xiao Liu. It happens that you are a native of Qinhuangdao, so let's discuss the planning plan together."

Dean Liu didn't know what he was thinking at this time. He wanted to say that he didn't know Fang Chenyi at all, but it was obviously inappropriate to say so.

So I could only sneer at Chen Yi and nodded, then found an empty seat and sat down.

"Professor Wu, if you are ready to eat, let's go over there for tea and talk about design?"

Seeing that everyone had finished eating, Fang Chenyi gestured to the lounge on the side of the box. They had no objection to this, so they left the table and went to the lounge. After instructing the waiter to serve a few pots of tea, Fang Chenyi started talking to Wu The professor discussed several key plans for the business district together.

And Fang Chenyi, who already has the skills of a super design master, was discussing the design plan with Professor Wu. Professor Wu was extremely shocked, especially with a lot of professional knowledge.

This made him wonder if Fang Chenyi studied design when he was in school, and he even had a feeling of communicating with international design masters.

As for Dean Liu and Ms. Meng on the sidelines, they were dumbfounded. The design level and professionalism that Fang Chenyi showed was much higher than what he didn’t know, and even a lot of things from Fang Chenyi’s mouth. I do not know what that means.

Not only these two people, but Wu Xin on the side grew up in shock. Why is this young man who looks not much older than him, so professional, that he can even keep up with his grandfather's design ideas?

After speaking out the most important requirements, Fang Chenyi suddenly thought that he seemed to have obtained a design drawing of the super business park, which happened to be taken out for Professor Wu's reference.

When Professor Wu finished speaking, Fang Chenyi suddenly said:

"Professor Wu, like this, I have done some simple designs when I was idle before, and now I am on the plane. I will take it over and see if I can help your design."

Hearing what Fang Chenyi said, Professor Wu had a wry smile. After the exchanges just now, he felt that Fang Chenyi's design level was not much lower than his own.So he smiled bitterly and said:

"Xiao Fang, old man, I now feel that my coming here is a superfluous act. Haha, your design level is not much worse than the old man. I am really looking forward to your design drawings now. Fang, it happens that the old man is getting older, and I plan to find a close disciple of my talents. If you are willing, I am willing to pass on the old man."

As soon as he said this, everyone around him showed different expressions. Dean Liu's face was full of shock and jealousy. Professor Wu's closed disciple, what is this concept?This is a privilege that many people can't get even if they fight for their heads!

It's just that Fang Chenyi is a bit embarrassed. He can't pick up the tattered pieces by himself. How can he have time to learn design from the other party.

After all, Professor Wu is so old, Fang Chenyi's expression is in his eyes, so he smiled and said:

"Haha, I'll talk about it later, Xiaofang, go and bring your design to the old man and show me."

Fang Chenyi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, and then he greeted him and got ready to get up, but a silent Liu Yishou beside him said:

"Brother Fang, just wait, I'll get it for you."

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