"Very well, then, let's go to the training ground over there to fight against Xiaotian. Let me see how much your strength has increased."

After Fang Chenyi finished speaking, he took the lead and walked outside.

Qi Xiaotian and Han Licheng quickly followed behind them.

Soon the three of them came to the training ground. After changing clothes for fighting, Qi Xiaotian and Han Licheng respectively boarded the ring.

And Qi Xiaotian said to Fang Chenyi's tone before Han Licheng hooked his finger, "Come on, you come first."

Seeing Qi Xiaotian'er's pretense, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but think of the previous match between himself and him, and the corners of his mouth also smiled.

Han Licheng held a fist at Qi Xiaotian, then rushed towards Qi Xiaotian with a loud shout, and at the same time raised his fists.

Seeing the speed at which Han Licheng rushed past, Fang Chenyi couldn't help but nodded.Although this speed is far worse than his own, it is already quite fast compared to ordinary people, or compared to his previous speed.At least five times the speed.

Facing Han Licheng's rushing fist, Qi Xiaotian yelled out hello, and then a pair of fists were quickly raised, and he punched the air in front of him.

Although this punch was smashed into the air, the next moment Han Licheng's attacking fist seemed to be deliberate, it went straight under Qi Xiaotian's fist.

The fists intersected and there was a muffled sound.

Han Licheng was immediately embarrassed by the punch, and he arched his body and ran five or six steps away to stabilize his figure.

However, Han Licheng didn't give up because of this punch, but instead aroused his fighting spirit.Turning around, he shouted loudly in his mouth, and continued to wave his fists towards Qi Xiaotian.

This time, Han Licheng was obviously clever in learning. When his fist was about to reach Qi Xiaotian, he suddenly turned sideways and swiped directly beside Qi Xiaotian.

At the same time, Han Licheng slammed his right leg to the ground, and his whole figure rose from the ground in an instant. At this time, his left leg also violently attacked Qi Xiaotian's face.

Feel the strong wind blowing on his face.Qi Xiaotian immediately raised his arms and blocked him.

With a bang, Han Licheng's left leg slammed into Qi Xiaotian's two arms.

However, before Han Licheng was happy, he was shocked to find that his body had actually been ejected.

The strength of his own leg is not as strong as Qi Xiaotian's two arms!

That's right, Han Licheng's leg of power is not as powerful as Qi Xiaotian's arms.

Don’t you always say that your arms can’t twist your thighs?But now it is clear that Han Licheng's thighs are not as strong as others' arms.

Seeing Han Licheng who was bounced out by himself, Qi Xiaotian hooked his fingers again, and said faintly, "Very good, come again."

This guy has learned Fang Chenyi's words ten percent, and that's what Fang Chenyi told him when he was repaired by Fang Chenyi..

But obviously Han Licheng is not him. After this move, he directly stood up and waved his hand at Qi Xiaotian, and said with a bitter face:

"Captain, your skill is so great, you can't beat it."

Seeing Han Licheng who had already given up, Qi Xiaotian was quite satisfied.While taking off his gloves.Found the side.He patted the shoulder.Said comfortingly.: "In fact, your kid is also very good, so I will practice hard...er..."

However, Qi Xiaotian stopped here as soon as he said this. There was no reason for him. At this time, Qi Xiaotian felt a bad wind in his abdomen again.

I yelled in my heart, "I can't fuck." He kicked the ground hastily under his feet, and hurried back.

But it was already a little late, with a muffled bang.

Immediately, Qi Xiaotian felt a pain in his abdomen.He doesn't need to bow his head, he also knows that he has been overshadowed by Han Licheng.

With the force of this fist, while retreating, a harrier came in midair and turned over, and at the same time, his right foot quickly drew towards the front door of Han Licheng.

The next moment, with a bang, Han Licheng was slammed by Qi Xiaotian's foot directly on the front door.Han Licheng was also directly put to the ground by this foot.

Qi Xiaotian stood up straight, rubbed the abdomen hit by the machine lightly, and couldn't help but slap his lips:

"Good boy, you dare to engage in a sneak attack with me, but your boy is really good, and you really hit me. Very good, let's just cancel the lunch for you today."

After speaking, he grinned secretly, his grandma's, this punch was really strong.

And Han Licheng, who was lying on the ground at this time, also turned over and got up.Because of the head guard, and Qi Xiaotian didn't use his full strength, it just felt that his head was baffled and then returned to normal.

Looking at Qi Xiaotian who was deflated, Fang Chenyi was also a bit funny.This kid usually has a lot of ghost ideas, but he didn't expect to be attacked by someone today. This is really interesting.

Of course, Fang Chenyi didn't plan to intervene in the punishment of Han Licheng by Qi Xiaotian, nor would he interfere. After all, Qi Xiaotian also wanted to establish prestige.

After Han Licheng got up, he sneered at Qi Xiaotian:

"Hey, that, didn't I also learn from you, Captain. Captain, you have been teaching us not to care about black cats and white cats, and those who can catch mice are good cats..."

Qi Xiaotian also laughed after hearing this, and said with a smile in his mouth:

"Oh, your kid still learns fast. Well, if you learn so well, do I have to give you some rewards?"

Seeing Qi Xiaotian's bright smile, Han Licheng couldn't help shivering, and quickly waved his hands to say no.

However, Qi Xiaotian didn't intend to let him go so easily, and continued to smile and say, "Don't, you have to be rewarded, so let's cancel a meal for you in the evening."

As soon as Han Licheng heard this, his expression turned bitter, and he felt regretful in his heart.

Hey, isn't it enough to support yourself?Calculate the captain..Okay now, both meals are gone...


At this moment, there was a scream at the gate of the training ground.

Everyone couldn't help but was stunned. When they turned around, they saw a big guy who was two meters tall and ran towards this side, and there was another Erha beside him and followed him.

It’s not someone else who came here, it was King Kong and Ergouzi. I don’t know where these two guys have been playing these days. Anyway, Fang Chenyi hasn’t seen them for several days, and thought these two guys were staying. The one hand is over.

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