The first time I saw him, I couldn't help but laugh, but he turned his head and asked with an uncertain face.

"Dad, we have a deal, I can give you this motorcycle, but you can not find my back account ah."

The son's back of the head, not good-natured, patted a little: "You son of a bitch.

"Why are you so stubborn, hurry up. I still have to go to work later."

All the way even chatting, soon came to the basement, looking at the two brand new Kawasaki h2, the old party that a pair of eyes immediately lit up.

The two brand-new Kawasaki h2, looking at the two brand-new, the pair of eyes of the old party immediately lit up. Also regardless of Fang Chen Yi and behind the daughter-in-law, step towards the locomotive rushed over.

A face carefully stroked it. The cold and smooth body, the mouth can not help but murmur.

"Oops, it's beautiful! It's so handsome, how cool it would be to ride out. Hey, but it's poor you, how did it get into the hands of that bastard. Look at your dirty body, the soil has fallen so thick. I'll give you a good wash later on."

That look that tone, that action, simply, look at the side of Fang Chen Yi can not help but some jealousy.

Carefully around the locomotive around the two circles, the old party simply directly across the sit on it.

Soon, the sound of a motorcycle engine came from the basement.

And see the old party to ride out, next to the Queen of Fang immediately handed over the clothes in his hands. The mouth is not good enough to scold said.

"How old are you, still acting like a child."

After hearing this, the old party immediately shrank in fear and hurriedly took the clothes handed over by his daughter-in-law and put them on, then his face showed a sarcastic expression.

The old mother saw the situation after just a hum and did not pay attention to him. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The next time, it was natural for Dad to ride his motorcycle around the villa area in a big circle.

At the end of the day, with an excited face, he parked it at the entrance of the first villa, and only then excitedly walked into the villa.

Even if his face had been blown red by that cold wind, he did not care at all.

"Hey, this is too cool, this car riding really strong ah."

Sitting on the sofa, Fang Chen Yi and Fang's mother looked at their dad who walked in with an excited face.

Fang's mother simply did not pay attention to him, but continued to put his eyes on Fang Chenyi and said.

"Come on, don't worry about your dad, is it done yet? Your game helmet is not for me to try it on?"

Seeing Fang's mother's appearance, Fang's father walked over quickly with a flattering smile.

"Hey, don't be angry, I'm just riding around, let's go, I'll take you to the company."

After fawning over his mother, he turned his attention to his son, but he did glare at Fang Chen Yi.

This time, let Fang Chen Yi a little speechless, how they are lying again.

Of course, now he is not afraid of Dad. After all, there is a mother around, to back himself up it: "No, Dad I did not.

"The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are doing. The one who didn't give you a good look was my mother. Why are you still glaring at me?"

The first time I heard Fang Chen Yi's words, my mother, who had already turned her head away, suddenly glared. The old comrade Fang shivered and hurriedly opened his mouth with a shy smile and said.

"Hey, you do not listen to this brat nonsense ah, I did not glare at him. That what, you see the time is also late, how about we go to the company together."

After Fang's mother heard the words. The main is not good white Fang glance, the tone is a little unkindly said.

"You still know it's late, you know it's late, you still have to ride that motorcycle?"

This sentence said the old comrade Fang is dumb, opened his mouth several times do not know how to answer.

At this time, the next Fang Chen Yi did not hold a grudge because the old comrade Fang glared at him, and hurriedly rounded up and said.

"Aiya, Aiya, my father just like it, you do not have to see him in general, come on. I've already done it, you put it on to try."

The game helmet in his hand was handed to his mother on the sofa, and she glared fiercely at Comrade Lao Fang, then took the helmet and wore it directly on her head.

And after seeing the old mother will put on the helmet, Fang Chenyi is to invite the merit of the gaze to the side of the old Fang comrades, mouth is with the mouth to say.

"How? Your son still has to do it, right?"

This time the old party also learned smart, directly to the son gave a thumbs up. The two men then looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh silently.

A few moments later, the old mother with the game helmet suddenly body slightly relaxed, leaned on the sofa and lost movement.

This startled the old party next to him. He rushed forward to check the condition of Fang's mother.

Fang Chenyi was stunned to see this, and took off the game helmet from his mother's head. Take a closer look, old mother at this time is very steady breathing, obviously should be asleep.

Although the previous repeatedly and Xiao Ling to determine will not have any side effects on the human body, but now appeared in the body of the mother, Fang Chen Yi also inevitably nervous up.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, my mom just fell asleep, she'll be fine after a while. You put my mom flat on the sofa on the line, or carry to the bedroom is okay."

Fang Chen Yi's words finished, old comrade Fang will look at Fang Chen Yi, although the eyes are very doubtful, but still no reason, but a hand will reach out. Daughter-in-law picked up and walked towards the bedroom.

Waiting to put his lover on the bed in the bedroom to settle, which turned back to the living room to look at this Fang Chen Yi opened his mouth and asked.

"You brat, what the hell is going on here. How did your mother fall asleep for a good reason?"

If not for the fact that the person in front of him is his son, know that he will not harm his own two people in any case, otherwise the old party will definitely not be so calm, I'm afraid that already shouted to play 120.

Fang Chen Yi has just taken the game helmet off his head at this time.

In order to know the state of the old mother, he deliberately entered the game helmet and Xiao Ling made some inquiries.

After learning that it is only because of the physical quality of the old mother and the development of the brain is only an ordinary person's level, after instilling so much knowledge inevitably will enter a dormant state, he completely put down his heart.

Now faced with. Dad's inquiry, Fang Chen Yi is heartlessly reveal a smile to, while raising his hands of the game helmet while speaking.

"Hey, you old man try it yourself, do not know it, how Dad, dare not try it?"

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