Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 451 Qi Xiaotian's Provocation

After King Kong and Ergouzi came to the training room, they immediately ran towards Fang Chenyi.

However, it seems that the last time he suffered a loss in Fang Chenyi's hands made King Kong a lesson. This time, he did not rush towards Fang Chenyi as usual, but stood in front of Fang Chenyi with his teeth.

Seeing this guy with a smirk on his face, Fang Chenyi couldn't help being a little amused, and asked:

"What did your kid do recently. I haven't seen you for so long, I thought you stayed on the island."

When Fang Chenyi spoke, he did notice that this guy's hand was always behind him, and he couldn't help but asked suspiciously, "What are you holding in your hand?"

King Kong did grin again after hearing it, and then took out the hand behind him, and saw a scorched fish handed to him.

Fang Chenyi looked at the grilled fish in front of him, couldn't help being taken aback, and said with some surprise.: "You kid baked this yourself???"

After King Kong heard the words, he immediately clicked his head, and his face showed a smug look.Then he whistled triumphantly.

At the same time, he did not forget to push the grilled fish towards Fang Chenyi's face.Seeing the appearance, it should be urging Fang Chenyi to eat quickly.

Fang Chenyi was indeed amused by this guy, not to mention, he was really touched.

But looking at this roasted yellow and black fish, Fang Chenyi said that he couldn't eat anything, so he smiled and waved his hand and said:

"Forget it, I just finished my meal, so you should eat it yourself."

When Fang Chenyi's words fell, King Kong seemed to understand it.

The grilled fish that was originally handed to Fang Chenyi was also taken directly in front of him, opened his big mouth and bit down.

Looking at this guy, he even took a bite of the fish's bones and chewed it with gusto.Fang Chenyi, Qi Xiaotian and others couldn't help but rub their teeth. It was so panic.

However, obviously their worries are superfluous, as far as King Kong is concerned.This bit of a fish bone is really nothing.

Seeing the sweetness of King Kong's food, the Ergouzi underneath immediately stopped doing it. He immediately jumped and screamed.

King Kong who ate sweetly, how could he bother about this guy, waved his hand impatiently, then pulled off the tail of the grilled fish for a short while and threw it to Ergouzi on the ground.

When Er Gouzi saw a dog's face full of discomfort, he skimmed the small piece of fish on the ground, Er Gouzi didn't even look at it.It is estimated that this guy must be thinking at this time: "Just give me this? Uncle Dog, I won't eat it."

Ha ha ha ha..

King Kong's mouth kept chirping, and Ergouzi on the ground had already raised his arrogant head and didn't intend to eat the fish on the ground that was not much bigger than peanuts.

But after thinking about it, he lowered his head and smelled the grilled fish, as well as in my heart, I would smell it when I thought about it and never eat it.But upon hearing this, Ergouzi's Harazi immediately shed.

Go to your uncle, let's be less, Gouye will eat first.

With this mouthful of fish meat, Er Gouzi's face suddenly flashed a satisfied smile, "Well, it's so delicious!"

The three of them looked at these two live treasures and couldn't help being in a good mood.Suddenly, Qi Xiaotian glanced at King Kong who was eating fish there.

My current skills are still too far behind Fang Ge, but they are much better than Han Licheng.

For a while, I wanted to find someone who was about the same as my own strength. It was really hard to find. After all, Liu Yishou was still in South Africa.

At this time, his eyes were on King Kong.Although this big guy doesn't have any moves at all, this guy can't deny that his strength is really great.I believe that with his current strength, he should be able to compete with this guy.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi turned his gaze to the side and said:

"Hey, Brother Fang, how do you say I made gestures with King Kong?"

Fang Chenyi was also taken aback when he heard the words. He looked at Qi Xiaotian and then at King Kong who was eating fish.I couldn't help but nodded deeply, let alone say that these two guys might really have a fight.

But obviously he wouldn't care about Qi Xiaotian and King Kong, so he spoke directly to his slave mouth:

"You go and talk about it yourself. If you want to try it yourself, if he wants to fight you, I have no problem."

After being confirmed by Brother Fang, Xiao Tian'er immediately took a step forward and came to King Kong.

And King Kong, who was eating the grilled fish, saw Qi Xiaotian's arrival, and his face was immediately wary. The remaining half of the grilled fish in his hand was quickly stuffed into his mouth, and he didn't forget to bark his teeth at Qi Xiaotian.

This action immediately amused the three of them.

Qi Xiaotian didn't pay attention to this guy's antics, but reached out his hand, he even took out a piece of beef jerky from his pocket and shook it in front of King Kong:

"Hey King Kong, do you want to eat it?"

Seeing the beef jerky in Qi Xiaotian's hands, King Kong was immediately excited, with a flattering smile on his face.

A pair of big hands wanted to take the beef jerky from the previous two days, but Qi Xiaotian did abruptly dodge back. After avoiding King Kong's big hand, he shook the beef jerky in his hand.

And under King Kong's gaze, he put it back in his pocket and said:

"If you want to eat, fight with me. If you can win, I will give it to you. But this time, if you want to eat beef jerky in the future, you can come to me. As long as you beat me once, I will How about eating it for you once?"

It has to be said that King Kong's wisdom is really high, plus Fang Chenyi's use of other gods before, Qi Xiaotian's words, King Kong can understand everything.

After listening to Qi Xiaotian's words, the big guy glanced at Qi Xiaotian's very thin body, with a disdainful expression on his face.

To be honest, although Qi Xiaotian has a very good figure, he is also compared to human beings.Standing in front of this big guy, he looked extremely thin.

But after a while of disdain, King Kong's gaze fell on the swaying beef jerky in Qi Xiaotian's hand again.

I don't know who gave him the beef jerky first, anyway, now this big guy wants to eat the beef jerky when he sees it, and this bite is good.

Now that Xiaotian was holding beef jerky in his hand, this guy just stayed behind.

Now Qi Xiaotian tempted him with beef jerky, so that this guy didn't even hesitate, he clicked his head, and then rushed towards Qi Xiaotian.

At the same time, a pair of huge arms also opened up and hugged Qi Xiaotian tightly.

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