If such a huge project is really to be started, the number of people required is definitely not a small number, especially the nine major skyscrapers, which require professionals to keep an eye on it.

The old professor in front of him can be said to be the leader of China's architectural designers.

Not only that, almost 60% of China's famous architects and engineers came from his sect, just like Dean Liu of Yan University, who also studied with him.

And if you can get the help of Professor Wu, I believe the staff is definitely not a problem.

Of course, Fang Chenyi needs Professor Wu's apprentices, not to let them help with the design, but to stay and help with on-site supervision and guidance.

After listening to Fang Chenyi's words, Professor Wu thought for a while and said:

"Well, Xiaofang, I have an idea. I have been leading graduate students. At the same time, my group of graduate students will soon graduate. I can arrange for them to come to you for an internship. Of course, although they cannot participate in the nine Building, but the rest is fine."

After a short pause, Professor Wu continued:

"As for the nine buildings, I can move my classroom over, and then I will guide and give lectures to the graduate students on the spot. Of course, you still need to deal with the site problem of this classroom. And help you. Contact some of the most famous designers in China. But they are definitely not free."

Hearing what Professor Wu said, Fang Chenyi was overjoyed. As a result, part of his problem was solved.

Of course, Fang Chenyi understood the meaning of Professor Wu's words, just like Ouyang Jun, meaning that he wanted to have a place of his own in this industrial park.

After all, the entire construction project will take at least five or six years. After five or six years, can you still let Professor Wu move out?It must be impossible.

I have to say that this Professor Wu has the same long-term vision as Ouyang Jun. If the construction of his own high-tech park is really completed, then this will become the most important place in China, even compared to the first-tier cities such as Shenzhen and Shanghai. not bad.

In any case, the problem was partially solved, and as a price, Professor Wu's request is really not worth mentioning.So Fang Chenyi nodded and agreed without hesitation.

At this moment, Dean Liu on the side suddenly interjected:

"That Fang Dong, Professor Wu, can we also participate, we can let our Yanda School of Design conduct on-site teaching here, and also be responsible for some of its small projects."

Hearing what the other party said, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but stunned, but he quickly understood that Dean Liu might also see some ways.

But for Fang Chenyi, this is definitely not a problem.

The university's teaching base, such a project, can be brought in. This is what he wants.

Suddenly he had an idea in his mind, that is to let all the double first-class universities establish their own teaching bases in Li, of course, not only in terms of architecture, but in all aspects.

After all, in the future, all high-tech industries will be involved here. In this way, students from major colleges and universities will have good internship locations, and major companies will also have a strong reserve force.

In other words, if this idea is really successful, then, in a few decades, this place is likely to become the commercial center of China!

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi smiled and nodded to Dean Liu:

"It would be great if Dean Liu could lead the students over. I will welcome with my hands."

Throughout the afternoon, everyone was discussing the affairs of this high-tech business park. Until the evening, they had dinner again in the box, and then they went back separately. As for Professor Wu, Fang Chenyi did not arrange it in the hotel, but took it directly. I went to my own villa area, which was a lot more convenient.

After returning to the villa, Fang Chenyi took a short shower and put the large pile of design drawings on his desk in the study.

I have to explain, because Bo Menghan is now fully responsible for the affairs of each company, so the previous large desk has been requisitioned by Bo Menghan.

At the back, Chenyi asked Qi Xiaotian and the others to move another large desk in the study of another villa and put it on the opposite side of the original desk.Fortunately, the study is large enough, and the two large desks are still very spacious.

Of course, the same two large desks are placed here, which also facilitates some things, such as now.

On the two large desks, everything was pulled to one side at this time, and on the other side, a force duel was being staged at this time.

Fortunately, the two desks are made of solid wood, and the quality is even worse. Otherwise, they can't stand the fight for three hours each time.

After three hours, Bo Menghan still came down because of lack of physical strength. Looking at Bo Menghan who was beaten by himself, Fang Chenyi smiled triumphantly. How could she compare her martial arts to a small woman. It.

However, I am a big man, and he dare to act. Since he hurts a person like this, he can't ignore it. So he checked the injury and helped him to wipe off the blood flowing out of the wound, which seemed to touch him. When he encountered the wound, Bo Menghan suddenly screamed.

Frightened Fang Chenyi's hand shaking, and suddenly another cry came from Bo Menghan's mouth.

He couldn't help crying out, and immediately angered Fang Chenyi again:

"Well, you little girl, I kindly helped you clean up the wound. You still scream so painfully. It seems that this has not completely subdued you!"

Ever since, it was another big battle.

Fortunately, this time Nian was injured in the other party. After half an hour, Fang Chenyi reached out and picked up Bo Menghan, who had collapsed on the table, and went to the bathroom to clean the wound before he hugged him. Go to bed.

I stretched my hand over the quilt to help cover it gently, and then took the remote control to raise the temperature in the room by one degree, so as not to sweat too much and catch the cold wind now.

After finishing all this, he went back to the study again.

Looking at the mess on the table, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but smile. For a while, the battle was refreshing, and he forgot to clean the battlefield. It was hard and difficult...

"Hey, it seems that you should not put anything on this desk in the future."

With a helpless sigh, he began to tidy up the table.

It took more than ten minutes to clean up the documents on the two desks, but when he sat on the chair, he smiled bitterly:

"Hey, I have to wash my pants again..."

ps: Brothers, please give me a reward!

Thanks' do you want?'The 588 and 100 book coins sent by the brothers are rewarded!

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