Fang Chenyi frowned and thought about it, then nodded, his eyes swept over the seven people lying on the ground, and said lightly:

"It's great for people to die. They live on the sea. Let them return to the sea."

Qi Xiaotian on the side listened to Fang Chenyi's words, and couldn't help but admire him for a while. Fang is worthy of Fang, and he is so verbose in his words. Just say that you can just throw it into the sea and feed the sharks~

Of course, he just thought about this.

After receiving Fang Chenyi's order, Qi Xiaotian winked at Liu Yishou, and then Liu Yishou walked towards Waltz, who was still unconscious on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chenyi knew what was going to happen below, so he stood up and went to the side of the window, turned around and looked at the black sea, with a lot of emotion in his heart.

Since when did I become so murderous...

At this moment, there was a click from behind, and Waltz, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes at this moment, but the last scene he saw was his own back.

Qi Xiaotian walked quickly behind Fang Chenyi and said softly:

"Brother Fang, shall I open the door now?"

Fang Chenyi did not speak, but waved his hand.

Upon seeing this, Qi Xiaotian nodded, and then walked over to open the locked door, and then there was a loud noise.

When Fang Chenyi came in, there were already several security personnel standing in the corridor, and the gunshots just now were clearly audible.

Just when they tried to smash the locked door and rush in, the voice of David Rogers came from the headset, saying that the new owner of the cruise ship had actually arrived on the cruise ship. After the photo, they knew that among the three Chinese people who had just entered, they actually had their own boss.

As a result, they immediately waited honestly at the door. Although they heard the gunshots, he knew that this was not something that security guards like them could get in.

After waiting hard for a long time, the door finally opened, and immediately saw a young Chinese come out and waved to them.

Seeing this, several people hurriedly followed, but when several people saw the situation inside the house, they were immediately stunned, and there was a sound of air-conditioning.

None of them thought that their boss was dead.The same is true for the five big men.

It's just that no one noticed that a slightly thin black man among the security guards had a sad expression in his eyes when he saw the bodies of the five black men on the ground.

But he was able to conceal his head, so that everyone did not see the ferocious look after the sadness.

Seeing everyone coming in, Fang Chenyi turned around and said to several people:

"You know who I am, yes, this cruise ship belongs to me, and these guys just wanted to kill me. Fortunately, I found it early, otherwise I was lying on the ground."

Speaking of this, Fang Chenyi paused, and after observing the expressions of everyone, he continued:

"Hehe, you don’t have to be so nervous. I am not a person who likes to kill innocent people. As long as you do things honestly, I won’t embarrass any of you. All right, people die and debts are eliminated. Now you send them all away. Go into the sea and let them rest in peace."

After speaking, Fang Chenyi stopped paying attention to these people, but continued to turn around and look at the endless dark sea.

Qi Xiaotian stood by his side to protect. Liu Yishou was in charge of directing several people to move the seven people on the ground and throw them into the sea.

In this dark night, almost no one noticed the movements here.

After throwing several people into the sea, Liu Yishou asked someone to clean up the blood stains on the ground here.

When he was done, Fang Chenyi looked at the few people in front of him, checked his watch, and said lightly:

"Now go and use the communicator to notify all the persons in charge on the cruise ship, and tell them four hours later, come here to see me!"

After receiving the order, these people began to move, and came to the communicator that had been carefully checked by Liu Yishou and Qi Xiaotianzai several times, and began to contact all the managers on the cruise ship.

After doing all this, several people looked at Fang Chenyi, the boss of China Xia, cautiously, waiting for the other party's next instructions.

Fang Chenyi waved his hand to indicate that they were all guarding in the room.

After speaking, Fang Chenyi leaned on the chair and began to fall asleep, while Qi Xiaotian and Qi Xiaotian stood beside him one at the door.The others also stood trembling.

Fang Chenyi was waiting, waiting for his own people to come up.

After experiencing the scene just now, now he is not at ease with everyone on this cruise ship. Now he is thinking in his heart that when he returns to the dock, he will send all the personnel off the cruise ship and send them After paying the travel expenses, I hired a cruise ship for them and let them leave the sea.

This is not his cruelty. Who knows if any of these people has anything to do with David Rogers?Who knows which one will attack yourself behind?

You know, this cruise ship will be docked at the foot of Lianfeng Mountain in the future. When that happens, my family will definitely take it to sea. I am not afraid of these people secretly using methods, and my family can't take risks.

It was precisely because of this that Fang Chenyi was completely determined.

Time passed by like this one minute and one second. Perhaps Fang Chenyi was exhausted from the killing just now, and soon fell asleep. When he was awakened by Qi Xiaotian, it was already more than three in the morning.

The sky on the sea was brighter earlier than that on the land. It was just over three o'clock, and a ray of light appeared on the sea level far away.

"What time is it?"

When Qi Xiaotian was awakened, Fang Chenyi stretched his waist before asking.

"It's already over three o'clock. I just received the news that our people have arrived nearby, and we can start boarding in half an hour."

Fang Chenyi nodded, then beckoned to the security personnel, put the call to the captain at the helm, and said that I wanted to talk to him.

For several hours, several people had been standing tremblingly at the door. Now they heard Fang Chenyi's call and hurriedly walked over. It's just that it might have been too long in one position, and one of them fell to the ground with a thump.

This action caused Qi Xiaotian and Liu Yi to jump. When the feller raised his head hurriedly, he saw two black hole muzzles aimed at his head.

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