King Kong, the big guy, was there, so that he didn't need to use any fancy moves, he just rushed over, just like a small tank, ordinary people really can't resist it.

But I have to say that this guy still has a sense of measure, and he also knows that the meaning of fighting is not playing hard, plus his relationship with Qi Xiaotian is very good.

Not only Qi Xiaotian, but it can be said that this guy has a very good relationship with any crew member on the cruise ship. Everyone takes good care of him, so now he just opened his arms and wanted to throw the little piece directly down.

If not, this guy must have slapped past.

King Kong stretched out his arms and was two meters away. It can be said that Qi Xiaotian's left and right sides were sealed off at once.

Seeing Qi Xiaotian in front of him, King Kong couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

He seemed to have thought that the next moment Qi Xiaotian would be held in his arms by himself, and then he would be immobile, and then he would obediently eat the beef jerky in his hands.

It's just that King Kong seems to think too simple, to be precise, it should be said that his subconscious thought Qi Xiaotian was the same Qi Xiaotian before.


As if to cheer for King Kong, the Ergouzi on the side ran back and forth, shouting excitedly.

One person and one orangutan in the audience had already come to a place at this time. Seeing King Kong's embrace, they were about to hug Qi Xiaotian. However, Qi Xiaotian suddenly became short and directly avoided King Kong's arms.

Then the fist in his hand quickly hit King Kong's stomach.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Four consecutive punches hit King Kong's belly. King Kong had that strong abdominal muscles, and Qi Xiaotian's continuous blows made him take a step back.

After standing still, King Kong was visibly taken aback, looking at Qi Xiaotian, who was smiling smugly in front of him, with an incredulous face.

Qi Xiaotian waved his arms provocatively, and laughed loudly in his mouth: "Haha, come and continue."

When the voice fell, Qi Xiaotian took the lead this time.His right foot slammed on the ground, and his body rushed directly towards King Kong in front.

At the same time, a pair of gloved fists slammed into King Kong's chest.

King Kong was also angry this time, yelling, his two arms knocked on his chest twice.

At this time, Qin Xiaotian's fist had also arrived, and King Kong's chest arm flicked outwards, and immediately bumped into Qi Xiaotian's fist.

With a muffled bang, one person and one ape touched the point. Under this pair of touches, King Kong kicked back two steps.

On the other hand, Qi Xiaotian landed steadily on the ground, his figure did not retreat a bit.

It is enough to show that Qi Xiaotian's strength is stronger than King Kong.

Qi Xiaotian didn't expect this. Although he knew that his strength should be great now, he didn't expect to be so much bigger than King Kong.


There was a roar from King Kong's mouth, and his whole body slammed directly towards Qi Xiaotian.

Qi Xiaotian yelled well when he saw it.

Immediately, he slammed his hands out, grabbed the arm that smashed at him, and stomped forward with his right foot and stepped on his left foot. King Kong directly slammed over his shoulder and slammed it to the soft ground in front of him.

Qi Xiaotian's entire action was like a cloud and flowing water with his peers, just like this, he put a King Kong who weighed more than twice his own..

King Kong, who was thrown to the ground by Qi Xiaotian, came directly to a lazy donkey to roll, and after a certain distance, he sat up.

But it did say nothing happened.Looking to the side of Fang Chenyi, he stretched out his big hand and pointed to Qi Xiaotian, screaming in his mouth, and there was a grieved expression on his face.

Seeing this, Qi Xiaotian couldn't help being amused by this guy, stepped forward and walked towards King Kong.When King Kong saw him walking towards him again, he was lying on the ground with a plop.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chenyi on the side couldn't help but also laughed.

Unexpectedly, this guy is really smart. Knowing that he couldn't beat Qi Xiaotian, he simply lied on the ground and gave in..

But Qi Xiaotian didn't stop, walked in front of King Kong, and directly stretched out his hand to try to pull him up.

King Kong saw this and thought I was not stupid, can I stand up and let you fight?

Ever since, this guy stopped screaming, and didn't respond to Qi Xiaotian. He simply closed his eyes and just pretended to be dead.

After seeing it, Qi Xiaotian couldn't help but laughed, then stretched out his hand to take out the beef jerky from his trouser pocket, and unpacked it and shook it in front of King Kong.

King Kong, who was closing his eyes, suddenly shook his big nose twice, but for the sake of safety, his eyes were still not opened, but everyone saw the halazi that came out of his mouth.

For a moment, everyone laughed again.

"Haha. Okay, get up. Let's eat this for you. I won't beat you."

After hearing Qi Xiaotian say not to beat himself, King Kong suddenly got up from the ground with a grunt, and as soon as he reached out his hand, he snatched the beef jerky from Qi Xiaotian's hand, and put it directly into his mouth regardless of his care. Eat it up.

While eating, I saw everyone laugh again.King Kong couldn't help but laughed.

On the contrary, Er Gouzi on the side saw that King Kong was eating beef jerky, and even forgot about himself.

He simply ran over and yelled to King Kong twice. Seeing what it looked like, he was asking King Kong for some food. However, King Kong ignored this guy, and he finally got beaten, only to get these delicious food.How could it be possible to give you a bitch to eat.

With the existence of these two live treasures, the atmosphere is quite good for a while.

At this moment, suddenly a crew member ran over. The person was not someone else, but the one who took care of the 50 crew members who had taken pills.

After seeing Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian, he immediately stood at attention and said:

"Boss, Captain. Someone woke up again."

Hearing that someone was waking up again, Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian looked at each other and hurriedly walked over there.

When I saw them go, King Kong and Er Gouzi who were on the side also hurriedly followed.

By the time Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian arrived at the training ground, there were already a dozen people sitting on the 50 beds in the training ground.

Not only that, but some people in the bed just got up.

After seeing these people getting up from bed, not only did they have nothing strange on their faces, but they all looked vigorous, and Fang Chenyi's heart couldn't help but let go a little.....

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