Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 329 David's Counterattack

It wasn't until Fang Chenyi waved his hand that it was not troublesome that David Rogers came down to Liu Yishou's muzzle next to a communicator in the captain's room.

This communicator is the communication device that connects all the staff in the cruise ship. As long as this device is turned on, it can be forced into all channels, and this is also the right of the captain.

In the following time, David Rogers didn't play tricks, and honestly repeated what Fang Chenyi had just taught him. After finishing it, he sent Fang Chenyi's photos to each employee's mobile communication.

After doing all this in one breath, David Rogers finally let out a long sigh of relief, then turned his head and looked at Fang Chenyi in favor, and asked carefully:

"Boss, look at what you asked me to do. I have done it. Can you let me go?"

Fang Chenyi kept staring at the other party with a smile, and when he saw that the other party was obedient, he nodded:

"Well, since I said to let you go, I will definitely let you go, but it still doesn't work. You have to wait until all of my men come over before you can leave."

After speaking, Fang Chenyi spoke directly to Qi Xiaotian beside him:

"Send the coordinates and let everyone set off overnight."

After getting the order, Qi Xiaotian nodded, then put down the gun, and then took out his mobile phone to start contacting the group of people.

And hearing Fang Chenyi's words, David Rogers couldn't help but a flash of resentment in his eyes. This guy didn't seem to let go of his intentions.

Thinking of this, the eyes with his head down couldn't help but glanced at the communicator next to him. When his gaze stayed below the communicator, his mouth gritted his teeth severely.

The opportunity is not to be missed and will never come again. Now of the two gunmen, one has put down the gun and is holding the phone and is ready to make a call, and the other guy next to him has also put down the muzzle. This is definitely a good opportunity!

To be honest, even David Rogers did not expect that he would come to this position, nor did he expect that the boss of China would let himself use the communicator.

You know, under this communicator, there is a loaded m16 assault rifle hidden underground.

For the position of this rifle, David Rogers is confident that he can take it out and complete the shooting action in just three seconds.

Maybe this is an opportunity God gave me. I took out my gun to kill the guy next to me for the first time and then quickly flashed to the back of the communicator to conceal his figure. I believe that with the powerful firepower of this assault rifle, it can be crushed. There is absolutely no problem with pressing a pistol.

What's more, relying on the strength of his SEAL team to retired, there is no problem at all.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth with his head down couldn't help but hang a bloodthirsty arc. Now he only needs to wait a few seconds until the guy over there answers the phone, it's time to take action.

After a few breaths, Qi Xiaotian over there has already connected the phone.

After the connection, Qi Xiaotian said concisely: "Depart immediately after receiving the position."

Immediately after the other party said yes, he hung up the phone.

Just when there was a sonorous'yes' answer on the phone, I heard a sudden change from Liu Yishou and David Rogers.

For a moment, Qi Xiaotian slammed in his heart, and the pistol in his hand was raised subconsciously and pulled the trigger without hesitation.



The gunshot peculiar to the silencer quickly rang, and the moment the pistol rang in Qi Xiaotian's hand, the sound of the other pistol also rang.

All this happened so fast, everything happened in one breath.

When Fang Chenyi looked over there, he saw David Rogers, who had been standing, already lying on the ground in the direction of the communicator.

And at the back of his head and at the back of his heart, there were wounds that were bleeding from blood.Obviously, this guy has died.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. His attention was focused on Qi Xiaotian's phone just now, and he didn't notice this. He didn't expect that it was such a technique, and David Rogers was finished.

Of course, he knew that this breathing exercise, David Rogers must have done something, otherwise Qi Xiaotian and Liu Yishou would not be able to shoot at the same time.

At this moment, I left a hand feeling that the pistol was pointed at David Rogers and walked over, first glanced at the wound on the back of his head, and then cautiously stretched out a hand to test the opponent's neck, confirming that it was already After hanging up completely, he kicked it half a meter away.

Immediately afterwards, following the spot where David Rogers had touched just now, he pulled out a loaded M16 assault rifle.

Seeing this, a cold sweat broke out on Liu Yishou's forehead. Fortunately, Qi Xiaotian's reaction was quick just now, and he shot the opponent directly in the head.

If it weren’t for that shot, even if he shot through the opponent’s heart, I’m afraid the opponent would take the gun out for a few seconds. If it’s really aimed at Brother Fang, a round of bullets will come. The consequences are unimaginable!

Poor David Rogers hung up until the end, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, because his hand had touched the gun.As long as you give yourself a few tenths of a second, you can target this guy and pull the trigger.

It's just that he never expected that the opponent's reaction speed was faster than he thought. He believed that even the SEAL team he was in at the beginning could hardly reach this speed. It is definitely the reaction speed trained through actual combat.

I quickly turned off the insurance in my hand, and then withdrew the bullet in the barrel, and then carefully took it to Fang Chenyi's body, and then said with an expression on his face like a child who has done something:

"Brother Fang, I was negligent."

Seeing his appearance, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but smiled and patted the other party's shoulder. Without comforting him, he changed the subject:

"The reaction speed of the two of you is really amazing, not bad, not bad, haha, everyone will be rewarded when you look back!"

Qi Xiaotian originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Fang Ge's indifferent smiling face, he also showed a smile. He immediately looked at Waltz who was still in a coma, and said:

"Brother Fang, for the sake of safety, this person should also..."

Speaking of this, Qi Xiaotian stopped speaking, and instead stretched out his palm to make gestures on his neck.

ps: Tomorrow is a new month. Xiaoyuzi asks for a monthly pass. Let’s go for a walk on the monthly pass list, brothers!

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