In an instant, the guy's legs trembled with fright, and none of them expected that the two subordinates of the new Huaxia boss would react so quickly.

The thin black man who had been thinking about finding a chance to avenge Fang Chenyi was secretly thanking that he hadn't acted rashly, otherwise he must have become a corpse now.

Seeing that this guy had only fallen, Qi Xiaotian and Qi Xiaotian lowered the muzzle, but they did not relax their vigilance. The muscles on their bodies were tight at all times. As long as there is any abnormality, they will definitely be the first time. Raise a gun and shoot.

Fang Chenyi didn't dare to let Qi Xiaotian and the others relax, and insisted, as long as his group of men got on the boat, then he could be relieved.

The young man who fell to the ground finally stood up with his legs trembling. Under Liu Yishou's gun, he hurriedly came to the front of the communicator, found the communication in the cockpit, and made a call.

"Captain Rothrom, our new boss wants to talk to you. If you hear it, please reply immediately. Repeat, Captain Rothrom, our new boss wants to talk to you, please reply immediately when you hear it."

After repeating it twice, a loud voice came from the communicator:

"Rosrom received it, intercede and talk to the boss."

I have to say that the voice of this answer is very loud, and it sounds very comfortable. The most important thing to listen to is the tone of his speech, which is not like David Rogers. Just listen from the voice tone. The other party should be a comparison. Straightforward character.

It's just that the other party's tone at this time seems to have some anxiety.

Fang Chenyi stood up and walked in front of the communicator, picked up the intercom and spoke in Chinese:

"I am the new owner of this cruise ship. Now I want to tell you one thing. There will be a small cruise ship approaching us soon, with my staff on it. Don't worry too much. You control the cruise ship to stop and prepare to dock. "

After Fang Chenyi finished speaking, a depressed voice came from the other side:

"Oh, damn, why don't I know the profound Chinese language, who can tell me what else this new boss will say..."

Rothrom couldn't understand Fang Chenyi's words, but Fang Chenyi could understand what he said. Obviously, this guy didn't even speak Chinese.

He shook his head helplessly, and immediately chose English to repeat the words just now without waiting for the other party to call for an interpreter.

When the opposite Rossrom heard very standard English, he couldn't help but stunned, and then he laughed:

"Hahaha, boss, you can speak English. This is really wonderful. Oh, my new boss. I originally wanted to report this to you. I found a ship about ten nautical miles behind us. A not-so-small vessel is sailing towards us at a very fast speed. It turned out that you arranged for the boss, so I will stop at the same place and get ready to take the ship."

Although it is talking about connecting the ship, this cruise ship is really too big, not to mention which one is coming over now is a parallel deck, even if the two together are not as high as the overtime of this cruise ship.

With Rothrom's operation, the Ocean Harmony soon stopped slowly.At the same time the engine propeller was turned off.

The distance of ten nautical miles does not sound too far, but it will not be known until the time of sailing. This is like the principle of a dead horse on the land.

It took a full half an hour before that cruise ship finally arrived within 500 meters of the Ocean Heyue.

At this time, the sky is also bright, and the morning sun shines on people, which makes people feel refreshed.

Just when most of the tourists who were partying all night just went to sleep, one of the largest cruise ships currently docked in Dubai Port has been leaning on the body of the Ocean Heyue.

Seeing this scene through the window, Fang Chenyi showed a relaxed smile on his face.

Standing up and beckoning to Qi Xiaotian, they took the lead and walked towards the deck.

When he came to the main deck, he saw a large group of sailors surrounding a ladder to watch the excitement. At this time, a young Chinese guy in black outfit jumped onto the deck with great agility.

Followed by the second, third, fourth,

Not much effort, there are already a large number of people on the deck.

These people have one characteristic, that is, they all have short hair, the same dark complexion, and the height is not less than 1.7 meters.

It can be seen that this group of people must be the reason for living at sea all year round.

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred,

As the last man jumped onto the deck, the three hundred people immediately began to quickly form a team of three hundred people.

At the same time, the voices of quick counting rang one after another.

In less than half a minute, the team was silent. One of the three teams ran out and ran in front of Fang Chenyi. The neat one stood at attention, and then shouted loudly:

"Reporter Fang! After the first team has assembled, one hundred people responded, and there are actually one hundred people!"

"Reporter Fang! After the second team has assembled, a hundred people responded, and there are actually one hundred!"

"Reporter Fang! After the third team has assembled, a hundred people responded, and there are actually one hundred!"

This scene stunned everyone present, this scene is really shocking.

Three hundred people are not too many. Compared with the nearly three thousand crew members on the entire cruise ship, it was drizzle.

But the momentum of these three hundred people is too full, uniform, order and prohibition.

Compared with the security force on the cruise ship, it is almost a sky and an underground.

Some tourists who were alarmed by the movement here came to the deck and saw the battle here. They were also shocked. What is this for?Is it to kill money?

When Fang Chenyi looked at these three hundred energetic young men, his heart was full of pride, and suddenly he had the pride of commanding thousands of troops.

With a big wave of his hand, he said subconsciously:

"Everyone has worked hard."

As soon as he said this, he himself was taken aback for a while, but the next scene made him laugh involuntarily.

After everyone's hard work rang out this sentence, the lads of the three square teams all stood at attention. Then, they responded loudly: "Fang has worked hard!"

This picture is really indescribable.

Fang Chenyi's smile hung at the corner of his mouth, and he randomly waved his arms at the three young people in front of him and said: "Let everyone stand by!"

At Fang Chenyi's order, the three stood at attention, and then turned around to arrange their own teams.

After setting up the personnel, Fang Chenyi turned his head and said to the security guards who followed:

"Well, now go and inform all the management, come here for a meeting."

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