Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 298-Breaking Through the Nine Worlds in a Row

Fang Chenyi waved his hand after hearing this:

"No, I'll take it myself, you can't find it."

Just kidding, the design drawing is now in my woven bag. The reason why I said that I was on the plane was entirely because the drawing was bigger than my leather bag, so I couldn't take it out directly.

If Liu Yi was left to guard this, it would be impossible to find the plane if it was taken apart.

Liu Yishou, who still wanted to say something, immediately chose silence after seeing Fang Chenyi glared at him.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chenyi smiled and nodded to everyone, and then strode out of the box.

Arriving on the plane, Fang Chenyi opened the cabin door, leaned into his body pretendingly, and then drew out a design drawing that was thirty centimeters thick and thousands of pages thick from his woven bag.

Looking at the large stack of design drawings in front of him, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but was taken aback. He didn't expect that there were so many. Originally, he only thought that there should be dozens of pages, but he didn't expect it to be a large stack.

I picked it up and weighed it, and it would weigh several tens of kilograms. I can't take all of this by myself, it's too much, and obviously, these can't be done by one person in a while.

He shook his head helplessly, and then directly cast his gaze on the top one of the bounded, dozen-page design drawings.

This is the overall design drawing, which mainly reflects several perspectives of the entire business park.

After picking it up, he put the rest into his woven bag, and then turned and walked towards the box with the information.

"This! This! Haha, it seems I should take back what I just said."

In the box, after receiving the design drawings handed over by Fang Chenyi, Professor Wu was shocked. After a long time of shock, he showed a wry smile.

Before everyone was puzzled, Professor Wu continued to speak:

"Hey, you are really young and promising, Xiaofang, your design level is above me."


When this was said, everyone was stunned, and at the same time they all looked blank and shocked. It was the top architect in China who said this!

In this way, Fang Chenyi's design level has reached a terrifying level!

As a result, everyone's eyes all fell on the drawings in the hands of Professor Wu.

At this time, Professor Wu was wearing reading glasses and carefully observed on the design drawings. Five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, time passed silently, during which Fang Chenyi also drank two pots of tea.

Finally, when the second pot of tea was about to be finished, Professor Wu finally took off the reading glasses, lit his head with satisfaction and said:

"Wonderful, many places are better than I thought, and the overall shape can be said to be a different picture from different angles!"

Seeing that everyone was looking at the drawing in his hand, Professor Wu looked at Fang Chenyi inquiringly. After all, this drawing is too important and also too confidential. If you can show it to others, you need to consult Fang Chenyi agreed. After Fang Chenyi nodded and agreed, Professor Wu placed it on the table in front of him very carefully, and then spoke to everyone:

"Let’s take a look at it, but be careful and don’t break it. This design drawing is perfect, and there is one more point. As for this design drawing, you can learn the essence after reading it. Never publicize it to the outside world."

As Professor Wu just said, this design drawing is not an exaggeration to say that the entire park has been built into countless different styles.

For example, if you look down on this business park in the sky from an airplane, you will see a reduced version of the solar system with a skyscraper in the center as high as one kilometer.

And if you look at the south side of the business district, that is, the side with Lianfeng Mountain, you will see a magnificent ancient capital.

The same is true for the other three faces. Each face can show a different form. All in all, this is a masterpiece that perfectly blends the sense of technology, modernity and antiquity.

Professor Wu believes that if this business district is really established successfully, it will definitely become a new world miracle!

It is not an exaggeration to say this. If nothing else, the skyscraper in the center, marked as one thousand and one meters, has surpassed the world's tallest building, the 828-meter-high Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

Not only that, but the surrounding Mercury Tower, Venus Tower, Earth Tower, Mars Tower, Jupiter Tower, Saturn Tower, Uranus Tower, and Neptune Tower are all 888 meters high. In this way, they are all at once. Constructed nine buildings surpassing the world's tallest building.

Of course, in addition to these nine main buildings, these commercial districts also have hundreds of buildings. These buildings vary from the low two-story building to the 600-meter-high building.The area marked in this design drawing is also far beyond what Fang Chenyi said before, reaching an astonishing 300 square kilometers, which is already comparable to the size of some counties.

Not only that, but such a large business park is also one of the best in China.

Although this design drawing is perfect to a certain extent, it is not so easy to implement.

Not to mention that if it is perfectly restored according to this drawing, just say the overall construction price, the estimated price at the back of the design drawing is 7,000 to 1.2 trillion.

It is impossible for such a project to be completed in less than ten years.

If the country wants to build such a project, it is not realistic if it is an individual. What kind of family can spend trillions of dollars, I am afraid that Forbes's richest man in the world is nothing more than that.

After Dean Liu and everyone looked at this design drawing, their eyes widened, especially after seeing the final construction budget, they no longer knew what to say.

Seeing everyone had finished reading, Professor Wu hurriedly took the design drawings, and then looked at Fang Chenyi with a wry smile and said:

"Xiao Fang, this design drawing is a perfect teaching material. I believe that if this design drawing is put in the world, it will definitely shock all designers, but the amount of engineering is too large."

Fang Chenyi naturally understands this. This is the reason why he will see Professor Wu so grandly today. He hesitated and said to Professor Wu:

"Professor Wu, I also know the difficulty of this matter is very high, so I want to sincerely ask you to do me a favor when I came to see you today. I am in urgent need of manpower in this area now. I hope you can always get involved."

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