While the young man sitting in the co-pilot was studying the map in his hand.

Xu Qi Xiaotian next to Fang Chenyi really couldn't help but blinked at Fang Chenyi. When he reached out his hand, he also made a two-hand gesture, and said in a very small voice:


Fang Chenyi couldn't help but curled up his mouth when he saw it, and Qi Xiaotian nodded to indicate that he knew that the other party wanted 20,000.

When Qi Xiaotian saw that Brother Fang knew, he didn't say anything. He had his own plan to come to Brother Fang.

There must be a reason why Fang Chen Yiming knew it was 20,000, but returned 200,000 to the other party.

Fang Chenyi can see that this young man's family background is not very good, and he can figure it out if he thinks about it. After all, how many families can be rich in this environment?

20,000 yuan is likely to be a huge sum of money for them, but Fang Chenyi doesn't mind giving it more appeal.

In this way, the other party will be able to take oneself to find the location of the meteorite with more effort.

After all, for Fang Chenyi, there is no difference between 20,000 and 200,000.

After observing for a while, the young man took out a pencil in his pocket to mark on the map.

In a moment of effort, a long and winding line appeared on the map.And judging from its appearance, it seems to have circled a big circle around that point.

"We can just follow this route."

After the young man finished drawing, he put the pencil in his hand back into his pocket, snapped his fingers and handed the map to Fang Chenyi.

When Fang Chenyi took the map and looked at the tortuous route on it, he asked with some incomprehension:

"Why don't you choose the shortcut I marked? According to your route, we have to take at least three times the distance."

After hearing the words, the young man nodded, and said respectfully and excitedly in his mouth:

"Of course you can't take your route. Although the route you marked is close, it has already been blocked at this time.

My uncle used to take a group of people to the line before.However, even half of the road was not taken, and he was driven back.

And according to my uncle's news, those people are soldiers, and they said there is danger ahead and no one is allowed to approach."

Fang Chenyi naturally understood after hearing that, it must be Huaxia who was also worried about this meteorite.

I also don't want outside forces to interfere, and I don't want outsiders to share a piece of the pie.

However, the owner of this meteorite was originally Fang Chenyi, and Fang Chenyi naturally wanted to get it back.

Of course, if China really needs it after taking it back, he will not be stingy.

These are all things later, and the most important thing now is to find him first.

According to the youth, this road could not be taken, but Fang Chenyi couldn't guarantee that there was no guard on the line the youth said.

"Don't worry, since I drew this road, I can definitely lead you there. To be honest, no one knows this road except me. You see here and here, these two The quicksand activities in this place are so frequent that most people don't dare to walk here. However, I know a path that can avoid the quicksand. I just discovered it by accident before."

Fang Chenyi nodded after hearing the words. Since he chose to let the other party lead him, he had no other choice.

Waved his hand to indicate that the convoy could move forward, and then ten warriors began to slowly drive out of the town.

The weather today was very good, and there was no wind and sand, which made the youth and Fang Chenyi a long sigh of relief.

You know, the most common weather in this large desert is sandstorm.

A big sandstorm can change the direction of quicksand.

It is even said that a sand pile of hundreds of meters may disappear after a sandstorm.Similarly, a flat place is likely to become a sand hill after a sandstorm.

This is the most dangerous in the desert.

Time passed a little bit.

The warrior raised a yellow salon in the endless desert.

At noon, the convoy stopped slowly on a very flat and open sand surface.

Everyone jumped out of the car one after another, took out the water bag and started drinking.

However, everyone was very experienced, and no one took a gulp, but only took a few sips before carefully putting away the water bottle.

After all, in this endless desert, no one knows how long to stay, no one knows whether there will be water to drink in the next moment, even if the water in the team is very sufficient.

Seeing everyone's actions, the young man couldn't help but nodded, and gave Fang Chenyi a thumbs-up:

"Your people are really amazing. This is the best group of people I have ever seen. Ha ha, before my eldest brother took a team that was well prepared and entered the desert, but they didn't take a day I'm back. Do you know why?"

While stepping on the yellow sand leisurely, Fang Chenyi admired the peculiar style of the desert, and said lightly, "Hehe, the water is gone."

The youth couldn't help but gave Fang Chenyi again thumbs up:

"Yes, you're right. They brought a full half a month of water, and they squandered it in a day. According to my brother, he came back and told me that they did not hesitate to use the precious water because they rejected the heat. Of water to wash your hair.

To be honest, I was originally worried that you would do the same.If it is really like that, I really won't get 200,000.

But now, I feel that 200,000 is closer to me."

In fact, speaking of it, the young man is still considering whether he can get the 200,000.

After all, 200,000 is no less than an ordinary person who won a 5 million lottery ticket for him.

The car stopped for a row, and everyone sat on the shady side of the car to rest.Everyone did not have vigorous activities, but maintained their physical strength.

Even King Kong who could not be idle at first.At this time, he was lying in the shade of the car, feeling a little listless.

A quarter of an hour later, with Qi Xiaotian's order, everyone got into the car.

But this time, the driver of each car has been changed, which is also to avoid fatigue driving.

Just an hour after Fang Chenyi's motorcade drove out, he saw a sentry on the flat desert in front of him.

In this endless desert, it is obviously impossible to go around it. After all, when Fang Chenyi and others discovered this post, the post also saw Fang Chenyi's caravan from a distance.

"Stop! Going inside is the desert quicksand area, it's dangerous! You can't go inside anymore, please go back!"

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