Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 405: Misunderstanding Isn't It?

As Fang Chenyi's voice sounded, Qi Xiaotian gave the order the first time, and the time was bang!Boom!Boom!Three loud noises in a row.

Immediately after that, the location of the group of people not far away was in a burst of fire, and the sky was filled with dust.

At the same time, all gunfire stopped completely at this moment.

The bearded black man who was rushing over here also heard the movement here. In a moment, his face turned black, and his mouth even cursed loudly:

"This bunch of bastards! RPG is still used to deal with a few Chinese people? Bastards! How much money will I spend!"

His roar made the men next to him a little puzzled, RPG?Wouldn't the people on patrol be equipped with that stuff?There are only three of those things in the entire mining area, and it seems that they are all in the car now?

After hesitating again and again, he kindly reminded:

"Boss~ Our RPGs are here... This is not what our people use."

As soon as he said this, the bearded black leader who was yelling was also taken aback. A pair of eyes followed the fingers of his hand, and he saw the three large wooden boxes under his feet as expected.

Yes, this thing is not easy to handle, but I have been taking care of it all the time, so what's wrong with the explosion over there?Could it really be brought by those Chinese people??

After thinking about these things, a cold sweat broke out on this guy's back.

It seems that this time has not been so smooth, it seems that the other party did not come empty-handed either!

Moreover, listening to there are no gunshots there, I can't say that all of my subordinates have died at this time.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is. If the opponent really has an RPG, his subordinates are really not opponents.

And through the explosion sound just now, the bearded black man can clearly tell that the other party has three hairs together. In other words, the other party has at least three in his hand!

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. The bearded black man waved his hand and yelled to stop the moving vehicle:

"Stop! Stop it all! Give me a line of defense in place, let's wait for them to come up!"

Under the command of the bearded black man, seven or eight vehicles started to move, and soon the only road on this mountain was completely blocked.

Not only that, but this guy can be considered savvy. With his arrangement, the people under his men began to quickly scatter around, and the guys with the black holes in his hands were all aligned with the mountain road.

Your own people are so scattered, so even if the other party has RPG, then it will not pose much threat to yourself.

Although the movements here are fast, they are all arranged, and nearly five minutes have passed.

During this time, the three amphibious armors that Fang Chenyi was riding in had already reached their position.

It's just that with the appearance of three amphibious armors, all the mine guards were dumbfounded, including the bearded black man, who couldn't help but raised their saliva, and immediately looked incredulous.

Oh my god, how come this Nima has such three iron bumps!

This big guy, even if the three RPGs in his hand are released together, it can't have much influence on this guy!

Moreover, looking at the three big tubes with thin arms, the bearded black man almost didn't scold his mother.

Your own RPG can't hurt the opponent, but the opponent's stuff is definitely a big shot!

How can I fight?These damn guys, why didn't they tell me how the other party came over just now!

If I knew that the other party had come this way, how could I and the boss be so hasty!

Let the other party come up first, and then poison the food!

But now it can be regarded as an arrow on the string and I have to send it. I have set up a line of defense along the way, and it is impossible for the opponent to not know what I mean.

But it is not without room for maneuver. Now if I go out and say that this is a misunderstanding, and say that I don’t know that the boss is really here, then I’m making up another hostile force to come out, saying that I think the other party is pretending to be the boss. It is also very likely that the matter will be diverged.

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense, so in order to show that he was not hostile, the bearded black man directly raised his ak over his head and stood up.

But just waiting for him to lift the AK and prepare to stand up, there was a burst of gunfire next to him.

The next moment, I saw dense sparks from the three oncoming amphibious armors!

It turned out that this guy's movements were misunderstood by the people under his hands, and thought the boss was telling himself that he could start an attack.

"Fuck! Who the fuck let you shoot! Who let you shoot!"

It's just that in the rain of guns, his voice seemed so small, and the crowd was more scattered by him, so that, no matter how much he yelled, his subordinates thought they were cursing!

In an instant, he became even more crazy here.

Seeing this scene, the bearded black man has completely gone violently. You idiots, brainless stuff, haven't you seen the other party's equipment?Didn't you hear the explosion just now?

At this time, I took the initiative to shoot. Isn't this hitting the rocks with pebbles?

The more the bearded black man thought about it, the more his heart palpitations became, and he yelled: "It's a dog!"

He bent over and turned around and ran away crazy backwards.


A dull voice sounded, and then, the bearded black man only felt that his head was hit with a bang, and almost instantly, he completely lost any consciousness.

Of course, this is not over yet. Within a few tenths of a second after the bearded black man lost consciousness, a huge fireball exploded on his body.

Looking at this scene through the observation hole, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but give Qi Xiaotian a thumbs up:

"You're so fucking accurate with the cannon, you just hit someone on the head!"

That's right, just now, it hit the back of the bearded black man's head directly. It is not an exaggeration to say that even if it is a solid iron lump, the other party has to finish the game.

Hearing Fang Chenyi's compliment, Qi Xiaotian's face was filled with stinky farts, and his heart was filled with mmp, grandma's, this is quite accurate.


At this moment, Fang Chenyi only felt the car under him sway in a violent explosion.

At the same time, Qi Xiaotian quickly adjusted the angle while yelling:

"Fuck, these people are real dogs! Even the rpg is used by her mother! No way, even if our car can bear it, it will definitely be damaged! Fang, or me! Just call first-hand support."

ps: Thank you'the other party is typing...' brothers sent two consecutive 588 book currency rewards!

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