King Kong on the side heaved a long sigh of relief when he saw that Qi Xiaotian was nothing serious.

However, immediately he walked towards Qi Xiaotian with a smirk on his face.

Seeing this guy's unkind gaze, Qi Xiaotian quickly hid behind Fang Chenyi and waved his hands to King Kong, saying, "Don't fight, don't fight."

Seeing a reversal of a person and a gorilla in front of him instantly, Fang Chenyi couldn't help being amused..

But who told Qi Xiaotian to rely on his strength before, and always look for someone else to compete with King Kong, now this is considered retribution.

Fang Chenyi didn't want to pay attention to this point.

Of course, he also knew that King Kong couldn't be ruthless against Xiaotianxia.

Seeing Fang Chenyi didn't mean to intervene, King Kong was even more happier. All of a sudden, a scene of chasing and running was staged throughout the camp.

Let these two guys play for a while.Fang Chenyi finally stopped the two guys.

"Okay, you two don't bother, what time is this, let's rest quickly. Let's set off at dawn tomorrow morning."

No words for a night.Fang Chenyi lay in the tent, sleeping particularly comfortably.

It's just that the remaining 50 or so people are indeed a bit miserable.

Fortunately, their physical fitness is very strong, and their psychological quality is also excellent, and a lot of them stood in front of Fang Chenyi the next day.

After everyone ate breakfast at random, they drove to the town.

Seeing the arrival of the long convoy, the people in the town were not surprised, but looked at their vehicles calmly.

Fang Chenyi opened the door and got out of the car, found a younger man, and asked him politely:

"Hello, we want to go to play in the desert, I wonder if anyone here can be a tour guide for me?"

The reason why Fang Chenyi came to town was obviously not to come here to supply supplies, after all, the supplies in the current fleet were not consumed at all.

The real purpose is to find a local tour guide and show me the way. After all, I am unfamiliar with the place where I was born. In addition, I am easily lost in this barren Taklimakan Desert.

After hearing Fang Chenyi's words, the young man who was stopped by Fang Chenyi answered in a very standard Mandarin:

"I am, I can be a tour guide for you, but you have to pay me 1,000 yuan per day."

Fang Chenyi didn't expect the other party to speak so well in Mandarin, but this also reduced communication problems.

After hearing the offer from the other party, Fang Chenyi nodded without thinking:

"Okay, as long as you can lead us to where we want to go, money is not a problem."

One is for the money and the other is for finding someone to lead the way. The transaction was completed smoothly.

After paying the youth 3,000 yuan in advance, the youth directly got into Fang Chenyi's car.

Immediately after getting in the car, before Fang Chenyi could speak, the young man took the lead and said:

"You must have come for that meteorite, too."

Fang Chenyi was taken aback after hearing this, how did the other party know his purpose?

The youth of the other party seemed to see Fang Chenyi's doubts, smiled, and explained:

"Don't doubt, you are not the first to rush over. Before you, at least dozens of people in our town came for the meteorite.

Alas, when the meteorite fell, we were all frightened. Many houses here collapsed because of that.The impact force, my God, is too big."

The young man seemed to be caught in a moment of memory, and a look of horror could not help showing in his eyes.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters, meteorites that are invaluable in the eyes of others, are natural disasters in the hearts of young people.

After listening to the young man's words, Fang Chenyi understood why the other party knew his purpose.

But he didn't have much curiosity, after all, things like meteorites have always been scarce.Who knows what kind of precious metals it contains?Not to mention the individual, it is the country, so I must be very interested in it.

"A dozen waves of people came before us? Did they all come back?"

After hearing this, the young man recovered from his thoughts.He shook his head at Fang Chenyi:

"Some people have come back, but some have never come back. Maybe they didn't pass through our town when they came back. But I heard that the road there is now closed, and it’s hard to walk in the past. .but..."

After talking about this, the young man paused.Immediately he looked at Fang Chenyi, and subconsciously touched his pocket with the 3000 yuan in his hand.

Seeing the appearance of the other party, Fang Chenyi knew that the other party definitely wanted to increase the price.

But for Fang Chenyi, money is not a problem at all, as long as the other party can help him find that position, let alone 1,000 per day, or even giving him 10,000 yuan a day, it is nothing.So, looking directly at the young man's eyes, he smiled and said:

"Hehe, money is not a problem, as long as you can take us to that place, I will add 1,000 yuan to you every day."

After hearing this, the young man shook his head, and then stretched out two fingers:

"No, no, no. It is said that 1,000 yuan a day is 1,000 yuan, and I will definitely not increase the price temporarily. However, it is really difficult to find where you want to go now. So, if I really bring You have found that place, and if you want to give me this extra number, it will be regarded as a reward for me."

Looking at the two fingers stretched out by the youth, Fang Chenyi nodded, and said faintly in his mouth:

"No problem, as long as you can find it, I will add 200,000 yuan to you."

Who knows that when Fang Chenyi said these words, the youth was immediately dumbfounded, his mouth was open, his face couldn't be confident:

"2, 2, 200,000?"

After seeing this, Fang Chenyi raised his eyelids and looked at him, then asked:

"Why. Don't you mean 200,000?"

The young man swallowed, nodding his head and said:

""Yes Yes.Yes, I said 200,000!a man of his words.If I did find you there, you can't regret it."

Seeing the young man's excitement, Fang Chenyi smiled slightly: "Don't worry. My words always count."

After speaking.He handed the map in his hand to the other party: "Let’s take a look. I’ve marked it here. In fact, I already know the general direction, but I have no experience in finding deserts. I need you to lead us to avoid Some dangerous places."

Upon seeing this, the young man quickly reached out and took over the map and carefully studied it.

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