Call first-hand support??Aren’t all the guys here this time?Why do you leave the call?Is it coming in a helicopter?

But although the helicopter is an Apache, there is no weapon system on it.

When Fang Chenyi was a little puzzled, Qi Xiaotian still connected and left the call.

In fact, it is said that Qi Xiaotian contacted and kept one hand, rather than keeping the other hand, after hearing Qi Xiaotian's words, took the initiative to speak.

After all, these people's headsets are all connected, and every move here can be said to be shared by the other side.

Therefore, after hearing Qi Xiaotian say that he was in trouble, he left his hand and spoke immediately.

Listening to the answer left in the earphone, Qi Xiaotian just said a little faster, and stopped talking.

After all, he still wants to target those RPGs that pop up from time to time.

Boom boom boom~

There was another explosion of RPG, and Fang Chenyi's car was hit again. At the same time, Qi Xiaotian finally locked the guy who kept changing positions.

The red button was pressed hard in his hand, and at the same time, the thick and thin iron pipe on the car body suddenly burst into a thick flame.

Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu~

At this moment, there was a sudden roar of propellers in the sky, and then a fire snake spewed out from under the helicopter.

In just an instant, there was a carpet-like baptism on the opponent's position.

After a short period of time, the fire snake of the helicopter stopped.

What stopped at the same time, there was also the original dense gunfire on the opposite side.

"Haha, what about Xiaotian, it's up to me at the critical moment. It's all resolved."

After there was no sound on the other side, Fang Chenyi's hearty laughter came from everyone's ears.

But Qi Xiaotian curled his lips after hearing this:

"You are really big-faced, air-to-ground, and you are embarrassed to be unilaterally crushed. I tell you, I just hit my head with a cannon, you are still far behind.

To be honest, although Qi Xiaotian has always kept one hand, just like Fang Chenyi treated Qi Xiaotian, they also have a deep brotherhood between them. Apart from being absolutely meticulous when making decisions, other times, Most are still fighting each other.

Now that the enemy outside has been temporarily resolved, Fang Chenyi looked at Qi Xiaotian in a puzzled manner:

"You kid, do you have to say something."

Seeing the boss's unkind gaze, Qi Xiaotian suddenly felt a tremor in his heart, and hurriedly spoke with a smiling face:

"Hey, boss, this is not something I concealed from you, I told you before, and I saw a few good things, so I got them back. You didn’t say anything. You can’t find the back account this time. what."

Fang Chenyi glared at him with angrily: "Fart, isn't your kid talking about these three cars? Why is this Apache modified?"

After hearing this, Qi Xiaotian smiled and mumbled softly:

"Boss, aren't you wronging me? At the time, I said that there were good things, but I didn't say that there were only these three cars..."

"What is your kid whispering about? Speak louder!"

Following Fang Chenyi's words, Qi Xiaotian's head of conditioned reflex, whose head was originally lowered, raised his head and said loudly:

"Report to Brother Fang! I'm saying that those things on the plane were all done by the kid who left one hand!"

As soon as the words came out, Apache was listening to the voice in the headset and smiled and left one hand and couldn't help his fingers trembling, and almost no bullet hit Qi Xiaotian's car.

Boss, you are too unjust!I didn't take you so much!

Yes, I installed this thing on the helicopter, but you bought it yourself!

"Don't talk to me about this, it's a lot more honest than your kid, all right, this time, let's deduct half of your salary! Let's not take it as an example!"

Hearing Fang Chenyi's words, the heavenly person left a hand with a smile on his face. At the same time, he couldn't help but feel proud. Or Fang is wise, deducting half of your salary, hehe, great!

Just before he was happy, Fang Chenyi's angry voice came from the headset again:

"You have another hand, too. Don't think I don't know. You two will deduct half a month of your salary!"

Hearing this, the face left with one hand suddenly collapsed. At the same time, Qi Xiaotian, who was speechless on his face, was immediately happy, and smiled at the one in the headset and said:

"Haha, I just said that Fang's eyes are sharp, your kid is just awkward, hey, this time you are tired of me again, forget it, I have a lot of it, I don’t care about it like you kid That’s it. Alright, now we’re rushing straight away. If you miss the net, please call me anytime."

"Okay, don’t worry, the rush is over. If you are letting a bullet hit your car, I will pack your socks for a month. On the contrary, if you don’t get it, the boss will wash me for a month. How about the socks?"

Qi Xiaotian expressed his disdain for his confidence in keeping one hand. It seemed that he was trying to keep one hand and lose. In the following time, Qi Xiaotian was really a dog.

Under Qi Xiaotian's order, the car drove over the several off-road vehicles in front of him.

Not only that, but it seemed that the driver didn't drive well. Qi Xiaotian actually changed the driver and did it by himself.

Next, shaking his head and shaking his butt, it was a series of show operations.

It's just a pity that, from the beginning to the end, to the row of iron houses on the top of the mountain, there was no one who shot.

For this, Qi Xiaotian is still very upset.

From a distance, I saw in front of the house, a foreigner with gold wire glasses was welcoming them with a smile.

There are no fewer than fifty people beside him, but these people are empty-handed at this time.

Not only that, in the open space a few hundred meters away, all kinds of guys were densely placed at this time.

As for the purpose of doing so, Fang Chenyi naturally clearly understood that this was expressing to himself that they did not have any malicious attitude.

You don't need to ask to know, it must have been the news over there just now that everyone here knows, knowing that they have no chance of winning at all, so they chose to surrender.

Of course, whether he really surrendered or not is unclear.

Perhaps facing three amphibious armors and a full-loaded Apache force to deter them, they dare not make any disturbances, but there are definitely no shortage of tricks behind.

Of course, Fang Chenyi didn't care about these at all, after all, he still had his best hole cards unused.

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