"Haha, my new boss, I finally waited for your arrival! I am your deputy Pilsen."

When Fang Chenyi's car stopped, the man with glasses immediately greeted him with open arms.

The smile on this guy's face is so brilliant, it makes people unable to even think of that cobra mechanism.

However, according to Fang Chenyi's understanding, this Pilsen is actually the third master of the Cobra Organization.

"Brother Fang, it looks like this is Pilsen, do we need to kill him?"

Inside the amphibious armor, Qi Xiaotian looked at Pilsen outside with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes.

When Fang Chenyi saw this, he smiled and waved his hand:

"It's okay. Now if he is shooting at us, then he is really a fool. Hehe, the Apache above his head is not a decoration. Okay, let's go down first, and I think this guy is still very kind to us. of."

After speaking, Fang Chenyi directly stretched out his hand to open the door of the amphibious armored car, then got up and walked out.

When Qi Xiaotian saw this, he didn't dare to think too much, so he quickly got out of the car.It's just that his mouth is muttering: kindness?Why didn't I feel kindness?

Upon seeing this, the people in the two cars on the side hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car. Then they followed Fang Chenyi so closely, ready to deal with unexpected situations.

In response, Fang Chenyi just smiled, and then faintly stretched out a hand and held it with Pilsen who was approaching him.

At the same time, Fang Chenyi's mouth also showed a very bright smile.

But Pilsen, who was with him and me, was taken aback suddenly, and then the whole figure seemed to be frozen.

Fortunately, this guy usually has such an arrogant expression. At this time, he and Fang Chenyi shook hands, with a motionless smile on his face. In the eyes of his men, he thought the boss was pretending.

Not only his subordinates, but even Qi Xiaotian and the others think so.

Of course, among the people present, only the two persons who were the parties knew what happened at this time. In other words, to put it more accurately, only Fang Chenyi knew what happened.

As for this Pilsen, he can only be regarded as an experiencer at best, and he is still an unexplained experiencer.

That's right, Fang Chenyi is using his most powerful hole card "Don't God!"

As the two of them held their hands together, Fang Chenyi began to inject his thoughts thoroughly following this opportunity.

As for the specific injection, this is very simple. Fang Chenyi added a memory imprinted deep in his soul to his thoughts.

That is to make Pilsen think that he has always been an undercover agent for Fang Chenyi, and everything he is doing now is an undercover act.

Fang Chenyi felt that this was the most suitable brainwashing at this time.

Although Fang Chenyi's brainwashing was very fast, but at this moment, it looked very long. After all, the two were still shaking hands at this time.

Without saying a word, just shaking hands like this for nearly a minute, which somewhat made the atmosphere tense.

Only due to the deterrence of the Apache still hovering in the sky and the three dark'iron pipes', the people on Pilson's side did not dare to make any moves.

The time passed by, and suddenly, the hands of both parties were released. At the same time, Pilsen immediately ran towards the back, grabbing the shoulders of one of his men under the stunned gaze of everyone. On the mobile station, pressing the talk button, he shouted into it:

"Stop! Stop all! Come out everyone!!"

As these words were yelled out, all the people on Qi Xiaotian's side began to move, and in the blink of an eye, they shielded Fang Chenyi behind him, and all the weapons in his hand were raised and aimed at the people around him.

Not only them, but the one in the sky quickly hovered in the sky and started searching for suspicious targets around.

After all, apart from the fact that they were out of the iron egg, no one could understand what the other party suddenly called into the walkie-talkie.

Fang Chenyi was still very satisfied with the reaction of the people on his side, but he smiled and patted Qi Xiaotian on the shoulder:

"Xiaotian, don't be so nervous, it's okay."

At this time, the iron egg on the side also translated for everyone what Pilsen had just yelled to the mobile station to prevent action.

As soon as his voice fell, Pilson over there had already put down the walkie-talkie in his hand, and then, on the ground behind him, one by one flaps were overturned from the ground, and then, countless. Personnel with weapons climbed up from inside.

Seeing this scene, Qi Xiaotian and the others couldn't help but chuckle.

At the same time, the hand holding the weapon tightened even more.

The group of people who came out suddenly amounted to more than two hundred people, but one by one, they were all puzzled and puzzled at this time. They didn't understand why the boss would suddenly call them out, instead of waiting until after shaking hands. The old conference dodges to the back first, and then will people like himself launch an attack in the first place?

Although the opponent has a helicopter, there is also a big guy on his side who specializes in dealing with helicopters!

Of course, although puzzled, everyone is afraid to ask, after all, most of these people are confidants of Pilsen.

And those of them who weren't Bilson's cronies were all under the bearded black man before, but at this time the guy had already died, so these people naturally didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing these people running out, Bilson shouted to everyone:

"Okay, put away all the guys. This is indeed our new boss. It can be disbanded now. Later, the boss has a rest and will talk to everyone."

Hearing his order, everyone put away their things without any resistance, and then took a deep look at Fang Chenyi's side and left one after another.

Although seeing the other party leave, Qi Xiaotian still maintained the highest alert, even if Fang Chenyi told him not to be so nervous, he still did.

After all, he didn't know that Fang Chenyi used Billson's tactics such as'other gods'.

Of course, even if Fang Chenyi told him, he would not believe in this kind of subversion of science.

When everyone was gone, Bilson quickly walked towards Fang Chenyi.

Only when passing by Qi Xiaotian, the muzzle in Qi Xiaotian's hand has been following him.

"Okay, let's go, let's find a place where no one is going to talk about things here."

After speaking, Fang Chenyi took the lead and walked towards the tin house not far away.

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